

中文摘要 由於工商業快速發展及國人飲食習慣改變,台灣地區外食人口逐年增加,大小餐廳到處林立,數量持續增加的餐廳,設在人口稠密的住宅區和住宅商業混合區之中,其烹調過程所排放之油煙如未經妥善處理,經常導致鄰近居民不良感受。在民眾追求快速、便利美食餐飲服務的同時,也衍生了許多噪音、污水、油煙等環境問題。 依據環保署環境保護年報統計,空氣污染陳情之污染類別中,惡臭(含油煙)佔陳情案件的54%,主要來源為餐飲業油煙污染、比工廠排放惡臭等都多。進一步分析,可以發現針對餐飲業的廚房油煙異味或其他公害之陳情案件,亦有逐年增多的趨勢,顯示餐飲業對民眾的生活品質影響日趨嚴重。本計畫於94年度檢測各類型餐廳之空氣污染物排放濃度顯示,餐廳油煙粒狀物每年每家平均之單位排放量以日式燒烤的排放量最高,其次為西式牛排、中式餐廳、速食餐廳;總碳氫化合物每年每家平均之單位排放量則是以中式餐廳的排放量最高、其次為西式牛排、日式燒烤。 為解決油煙擾民的問題,草擬完成「餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,根據草案初步規劃,以烘、烤、煎、炒、炸等烹調方式處理食材,在同一場所總爐台數六台以上,或爐台總面積達六平方公尺者,都必須安裝油煙廢氣之空氣污染防制設備,及相關之集氣設備、排風管、瀝油槽、集油容器等。小型餐飲店方面,草案也納入連續三十日內遭五位民眾具名陳情,經環保機關查證屬實且未改善者,也須強制安裝。 在排氣口的規定部分,也要求業者須將廢氣中的油煙及臭味處理妥善後始可排放,同時廢氣排放口不得連接至下水道或溝渠中,且不得直接吹向鄰近住家之窗戶、門或其他入氣口。 有關餐飲業空氣污染防制設備的裝設,針對餐飲油煙及臭味之特性,可分為油滴、油煙粒狀物以及臭味等三部份來處理。以濾網、檔版或水洗式煙罩等前處理設備,去除大顆粒之油煙,除可保護管末處理設備外,並使管末處理設備能夠發揮最大之功用;油煙粒狀物的去除,市面上普遍採用「水洗機」、「靜電機」等設備來進行微小油煙顆粒的去除;在臭味去除的部份,則通常採用活性碳吸附設備用以去除油煙氣味。目前市面上已經有許多商用化的餐飲業空氣污染防制設備可供選擇,業者可以洽詢各縣市的廚具公會提供進一步的防制設備裝設資訊。 本設施管理辦法草案,目前已研擬完成,草案經公聽會、公告程序後,預計既存業者自公告後一年內起就須符合相關規範。各類餐飲業者應及早針對餐廳本身的污染排放特性,妥適規劃有效的油煙及臭味防制設備,除提供民眾快速、便利的美食之外,也為環境盡一份心使鄰近住戶也能享受舒適美好的生活環境。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業、防制設施管理辦法、油煙、臭味


專案計畫編號 EPA-94-FA12-03-A186 經費年度 094 計畫經費 5650 千元
專案開始日期 2005/04/13 專案結束日期 2006/04/12 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-94-FA12-03-A186-本文.pdf 106MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Air Pollution Control Technology Review and Promotion Demonstration of the Restaurant Cooking Operation

英文摘要 Due to the rapid commercial development and the variety of the food type, eating-out in the restaurants is getting popular in Taiwan. The booming of the new restaurants located in the densely populated areas all around the cities in Taiwan. Pollutions come from restaurant operation process which include noise pollution from the air-condition, air pollution from cooking fume, and water pollution from kitchen. The problems become much intense and prominent in the urbanized region where restaurants are sited remarkably close to dwellings. All these pollution will lead the nuisances of the neighborhoods. Residents nearest to the restaurants are prone to nuisances attributed from cooking fume emissions. Complaints of the cooking fume and cooking odors are dramatically increase in these years, and according to the EPA statistic an approximately 50 % of oily cooking fume and odor in whole air pollution complaints. It is consider necessary to take appropriate actions to control the emissions to a level that it would not cause nuisance from an environmental perspective. Thus promulgating a new regulation about restaurant is an urgent work. The newly regulation about “Air Pollution Control Facility Management of the Restaurant Cooking Fume” is proposed by this project. In the new regulation, restaurants with deep frying, charbroiling, roasting, stir-frying or other similar operations and with more than 6 cooking stoves should install air pollution control system in the kitchen, there is a variety of cooking fume control equipment available in the marketplace to reduce cooking fume emission, such as hydro vents, air washers, packed tower scrubbers, electrostatic precepetators, etc. The new regulation also request the owner of the restaurants to regularly clean and maintenance the relative air pollution control equipment. The exhaust ducts serving the cooking stoves should be properly setting away from the ventilation entrance of neighborhood buildings, and connection of the exhaust ducts with sewers is also prohibited. The new proposed restaurant cooking fume regulation will be promulgated recently after the process of public hearing and official public announcement. The restaurants that be regulated should meet the regulation by installing new equipment. The EPA hopes, with the continual efforts, certain success will achieved by the decline in complaints figures and provide a better environment of the neighborhood.
英文關鍵字 Restaurant, cooking fume, cooking Odor