

中文摘要 近年來,因中國西北、華北及蒙古一帶沙漠化情形日益嚴重及受全球氣候變遷,導致乾旱、降雨分配不均等因素,東亞沙塵暴發生頻率及強度均有增加趨勢。台灣地區位處東亞沙塵暴下游區域,隨著東亞沙塵發生頻率、規模及強度的上升,台灣地區在近幾年受沙塵影響次數有明顯的增加。國內2003年及2004年間曾針對沙塵來襲期間,空氣中真菌成份及濃度在沙塵期間前後之變化進行研究,研究結果顯示了東亞沙塵攜帶真菌來台的可能性,故細菌及病毒亦有可能隨東亞沙塵傳播至台灣。因此,本研究主要目的為運用最新之分子生物技術-即時定量聚合酵素反應(real-time qPCR),建立室外空氣中A型流行性感冒病毒、B型流行性感冒病毒與禽流感病毒的採樣分析技術,於石門與新莊兩地進行採樣分析,依據東亞沙塵影響前後期間,以及平日定期採樣之結果,評估空氣中A型流行性感冒病毒、B型流行性感冒病毒與禽流感病毒的組成及濃度變化,探討流行性感冒病毒隨東亞沙塵來台之可能性,並且探討2006年沙塵事件中A型流行性感冒病毒、B型流行性感冒病毒與禽流感病毒的濃度與類流感病例比例之相關。 本研究運用最新之分子生物技術-即時定量聚合酵素反應(real-time qPCR),成功建立室外空氣中A型流行性感冒病毒、B型流行性感冒病毒與禽流感病毒的採樣分析技術,且為目前世界上,首次成功測得大氣中與疑似沙塵事件日中流感病毒與禽流感病毒之研究,而建立方法之線性範圍(100 copy/μL ~ 107 copy/μL)、線性(R2>0.988)、再現性(CV = 0.11 % ~ 5.02 %)與偵測極限(<1.1 copy/m3)均極佳。此外,本研究同時評估三層濾紙匣與高量採樣器兩種採樣系統,研究結果顯示三層濾紙匣採集效率較佳。由於自環境中取得之樣品,有時會因樣品中含有抑制物(inhibitor),而抑制聚合酵素反應之進行,因此針對此部份進行探討,抑制效應比例為36%,且石門樣品之抑制效應高於新莊樣品之抑制效應。 2006年六次疑似沙塵事件日中,偵測到三次疑似沙塵事件日期間,空氣中A型流感病毒濃度升高,且在石門與新莊兩測站,均觀察到疑似沙塵事件日之陽性反應比例高於定期監測期間之陽性反應比例,同時,石門與新莊兩測站,也均觀察到疑似沙塵事件日之A型流感病毒濃度顯著高於定期監測期間之A型流感病毒濃度,此外,觀察到流感A達高峰之時間於微粒濃度達高峰的時間之前。而空氣中A型流感病毒濃度與溫度呈現顯著中度負相關(r=-0.41, p = 0.0006),與雨量呈現顯著低度正相關(r=0.30, p = 0.014),符合流行性感冒病毒偏好低溫的特性,此外,疑似沙塵事件日期間石門測站所監測到A型流感病毒濃度與三週後大台北地區類流感病例呈現顯著高度正相關。 由於本年度六次預報中,只有一次懸浮微粒濃度達警戒值,且並未觀察到病毒濃度與懸浮微粒濃度達統計相關,因此推論病毒濃度與類流感病例可能與來台氣流相關,故建議未來的研究應針對南下的高壓冷氣團,進行更進一步的監測,以釐清南下氣流、空氣中病毒濃度與類流感病例數之間的相關性,同時提供空氣中禽流感病毒濃度資訊,以期在濃度過高,有爆發流行之虞前,提供預警的訊息,此外,也應探討流感病毒所在微粒之粒徑分佈,以進一步提供健康風險評估所需訊息。
中文關鍵字 流感與禽流感病毒空氣偵測,病毒長程傳輸,沙塵暴


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-FA11-03-A010 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2750 千元
專案開始日期 2006/01/26 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 陳培詩 助理教授
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 執行單位 高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99979282-1.pdf 6MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Detection of airborne influenza and avian influenza viruses from long term transportation and evaluation of its health effect

英文摘要 Recently, the frequency and intensity of dust storm events were getting higher and higher due to the severity of desertification of eastern Asia. In Taiwan, It was investigated that the composition and concentration of airborne fungi before, during and after dust storm events. The results indicated that it is possible to transport airborne fungi by dust storm. Is it possible to transport airborne bacteria and virus by dust storm? The main purpose of the present study is to develop a new sampling and analytical method for airborne influenza viruses and avian influenza viruses quantification by using filtration and real-time qPCR. In addition, the composition and concentration of airborne influenza viruses and avian influenza viruses before, during, and after dust storms were also evaluated to see if it is possible to be transported by dust storm. Furthermore, the relationship between airborne influenza viruses and the hospitalized cases were also assessed. The sampling and analytical method by using filtration and real-time qPCR for ambient influenza viruses and avian influenza viruses quantification was successfully developed in the present study. To our knowledge, it is the first study successfully detected airborne influenza viruses and avian influenza viruses before, during, and after dust storm events. It was demonstrated the excellent liner range(100 copy/μL ~ 107 copy/μL, R2>0.988), variation (CV = 0.1 1% ~ 5.0 2%), and detection limits(<1.1 copy/m3). In addition, three pieces cassette and high volume sampler were also evaluated and compared. The results showed that three pieces cassette was more suitable for the purpose of the present study. Furthermore, the inhibition effects were also studied for both two sampling sites. It was found that the inhibition effect during dust storm events were higher than routinely sampling days. In the six suspected dust storm events in 2006, it was found that the airborne influenza virus A were much higher than routinely sampling days in three events on both sampling sites. In addition, the positive rate and airborne influenza concentration of suspected dust storm events were all significantly higher than normal days. For avian influenza viruses, three samples during suspected dust storm events were detectable. Besides, it was observed that the peak of airborne influenza viruses A were earlier than the peak of particulate matter. In regard to the climate factors, the airborne influenza A was significantly related to temperature and rainfall (r=-0.41, p = 0.0006; r=0.30, p = 0.014). For the hospitalized cases, the concentration of airborne influenza virus A during suspected dust storm events in Shimen were significantly related to the 3-week-delay hospitalized cases. Depend on PM concentration, only one of the six suspected dust storm events reached the warning level in 2006. In our present study, it was not found the relationship between PM concentration and airborne virus concentration. Therefore, it was concluded that airborne influenza virus may transport by airstreams. It is suggested that more frequent monitoring of airstreams might be needed to investigate the relationship between airstreams, airborne influenza virus concentration, and hospitalized cases. In addition, the monitoring results might provide useful data for early warning of excess airborne avian influenza viruses.
英文關鍵字 Airborne influenza virus detection,long-term transportation of viruses,dust storm