

中文摘要 依據本計畫之產出再生料組成分析結果,鐵金屬占再生料總產出之29.4%最高;玻璃占27.1%居其次;塑膠佔25%。 廢鋼取自國內之比例降至約60%,國外進口比例增加至約40%,2005年由應回收廢棄物體系取得之廢鐵量僅佔年消費量約1.67%。 近年PET、PP 和PE 等之回收/處理量逐年成長,而PVC 和PS 等之回收/處理量則逐年減少。本計畫另以10 個PET塑膠破碎後產出之再生料為樣本進行測試。 近年廢輪胎的處理量減少,現行最主要的應用方式為輔助燃料。另國內廢玻璃最主要之來源為廢玻璃容器,佔再生料來源約88%,廢玻璃容器、廢照明光源、廢電視機和廢電腦監視器之回收處理量略有下降。 根據品質提升技術可行性評估,選出玻璃、PE/PP塑膠及橡膠三項為建議提升品質及技術以加強去化管道之材質。 依實際調查結果,國內玻璃製造商對於回收廢車玻璃作為原料替代並不積極,主要為成本因素與膠合玻璃特性之影響。 廢鐵容器已由以往直接流向電弧爐煉鋼廠轉向廢車粉碎廠,但是其處理量僅約達回收量60%。 再生料可替代原料的比例及品質的穩定性、耐用性,是為處理業者最為重視的問題。 歐盟相關指令現階段對於國內回收處理業者之處理容量填補幫助有限。 本計畫舉辦二場次公告應回收廢棄物再生料資訊交流會議,議題包括資源回收法規、廢塑膠再利用、廢液晶面板之處理和汽車綠色設計技術對回收拆解作業之影響。
中文關鍵字 應回收廢棄物、再生料、歐盟廢棄物回收指令


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-HA15-03-A169 經費年度 094 計畫經費 3100 千元
專案開始日期 2006/04/01 專案結束日期 2006/03/31 專案主持人 陳冠中
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-定稿_950606.pdf 18MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Investigation, Analysis and Application for the Regenerated Product Market of Announced Recycled Wastes

英文摘要 The results of investigation showed that by analyzing the components of regenerated wastes, the iron, glass and plastics contribute 29.4%, 27.1%, and 25% in 2005, respectively. In Taiwan, the ratio of domestic and imported shredded steel and irons is about 60% to 40%. In 2005, the amounts of the shredded steel and irons that comes from regenerated industries regulated by authorities only contributes 1.67% of annual shredded steel and irons consumption. In these years, the recycled and regenerated amounts of PET, PP, and PE are increasing. However, the recycled and regenerated amounts of PVC and PS are reducing. In this project, there are 10 regenerated PET samples were taken and analyzed. The regenerated amounts of wasted tires are decreasing from 2002. The main application of recycled waste tires is burned as assisted fuels. The main sources of recycled glasses in Taiwan are glass containers, it contributes almost 88% to the whole recycled glasses market. According to the results of evaluation by this project, we suggest that the first three priority of items are glass, PE/PP plastics, and rubber. The amounts of reused laminated glasses are not significant. The high capital and operating costs of regeneration of wind shield glasses make it difficult. The policy of waste iron containers treated by wasted automobile shredded plants is successful. The waste treatment industries focus on improving the stability and durability of the regenerated materials, and the ratio of regenerated material used in the product by relevant industries. The impact of WEEE and ELVs directives on Taiwan’s waste recycling and regeneration industries are not significantly as so far. Two workshops were held on January 2006. The topic of these two workshop include waste recycling and regeneration regulations, the latest wasted plastic recycling and regeneration technologies, the lasted wasted LCD recycling and regeneration technologies, and the green design of ELVs.
英文關鍵字 Regenerated materials, WEEE, ELVs