

中文摘要 依據「九十三年度歸仁輕航機噪音防制區劃定計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下: 本計畫執行團隊依據計畫目標與工作項目之需求,進行各項工作之執行,主要工作內容計有六項包括:歸仁基地航空噪音影響分析、臨時監測工作、歸仁基地航空噪音防制區劃定工作、歸仁基地審查及巡查作業、噪音儀組校正檢定作業及室內航空噪音審核作業等項目。本計畫自93年11月起執行至95年1月25日止,已執行期滿,針對各項工作之執行,皆已完成且有具體成果。 本計畫執行期間已針對歸仁基地所申報之93年第3季至94年第4季資料各季航空噪音監測申報資料進行彙整分析,就各監測站噪音變化趨勢、飛航動態資料及等噪音線影響變化等進行分析說明。目前歸仁基地之航空噪音影響範圍尚僅限於基地所在之歸仁鄉七甲村內。並針對機場周圍地區完成共計24點次航空噪音臨時監測工作,此次已完成之監測作業中,經與飛航動態資料比對後監測結果,各監測點之監測結果皆尚未達第一級航空噪音防制區之標準。另更配合環保局執行一次交通噪音量測作業。 有關防制區劃定作業項目中,於計畫期間依各季歸仁基地申報資料配合臨時監測結果擬出劃定草案,並於環保局及歸仁鄉公所共計辦理三場次劃定說明會之召開,且協助環保局完成公開閱覽並已於95年3月7日正式完成公告作業,首次歸仁基地航空噪音防制區劃定範圍為歸仁鄉七甲村納入第一級航空防制區內,歸仁基地納入第二級航空噪音防制區。在其它各項工作項目中,本計畫共計進行3次機場巡查作業、完成4組移動式噪音計校正檢定工作及擬定「室內航空噪音審核作業」之流程與量測方法供環保局參考,針對各項執行成果皆於報告書中進行完整說明。
中文關鍵字 歸仁機場,航空噪音,防制區


專案計畫編號 EPA-93211 經費年度 093 計畫經費 1120 千元
專案開始日期 2004/10/26 專案結束日期 2006/01/25 專案主持人 吳立偉
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 必凱科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告簡版.pdf 0MB [期末報告]

2004 Queiren Heliport Noise Control Zone Planning Project

英文摘要 Contract regulation of the basis '2004 The Queiren Heliport Noise Control Zone Planning Project.' (hereafter referred to this project ), this project every work carries out the achievement summary as follows: This project group according to the goal of the project and demand for the working project, carrying on the execution of every work, the groundwork content has six items to include: (1) The aviation noise of the Queiren Heliport influences and analyses,(2) airport noise temporary monitoring, (3) the Queiren Heliport noise control zone planning, (4) the Queiren Heliport monitoring system check, (5) noise instrument Calibration, and (6) indoor aviation noise verify ,etc., such projects as the homework. This project since November of 2004 till January 25 , 2005, had already carried out and expired, had directed against the execution of every work, have all already finished and had concrete achievements. During this project period had already summary the Queiren Heliport monitoring seasonal report, which form 2004Q3 to 2005Q4. And analyze the every season’s aviation noise effect such as it is noise per monitoring station for variation tendency, flight information change, the noise contour moving ,etc.. The heliport aviation noise coverage , limited to Queiren Heliport in the Queiren township Liu-jia village in it only still at present . And finish the surrounding area of the airport 24 temporary monitoring of aviation noise, this time monitoring when it finish already among the works, through compared with flight information to behind monitor by result, the monitoring result of every monitoring point has not been all up to the standard of defending the making area of the first aviation noise yet. Additional, cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out of one set traffic noise monitoring examine work. During the work item for planning heliport control zone, the project group have draw up the draft plan according to the seasonal report by heliport and reference to the temporary monitoring data. And also handled the 3 times convocation meeting to the Environmental Protection Agency at Queiren Administration Office. And help the Bureau of Environment Protection Tainan Country finishing the announcement homework formally on March 7 , 2005 publicly ,The first edition for Queiren Heliport noise control zoning planning range for Queiren Heliport at the Queiren township Liu-jia village was included in the first grade, the Queiren Heliport was included in the second grade area. In other working projects , this project carries on the airport 3 times for airport noise monitoring system checking, finish 4 instrument’s calibration work, and propose draft procedure and quantity on ' indoor aviation noise verify procedure ' not to examine the method for Environmental Protection Agency's reference to assay to correct to count, carrying out the achievement and all carrying on intact in the report to several proves.
英文關鍵字 Heliport , noise, control zone