

中文摘要 結合環保署現有環保標章資訊站,增加民眾對環保產品的認知,並建立環保產品的線上購物管道,提高環保產品的使用率,促進民眾重視並力行環境保護,環保署於94年建置「環保產品綠色採購網」,以網路新興科技帶動使用環保產品的風潮,建立民眾在生活中實踐環保的消費習慣。 環保產品綠色採購網自94年12月5日啟用至95年5月25日期間,交易筆數以清潔用品佔79% 最多,顯示低單價的清潔用品有較大線上購物成長空間。這些清潔用品,一般門市量販店不易見到販售,而且現有電子商店也未見販售,因此綠色採購網便成一個良好的銷售管道。但依據網友反應,雖然有意購買這些環保清潔用品,可惜一次得購買包裝份量遠高於一般家庭消費量,因此購買意願受到影響,未來應該可以宣導集購綠色清潔用品概念,並且繼續加強企業大量採購。 從Google與國內三大入口搜尋引擎的排名來看,綠色採購網已經得到相當高的知名度,民眾只要鍵入『綠色採購』就可以在搜尋引擎第一到第五項結果內看到『綠色採購網』,對於廣宣預算非常有限的『綠色採購網』計畫,運用大多數人使用的搜尋引擎來進行本站廣宣,可說具有實質效益卻又不花費過高的廣告成本。
中文關鍵字 環保標章,綠色消費,線上購物


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-H103-02-131 經費年度 094 計畫經費 850 千元
專案開始日期 2006/01/02 專案結束日期 2006/06/30 專案主持人 張耀仁
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 執行單位 蕃薯藤數位科技股份公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-94-H103-02-131.pdf 4MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Operation and Management of online shopping website for green consumption

英文摘要 In order to raise the environmental awareness, to encourage the purchase of green products, and to become accustomed to green consumption on a daily basis among the general public,the Environmental Protection Administration has launched the“Green Procurement Website”through a project“The Management of the Green Procurement Website”which project period was from December 5, 2005 to June 30, 2006. Among all online transactions, cleaning products represent the major purchase at 79%. Obviously, products of lower price have higher potential for the growth in on-line shopping than all other goods. According to the responses from the website, consumers are willing to buy these environment friendly cleaning products, but the minimum subscribed volume is always beyond the needs of consumers. This purchasing behavior will be diminished. To integrate the subscription for the consumers and to encourage the enterprise to purchase the green products should be kept reinforcing. The ”Green Procurement Website”is always ranked in the top five among the net-surfers of the Yam, Google, Yahoo, and Pchome,It It is evident that the website is well known. Although the Project did not spend any budget in advertisement, it definitely has gained high visibility in green consumption through its”Green Procurement Website”.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark,Green Consumption,Online Shopping