

中文摘要 高屏溪全長171公里,流域面積3,257平方公里。主要支流包括旗山溪、美濃溪、荖濃溪、濁口溪及隘寮溪等。隨著高屏溪攔河堰上游豬隻禁養政策之實行,點源污染已逐步控制,非點源污染削減之重要性逐漸提高。由於上游集水區大都以農業活動為主,非點源污染乃成為高屏溪上游水質惡化之主要原因之一。 本計畫水質採樣分析結果顯示,旗山溪流域晴天水質介於未受污染與輕度污染之間,雨天水質則屬於中度污染。荖濃溪及隘寮溪晴天及雨天之污染程度較接近,RPI值介於3.25至4.50,污染程度為中度污染。而造成污染程度增加之主要原因為懸浮固體物濃度之升高。上述三大支流之水質指數(Water Quality Index, WQI)在晴天時大都呈現良好之狀態,而在雨天時WQI則呈現普通之狀態。由RPI與WQI之分析結果可知,造成高屏溪流域內河川之水質狀況較差之主要原因為暴雨沖刷導致懸浮固體濃度升高所致。 暴雨採樣監測數據顯示,pH由最初之6.97隨著水量的增加而逐漸上升至8.35,呈現弱鹼性的趨勢。此外,濁度、總懸浮固體物及懸浮固體物亦隨流量呈現正相關性,其關係式為Y=0.0679X+49.071, R2=0.9133(Y=總懸浮固體物 mg/L, X=濁度 NTU)及Y=0.0631X+31.971, R2=0.9181(Y=懸浮固體物 mg/L, X=濁度 NTU)。 本研究應用多介質模式模擬評估高屏溪集水區非點源污染對於高屏溪水質之影響。結果顯示實際觀測值接近。因此模式可有效評估非點源污染在高屏溪流域之變化。在水質模擬方面,氨氮在旗山溪流域之非點源污染總負荷量為31,070 Kg/year,美濃溪之氨氮非點源污染總負荷量為1,339 Kg/year,荖濃溪之氨氮非點源污染總負荷量為71,100 Kg/year,濁口溪之氨氮非點源污染總負荷量為14,198 Kg/year,隘寮溪之氨氮非點源污染總負荷量為39,629 Kg/year,高屏溪之氨氮非點源污染總負荷量為249,901 Kg/year。經由模式模擬污染控制策略發現,高屏溪污染整治策略以沿河岸設置20%緩衝草帶並配合10%農地削減之控制方案效果最佳。本研究針對流域土壤侵蝕之控制擬訂數個控制措施,包括技術性的控制策略以及管理層面之控制策略。經由這些策略之施行,應可有效減緩土壤沖刷及降低濁度對高屏溪水質之影響。
中文關鍵字 非點源污染,濁度,高屏溪


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-G103-02-230 經費年度 095 計畫經費 1700 千元
專案開始日期 2006/05/29 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 高志明
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 執行單位 高志明


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-95-G103-02-230.pdf 16MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Effects of Soil Erosion on Water Quality and Turbidity Control Strategy Development in Kaoping River Watershed

英文摘要 In recent years, a series of typhoons brought a large amount of rain to Taiwan. Landslides occurred in many mountain areas including the upper catchments of Kaoping River basin. The drinking water shortage caused by the high turbidity of source water raised the questions of reservoir sedimentation and watershed management. Due to the geological and meteorological conditions, the natural hazards occurring in the mountain area are difficult to avoid, but the human and property damages can be minimized. To reduce the human and property damages in the mountain area, a sound watershed management strategy is required. The Kaoping River basin is the largest and the most intensively used river basin in Taiwan. It is 171-km long, drains a catchment of more than 3,625 km2, and has a mean flow of 239 m3/s. It serves as a water supply to the Kaohsiung City (the second largest city in Taiwan), several towns, two counties, and a number of large industries (electronic, steel, petrochemical, etc.). Although the mean annual rainfall in this river basin is close to 3,000 mm, over 90% of which appears in the wet season. The period of high flow rate in the stream usually occurs in the late spring and summer due to the impacts of monsoon and typhoon. Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has developed a three-part classification system (Classes A, B, and C) for Kaoping River based on the purpose of water usage and degree of protection for each stream section. Basically, the upstream is classified as Class A, mid-stream is Class B, and the downstream near the outfall is Class C. Thus, the highest degree of protection is given to Class A. Recent water quality analysis by EPA indicates that the Kaoping River is polluted and the water quality can not meet the TEPA standards. Investigation results show that the major concern is the high turbidity caused by the stormwater, which results in the high concentrations of suspended solids (SS). Results from the review of recent information on the water usage and investigation of the water quality demonstrate that non-point source (NPS) pollutants are now the major causes of turbidity, SS, and nutrients in the river. In the Kaoping River basin, most of the upper catchment is used for agricultural activities. In the upper catchment, NPS pollutants mainly associated with stormwater runoff from agricultural land uses can be quite diffuse and difficult to treat. Agricultural NPS pollution is considered to be the largest single category resulting in these environmental problems. An integrated watershed management model (IWMM) was applied for simulating the water quality in the Kaoping River watershed. The model includes a global atmosphere module, a land module, a human impact module, a canopy module, and a global ocean module. Those modules can be linked and managed by a graphic user-interface. The model was calibrated and verified with field data, and was used to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans. Simulated results indicate that NPS ammonia loading contributes 35% of the total nutrient loadings during the dry seasons from 2002 to 2005. However, the contributions of NPS nutrient loading increased to 80% of the total nutrient loadings during the rainy seasons. Results indicate that rainfalls and storms caused a significant increase in the NPS nutrient loadings into the water bodies. The NPS pollution also had serious impact on the Kaoping River water quality. A comprehensive turbidity and NPS remedial strategy for Kaoping River basin management has been proposed. The NPS pollution management strategy consists of the following measures: 1. construction of the watershed geographical information system (GIS) and real time water quality monitoring systems, 2. source (fertilizer) reduction, and 3. construction of grassy buffer zone or other natural treatment systems for NPS control. The turbidity control strategy consists of the following measures: 1. application of TMDL for turbidity and SS control, 2. application of technical strategies for sediment erosion control, which includes (1) surface runoff control using structural and nonstructural solutions, (2) soil stabilization by bioengineering solutions (e.g., plant growing), (3) BMP application for farming (e.g., contour farming), (4) soil stabilization by hard structural solutions (e.g., stream bank stabilization), and 3. Roads in the watershed should be well-planned, constructed, and maintained.
英文關鍵字 Nonpoint Source pollution,Turbidity,Kaoping River