

中文摘要 配合水污染防治法規修正發布,提升資料庫功能,已完成事業廢水許可行政管理作業,重點如下: 完成修正水污染防治各項許可申請書內容及表格設計,針對不合時宜之部分予以修正改進,並加強對各項管制之功能,同時配合計畫需求與環保單位研商討論,以確實了解許可申請實務上之需求,建立合適之文件表格;配合新修定之「水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法」法規內容,完成修正各類定期檢測申報資料之表格內容,以符合各項新修正法規之要求。 完成水污染源管制資料管理系統之程式開發及增修,修正現行系統各項許可申請表格設計及檢測申報系統,併入程式開發使新許可系統上線後不會造成資料斷層現象;考評稽核作業執行,提昇地方環保人員操作正確率達95%;按月進行15600家管制資料之異常查核、更新維護及統計運算,並回饋修正,已完成11078項異常資料之修正。 現場查核100家與資料勾稽驗證,依據水量大小、污染量大小、違規紀錄多寡、重大違規情形,至現場確認處理功能審查核定內容之合理性及正確性,針對事業各項許可證內容及檢測申報資料進行勾稽驗證。依據查核結果,可提供 貴署與地方環保單位作為許可制度與檢測申報規定修正及施政上之參考。
中文關鍵字 許可管理;檢測申報;資料庫管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-G104-02-209 經費年度 095 計畫經費 4250 千元
專案開始日期 2006/12/28 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 吳俊儀
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 17MB 公開完整版

Industrial wastewater discharge monitoring report, permit management and database maintenance project

英文摘要 Due to revise of the water quality protection regulations, upgrading the database system management and application. Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater permits management. For renewing the regulations, we have designed permit requiring documents and discharge monitoring reports documents. By discussing with EPB and related communities, we fix the anachronistic frames to follow the new regulations. After that, the users of the new documents can obey the new regulations and maintain normally. Because of renewing the related documents, we designed the database and the management programs. For more effectively executive results, training related EPB members are very important. Meanwhile, we also maintained the error data quarrying system to feed back and to fix up the correction rate to 95%, including 15600 companies and 11078 error data. Designed the tables and typing system for auditing programs are another important part of this project. By Questionnaire Surveying and Scene Investigating, we have checked wastewater treatment information and maintain situation analysis of 100 factories. After that, we also find the weakness and illegal facts of these companies, and we transfer the list to EPB for keeping to trace. And the results of this project, we can offer EPA and EPB some experiences to administer or enforce environment issues.
英文關鍵字 Permit Management;discharge monitoring reports;Database Management