

中文摘要 一、本(95)年度至11月30日止,共完成汽油車、柴油車及機車計55,669輛進口車驗證核章作業,以合格證明申請驗證核章計50,734輛,以逐車測試報告申請驗證核章計4,935輛。 二、進口車數量與94年度比較,汽油汽車衰退32.1%,其中進口國外使用中汽油車數量衰退53.54%,機車數量成長21.4%及柴油車數量成長17.9%,其中柴小客之成長趨勢相當明顯。 三、共執行27輛實車查核工作,以合格證明申請驗證核章之查核數量為24輛,以逐車測試報告申請驗證核章之查核數量為3輛,均與申請文件相符。 四、95年8月10日起,不再核發汽油汽車及柴油汽車之紙本完(免)稅證明書,核章章戳的執行方式已以電子傳輸資料取代,機車則維持原蓋章戳作業。 五、至95年11月30日止,申請核章退件數共188件(444輛),與94年度1,300輛退件數相比較,已有明顯之降低。 六、配合海關95年4月份起開始透過「創新e化服務-汽車進口服務」系統傳輸汽油車及柴油完稅資料,自8月10起公告完稅資料無紙化作業實施,本計畫已完成配合接收及傳輸作業,系統透過e政府平台接收海關資料並傳輸核章資料至數據所,由每日固定2次增加為每日固定4次傳輸時間及設定即時傳輸之功能。 七、因污染及噪音之申請表各異,已透過污染及噪音承辦人之協調完成簡化成為同一格式申請表,預計每年可節省紙張1萬張以上。 八、已完成驗證核章電子系統,民眾可透過網際網路進入本系統申請,配合完(免)稅資料電子化作業傳輸,透過本系統登錄之申請作業時間減半,只需完成送件後不必再取件,直接透過電子郵件傳輸完成驗證核章訊息,達到簡化作業及便民措施。
中文關鍵字 進口車,合格證明,逐車合格證明


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-FA13-03-A001 經費年度 095 計畫經費 8850 千元
專案開始日期 2006/01/05 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 蕭肇岳
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 連杉利 執行單位 工業技術研究院(機械與系統研究所)


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99981372-1.pdf 19MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants

英文摘要 1、The project has approved 55,669 applications of the imported motor vehicles which included 50,734 applications applied by the vehicle model compliance verification and 4,935 applications applied by the individual vehicle compliance verification. 2、The number of gasoline engine vehicles has declined for 32.1%, but the number of motorcycles is 21.4% increase and the number of diesel engine vehicles is 17.9% increase. 3、There are 27 motor vehicles had been practical examined and were complied with the applications. 4、Except the motorcycles, the approval stamp of imported motor vehicles has been replaced by the Internet transmission since 10 AUG. 2006. 5、According to the effective guidance, the average number of the rejected applications is down from 1.74% to 0.80%. 6、To co-operate with the Customs in the project of the “innovation e-Service of imported motor vehicles” and the “e-tax payment certificate”, the e-Service system has been set to increase the times of auto-transmission from two to four times a day and the manual transmission function. 7、Authorized by EPA, the project has simplified the application form and the relevant documents. The estimate for the reduction of paper-using is over 10,000 sheets at least. 8、The project has accomplished the e-approval system which saves the half of time and offers the greater convenience to the people.
英文關鍵字 imported motor vehicle, compliance verification , individual vehicle compliance verification