

中文摘要 本計畫?改善環保署進口責任業者管理制度,分別從現有機制及未來發展研擬相關之建議及規劃,並且就回收清除處理費邊境收費問題進行可行性評估。 本計畫在提升海關通關作業控管環保署公告列管責任物機制方面,所工作之成果主要有以下三方面: 1. 針對國內1562家報關業者進行問卷調查,了解主管機關指定代碼落實程度及業者執行之困難。 2. 分別於基隆、台北、台中、高雄四地舉辦四場報關業者座談會,向業者宣導填寫主管機關指定代碼之意義及方式,並蒐集業者對於責任物管制之建議。 3. 建立稅則號列分及管理制度,將現行責任物之稅則號列依其管理難易度分為四個等級,並且分別給予不同之管理建議 在規劃未來控管進口公告應回收責任物改善方案方面,本研究分別針對跨部會合作以及隨物進口兩點提出以下之規劃與建議:首先,規劃責任業者管理制度納入經濟部國貿局貿易便捷話計畫之中,透過電子化的簽審作業模式強化對進口責任物的管理。其次,建議從精進相關稅則號列管理、強化主管機關指定代碼運作、加入簽審作業等方式提升對於隨物進口責任物的掌握程度。 最後在海關代徵回收清除處理費可行性評估方面,本研究經過法規、實務及基金管理三方面的探討後,認為此措施目前並不具現實上之可行性,建議從其他方式強化基金徵收作業。若是執意要採用此一邊境收費制度,則必須對回收清除處理費課費方式及課費標準加以一致化及簡單化,始有施行之空間。
中文關鍵字 輸入、回收清除處理費、海關


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-HA12-03-A220 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2005/07/29 專案結束日期 2006/03/31 專案主持人 沈弘文
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 饒河管理顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA044940719.pdf 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Planning Project to Investigate and Improve the Management System of Importers Which are Subject to Mandatory Recycling Legal Responsibility.

英文摘要 This research project studies the current management system of importers who are subject to mandatory recycling legal responsibilities. This project first investigates the current status and implementation problems, and also provides suggestions for future improvements. Finally, this project reaches three major conclusions: 1. In the issue of increasing the short-term improvements of the control of imported products which are subject to mandatory recycling requirements, in order to analyze the current problems based on a systematic approach and to increase the mutual understandings between the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and customs clearing agencies, this projects surveys the opinions of 1562 customs clearing agencies and also held 4 conferences in Kee-Lung, Tao-Yung, Tai-Chuang, and Kao-Hsiung to communicate with customs clearing brokers all over Taiwan. This project also suggests to classify the recycling related CCC codes into 4 groups, and this project submits short-term management advices for each groups. 2. In the issue of improving and increasing the future long-term controls of imported products which are subject to mandatory recycling requirements, because our governments has established “the Project Facilitating Cross-Border Paperless Trading and Customs Clearance” to replace the old Customs System since 2005, this project suggests that the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) should link the EPA importer management system with “Trade Facilitation E Webs,” which is managed by the Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 3. In the issue of whether the Customs may help the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to collect the recycling fees, this project suggests that it has no feasibility in the current situations. There are two things have to be changed before the Customs can collect recycling fees for the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA): First, the laws have been modified and authorized the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and the Customs to do so. Second, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has to simplify the current complicated calculation formula of recycling fees; otherwise, it will severely slows the customs clearance processes of importing goods.
英文關鍵字 Importation; Recycling Fees; Customs