

中文摘要 本次調查主要目的為瞭解民眾對「水污染防治費徵收」各項措施贊成度及相關意見,提供環保署研擬政策與修訂後續推動計畫之參考依據。以各縣市家戶為調查單位,家中戶長或配偶,或家庭支出費用分攤者之民眾為訪問對象。 調查期間為94年3月3日至3月18日及95年2月27日至3月13日。採電話訪問方式進行調查,以分層隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,二次調查完成有效樣本數皆為2,400人,在95%的信心水準內,總體抽樣誤差為正負2.00個百分點。 二次調查結果如下: 民眾認為工廠廢水為生活環境中的主要水污染源,其次為家庭廢水與畜牧廢水。八成五以上的民眾贊成政府向工廠徵收水污染防治費。八成三的民眾表示贊成政府向養豬場徵收水污染防治費。若先向工廠、養豬場徵收再向家戶徵收水污染防治費,四成六的民眾表示贊成,五成二的民眾表示不贊成。若向工廠、養豬場與家戶一同徵收水污染防治費,甚至先向家戶徵收,二成二的民眾表示認同,七成三的民眾表示不認同。 若告知民眾家庭污水排出之污染量高達全國污染總量二分之一之情形時,四成九的民眾贊成政府向家戶徵收水污染防治費,四成九的民眾表示不贊成。不贊成向家戶徵收水污染防治費的主要原因以「一般家戶用水不會造成嚴重污染,不應收費」的比率較高,其次為「經濟負擔重,不贊成額外收費」。知道家庭污水為生活環境中水污染源的民眾,贊成向家戶徵收水污染防治費的比率較認為家庭污水不是污染源的民眾高。 七成二的民眾表示可以接受每戶每月繳交90元水污染防治費,二成五的民眾不能接受。九成以上民眾贊成家戶繳水污染防治費時隨自來水費徵收。整體而言,八成七以上民眾支持污染者繳水污染防治費,而民眾建議徵收之水污染防治費,應優先使用在改善飲用水水質的比例最高。
中文關鍵字 水污染防治費,民意調查,工廠、養豬場、家戶


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-G104-02-218 經費年度 094 計畫經費 480 千元
專案開始日期 2005/02/21 專案結束日期 2006/04/30 專案主持人 周佩華
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 異視行銷顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 水污染防治費徵收民意調查報告.pdf 3MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Poll Survey on Charge Imposition for Preventing from Water Pollution

英文摘要 The purpose of these two surveys is to understand public’s willing to support and to co-operate with Environment Protection Association’s (EPA’s) policy regarding to charge for preventing from water pollution. The results will be the references of EPA’s upcoming policies. The interviewees of these surveys should be heads of households, their spouses, or residents who are responsible for household expenditures. These surveys were carried out by phone interview within two time-periods, March 2005 and March 2006, and had valid samples 2,400, respectively, samples selected from Layered Random Method. Based on the statistic of 95% confidence level, the standard deviation is ±2%. The important findings from these studies are as below: Most people believe that the major polluting sources are industrial wastewater, wastewater discharged from households, and wastewater from stock raisers. Above 85% of interviewees agree that government should charge manufacturers for prevention of water pollution. 83% of interviewees agree that government should charge pig farmers for prevention of water pollution. As to the issue that government should first charge manufacturers and pig farmers for prevention of water pollution and then charge households, 46.7% of interviewees agree, while 51.9% of them disagree. As to the issue that government should, at the same time, charge manufacturers, pig farmers, as well as households for prevention of water pollution, 22.8% of interviewees agree, while 73.3% of them disagree. After knowing that wastewater discharged from households is the major polluting source (about 50% of total pollution measure), 49% of interviewees say that they will agree on the issue that households should be charged for prevention of water pollution, while 49% of interviewees still disagree. The main reason of disagreeing with this policy, charge for prevention of water pollution, is wastewater from households won’t pollute water. Second, their financial burden is too heavy to pay additional charge. People know that wastewater discharged from households is the major water-polluting source, agree that households should be charged. 72.1% of interviewees agree that it is acceptable to be charged NT$90 per month for prevention of water pollution, while 24.9% of them disagree. Above 90.0% of interviewees agree that the fee collected to treat water pollution could be gathered along with tap water bill. Overall, 87% of interviewees agree that water polluters should be charged for prevention of water pollution. Most interviewees suggest that fee collected from polluters should be used in improving drinking water quality.
英文關鍵字 charge for preventing from water pollution, poll survey, manufacturers、pig farmers、households