

中文摘要 本計畫主要執行燃煤發電鍋爐、水泥旋窯、燒結爐、電弧爐重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷)及半導體業重金屬(砷)煙道排氣檢測,並依檢測數據進行重金屬排放係數及排放量推估、汞物種流布分析調查、健康風險評估等工作,同時,評估及彙整國外現有及開發中之重金屬污染防制技術,以提供環保署未來訂定管制規範之參考。 統計環保署歷年執行計畫已完成87座固定污染源重金屬排氣檢測,推估其重金屬排放係數及排放量,發現國內重金屬汞主要污染來源包括:水泥旋窯、都市垃圾焚化爐、電弧爐及燃煤發電鍋爐等。 而在汞物種流布分析調查方面,完成燃煤發電鍋爐、水泥旋窯及電弧爐各一座,以瞭解製程中汞主要來源與分布。其中燃煤發電鍋爐汞的質量平衡為95.7%,汞主要來自於燃料煤(97.2%),排放後的汞則殘留於飛灰(63.8%)中;電弧爐汞的質量平衡為164.5%, 汞主要來自於廢鋼(59.8%)及合金料(31.9%),排放後的汞主要殘留於電弧爐集塵灰(82.9%);水泥旋窯汞的質量平衡為53.5%,汞主要來自於石灰石(75.6%),而大部分的汞殘留於旋窯系統中的生料,由於汞為揮發性重金屬,在旋窯系統中較低溫區容易凝結而形成內循環。 由健康風險評估結果顯示,除了和平電廠(1.13×10-6)及水泥旋窯(1.75×10-6)略高於安全值外,其他煙囪致癌風險及非致癌風險皆小於一般公認之安全值,主要是砷排放濃度略高所致,但因檢測數據有限,尚有待更多檢測數據加以佐證。另外,依風險評估結果及國外相關管制法規,完成研擬「燃煤鍋爐汞污染物排放標準草案」,提供環保署參考。
中文關鍵字 燃煤發電廠,水泥旋窯,燒結廠,電弧爐,重金屬,汞,砷


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-FA12-03-A206 經費年度 094 計畫經費 9400 千元
專案開始日期 2005/05/18 專案結束日期 2006/04/30 專案主持人 黃志峰
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院 黃志峰


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 固定污染源重金屬排放量調查與控制技術評估及減量管制策略研擬.pdf 4MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Inventory of Heavy Metal Emission from Stationary Source, the Evaluation of Control Technology and the Strategies of Management and Reduction of Heavy Metals.

英文摘要 In this project, we implemented the emission inventory of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg and As) for the coal-fired power plants, cement kilns, sinter plants and electric arc furnace. Besides, arsenic emission inventory from the semiconductor plants was also done. We have finished the emission factors, emission inventories and risk assessment of heavy metal. We also evaluated the mercury distribution and collected the method for the reduction of heavy metal. Based on the sampling databases of the Taiwan EPA, we found the main heavy metal emission sources are cement kilns, municipal solid waste incinerator, electric arc furnace and coal-fired power plant. We also investigated and analyzed the distribution of mercury for a coal-fired power plant, cement kiln and electric arc furnace. We found that mercury mass balance was about 95.7 % and 97.2 percent of mercury was from the coals for coal-fired power plant. After all the coal was burned, 63.8 percent of the mercury was in the fly ash. For the electric arc furnace, mercury mass balance was about 164.5 % and the main mercury source was from the steel scraps (59.8%) and alloy materials (31.9%). 82.9 percent of the mercury was in the fly ash after melting. The mercury mass balance for the cement kiln was only 53.5%. 75.6 percent of the mercury was from the limestone. Most of the mercury will be in the cement product. The results of the risk assessment of heavy metals for the stationary pollution source indicated that carcinogenic risks and non-carcinogenic risks of the heavy metal were both lower than the standard of health risk 10-6 except the Hoping power plant (1.13×10-6) and Hoping cement kiln plant (1.75×10-6). It may be attributed the fact that the emission concentrations of arsenic were higher. Due to the sampling data was few; heavy metal sampling is necessary in the future. Besides, we have collected the strategies of management and control of heavy metals by other countries and finished the draft of the mercury emission limit for the coal-fired power plant and then gave Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) the suggestion of the related policy.
英文關鍵字 Coal-fired power plant,Cement kiln,Sinter plant,Electric arc furnace, Heavy metals,Mercury,Arsenic