

中文摘要 為落實永續台灣的理念,陳總統於94年7月5日與環保團體座談會上,允諾將召開國家永續發展會議;另依據行政院國家永續發展委員會第20次委員會議決議,有關國家永續發展會議召開事宜,請行政院環境保護署規劃後由該會辦理。 本計畫工作目標為完成「國家永續發展會議」討論題綱及預擬解決對策;舉辦北、中、南、東分區座談會、預備會議及「國家永續發展會議」以及完成「國家永續發展會議」成果報告與行動方案。 本次會議結合民間團體與政府部門力量及資源,帶動各地相關團體熱烈參與,初步估計超過4,000人以上的參與,蒐集1272項的議題,並於全國大會發表「267項共識結論」、「53項未達共識結論」、提出「2006國家永續發展會議--邁向永續台灣宣言」及行動方案,本計劃將相關文件以及檢討事項公佈上網,期盼全國各界在此共識的基礎上,朝國家永續發展的目標大步邁進。
中文關鍵字 永續發展、國家永續發展會議、行動方案


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-E102-02-210 經費年度 094 計畫經費 3889 千元
專案開始日期 2005/11/25 專案結束日期 2006/07/31 專案主持人 劉志成
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 國家永續發展政策配套措施可行性探討.pdf 23MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The feasibility study of National Policy and related Strateges for Sustainability Developent.

英文摘要 In response to the call from environmental groups in Taiwan, President Chen promised on 5th July 2005 that government would convene National Conference on Environmental Action Plan towards Sustainability. Consequently, the National Council for Sustainable Development in the Executive Yuan passed the resolution during the 20th committee, and requested Environmental Protection Agency to be in charge of the organization of the Conference. Major objectives of the project include: formulating agenda and the possible strategies and action plans of the conference; convening four regional forums, preparatory meeting, National Conference and final report. To sum up, this project involved above 4,000 participants, collected more than 1,272 commands, convened about 100 county and regional conferences and published 267 items of conclusion with a common consensus, 53 items of conclusion with a non-common consensus, declaration of sustainable development—National Conference on Environmental Action Plan towards Sustainability in 2006 and the action plan. This project also published all of related documents in Internet. It is expected that the whole country makes great strides in the way of sustainable development starting from achievements and foundation of this reference.
英文關鍵字 Action plan, national conference, sustainable development, Taiwan.