

中文摘要 一、建置資料及研訂追蹤考核辦法 (一)蒐集完成93年度以前臺南縣由環保署及本縣空氣污染防制基金補助設置完成之空氣品質淨化區69處之基本資料 (二)標定各空品淨化區之座標。 (三)推估空品淨化區CO2吸收量約502.90 公噸/年。 (四)參考委員意見及環保署95年度空氣品質淨化區管理考核之相關原則,研訂「本縣95年度空氣品質淨化區經營維護管理考核原則」 二、空氣品質淨化區考核 (一)針對歷年來環保署及本縣空氣污染防制基金補助設置完成之69處空氣品質淨化區,完成94年各1次之追蹤考核。94年自行考評特別重於過去考核意見之改善追蹤及植栽之生長維護,部份樹穴之植栽已有顯著改善,過去發現枯死之植栽多已完成補植。94年考評意見皆發文責成相關單位改善,建議下年度加強追蹤,整合建議項目及檢討於下,: 1.在植栽養護以發揮淨化功能方面 (1)部份植栽生長情形欠佳,建議加強澆水、施肥及修剪 (2)淹水及颱風使少數植栽枯死或傾倒,建議加以補植或扶正。 (3)部份樹穴裸露,建議加以綠化。 (4)樹穴植物應加以修剪。 2.在硬體設施之維護方面 (1)多數未設告示牌。 (2)部份告示牌字跡模糊,建議維護或增設告示牌。 3.在民眾參與方面 建議能加強與社區結合加入認養。 4.在環境清潔方面 部份環境髒亂,建議加強清理維護。 (二)將94年第二批自行考核成果製成書面報告於94年9月提送至環保署。將94年全年之自行考核成果製成年終綜合成果報告(包含光碟)於94年12月15日前提送環保署。 (三)由94年之空氣品質淨化區平時自行考核選出優異前10處列為年終考核。 (四)94年12月9日及23日邀請專家學者及相關單位組成「空氣品質淨化區維護管理年終考核小組」進行實地考評,選出最績優之5處,於95年4月7日之研討會中頒獎表揚。 (五)於95年4月完成95年第一批15處之自行考核,並製成95年度自行考評第一次成果報告提送環保署。 三、辦理觀摩會1場及說明會1場 四、其他相關作業 (一)輔導新化鎮公所及七股鄉公所規劃擬向環保署申請之補助計畫,研訂3項計畫之架構資料,提供公所參考使用。 (二)設計台南縣空氣品質淨化區網頁。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區,維護考核


專案計畫編號 EPA-94206 經費年度 094 計畫經費 2100 千元
專案開始日期 2005/05/13 專案結束日期 2006/05/12 專案主持人 張璞
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 中鼎工程股份有限公司 張璞


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期未報告.pdf 43MB [期末報告]

2005 Tainan County Air Quality Cleaning Zones Auditing Project

英文摘要 1.Establish the Databank of Tainan County Air Quality Cleaning Zones and the Method of Pursuance and Auditing (1)The databank of 69 Air Quality Cleaning Zones was established. (2)The coordinates of 69 Air Quality Cleaning Zones were found. (3)The CO2 absorption by 69 Air Quality Cleaning Zones is about 502.9 tons/yr. (4)Based on the suggestions from commissioners and the 2006 auditing method of R.O.C. EPA, we established “2006 Tainan County air quality cleaning zones management and auditing method”. 2.The Auditing of Air Quality Cleaning Zones (1)Every air quality cleaning zone was audited at least once per year in 2005. We made improvements based on the follow-up items from 2004. More trees and shrubs were planted on the empty holes on the ground, and the dead trees were replanted. The 2005 comments for the management of air guality cleaning zones were summarized as follows: A.On the cultivation i.Appropriate watering, fertilizing, and clipping were recommended on withering plants. ii. We suggested to replant the trees that were toppled and fell by flooding and typhoon. iii.We suggested to plant over uncovered holes in the ground. iv.We suggested to trim the trees and shrubs more often. B.On the maintenance of facilities Many air quality cleaning zones do not have billboards, and the penmanship of some billboards is blear. We recommended to maintain and add more billboards. C.On the community participation Community participation was recommended on taking care of the plant. D.On the cleaning of environment We recommended to clean and maintain the environmentaround the air quality cleaning zones. (2)The 2nd report on self-auditing in 2005 was delivered in Sep. 2005. The summary report on self-auditing in 2005 was delivered on Dec. 15, 2005. (3)10 outstanding air quality cleaning zones were chosen for the final annual auditing. (4)The final annual auditing group, composed of specialists and scholars, selected the best 5 air quality cleaning zones in Dec. 2005. The best 5 air quality cleaning zones were praised in public at the air quality management workshop on April 7 , 2006. (5)15 air guality cleaning zones were audited and the 1st report on self-auditing in 2006 was delivered to R.O.C. EPA in April 2006. 3.Hold one Inspection Meeting and one Illustration Meeting 4. Other Related Issues (1)We prepared the structure of 3 projects for Sin-Hua Urban Township Office and Nan-Hua Urban Township Office to apply for the support from R.O.C. EPA to build new air quality cleaning zone.. (2)We designed the homepage of Tainan County air quality cleaning zone.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Cleaning Zones,Auditing