

中文摘要 本計畫完成1至10月車用汽柴油空氣污染防制費之受理申報、審查及催補件作業,全國累計銷售的汽油數量為864萬公秉及柴油數量為430萬公秉,一、二、三級汽油比例分別為50%、46%、4%,繳納汽油空污費為4.73億元及柴油空污費為4.3億元。抽驗完成216個汽油及205個柴油的油槽與加油站樣品的採樣與分析,並已完成31個疑似非法油檢驗,其中不合格柴油大多漁船用油流用,不合格汽油為摻配大量苯及甲苯等溶劑。 本年度已蒐集建立國際主要國家油品最新價格、管制標準、車用油品、生質能管制趨勢、車輛排放等相關資訊,並完成調查各縣市車用油品銷售量,及推估北、高兩市空氣污染物放量。 蒐集並分析相關資料提供環保署參考,協助環保署修訂「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」及「空氣污染防制費收費費率」,96年將實施之「車用汽柴油成分及性能管制標準」及空污費費率已公告,96年1月1日汽柴油空污費皆依硫含量高低分三級收費,汽油空污費率一、二、三級分別0.03、0.075、0.19元/升;柴油空污費率一、二、三級分別0.03、0.075、0.20元/升。完成辦理「車用汽柴油改善技術研討會」,對於參與研討會之人員,已達到充分之交流,有助後續油品管制政策之持續推動。
中文關鍵字 汽油,柴油,空污費,油品品質,查驗,查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-FA13-03-A021 經費年度 095 計畫經費 9020 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/13 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 陳孟裕
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院材料與化工研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-95-FA13-03-A021.pdf 69MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Monitoring the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Quality and Auditing the Air Pollution Control Fee

英文摘要 The auditing of air pollution fee collected from gasoline/diesel during Jan. to Oct. 2006 was completed and the results were quite satisfied. Respectively, the total quantities of gasoline and diesel are 8.64 millions and 4.3 million kiloliters. The shares of primary, secondary and third-grade gasoline are 50%, 46%, and 4%. The air pollution fees attributed to gasoline and diesel are NT$ 473 million and NT$ 430 million. 216 gasoline random samples and 205 diesel random samples, taken from fuel storages and gas stations, were analyzed. Thirty-one samples of illegal fuels were found in the scheme. Unqualified diesel oil is mostly fishing boat uses with the oil stream, and the unqualified gasoline mixture of benzene and toluene. This project has set up a chromatographic band for investigated and analyzed possible source of illegal fuels. In this year, the project covers the gasoline and diesel’s prices of different countries, regulation, automobile’s fuel, bio-resource regulation trend, and the information of automobile’s exhaust. Furthermore, the project finished investigation of the amount of fuel’s consumption, and estimated air pollution in Taipei and Kaohsiung. This project helped the EPA to revise the “Standard of Characteristic and Performance on Gasoline and Diesel for Automobile” and “Air Pollution Control Fee of Gasoline and Diesel”. The new air pollution control fees will become effective from the beginning of the next year, which will depend on sulfur content with three different levels.
英文關鍵字 Gasoline, Diesel, Air Pollution Fee, Fuel Quality, Monitoring, Auditing