

中文摘要 配合水污染防治法規之修正作業,及相關國內外資料收集與現勘,結合宣導說明等作業,已完成本計畫相關工作,以落實事業廢水許可管理制度。 本年度各項法規之修正要旨主要在落實及簡化許可管理、強化各項水污染防治管理措施、有效利用水資源、區分廢水廢液管制及納入功能查驗機制等,並協助召開相關之公聽、研商及法規說明會議16場,已完成4項法規修訂公告,並將行政罰法發布後,環保機關執法上可能發生之問題,及法令競合之規定,擬定水污染防治法相關行政處分之執行注意事項。 有關國內外資料之收集與現勘,則針對本年度修法之重點項目,收集各國相關之管理制度及規定,進行分析,另於現勘過程中,篩選相關之業者進行,並藉由審視各項水污染防治措施之現況,結合管理制度之勾稽比對,以擬定相關行政配套措施,納入本次修法進行研議。 最後,則透過完成修法後之宣導說明,及電子郵件與網路論壇之回覆、歷年之行政命令解釋及訴願處分案例分析,加強環保機關及業者對於新修訂法規之認知。
中文關鍵字 事業廢水;許可管理;水污染防治措施


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-G104-02-207 經費年度 095 計畫經費 3180 千元
專案開始日期 2006/12/28 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 吳俊儀
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99979276-1.pdf 17MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Industrial wastewater management and system executing project

英文摘要 Due to revise the water quality protection regulations, to collect the wastewater management related documents inside and outside the country, and to combine the explaining promotion of new regulations . Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater permits management. For renewing the regulations, we have published four regulations by taking place 16 related meetings. And the spirit of the new regulations is to simplifying the permit management, to strengthen the water pollution control measures, to use water resource effectively, to discriminate wastewater and wasted liquid, and to increase wastewater treatment checking rules. Meanwhile, we also made several Q&A about Administrative Penalty Act for EPB. Besides, we collected related rules and acts of other countries, including USA, JAPAN, FRANCE, GERMANY, KOREA and SINGAPORE. By reviewing the literatures, we choose 12 different companies to investigate. After that, we can get more information to subscribe the regulations. By the way, promoting regulations, editing E-mails, Act executing explanations and Administrative Appealing cases are the other services.
英文關鍵字 Industry Wastewater ;Permit Management;Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure