

中文摘要 南部環境毒災應變隊自8月16日成立以來,至12月31日為止,依據計畫合約完成下列工作事項: 在執行「建立南部環境毒災應變隊」工作項目方面:完成南部環境毒災應變隊1隊每隊12人之建置,進駐地點為南部科學工業園區防洪中心二樓,應變隊場地可分為辦公室、器材庫房及大型器材存放區。 在平時輔訓工作方面,執行台南縣市毒化物運作廠場進行毒性化學物質運作管理與應變輔導方面,於11月8日全數完成15家廠商之輔導,完成率100%;在協助環保局進行毒化物運作場所現場無預警測試方面,亦在11月8日全數完成5場次,達成率為100%;參與各縣市毒災模擬演練3場次;台南環境毒災應變隊員訓練部份,包含通識級及操作級訓練課程,分為兩階段進行,第一階段在兩週內完成20小時內部教育訓練,第二階段則在平時每週安排二梯次進行相同課程實作及考核,亦於9月15日參加南區毒災中心毒災應變實作訓練乙場次。 台南環境毒災應變隊於8月16日正式上線值勤,執行二十四小時應變人員待命,提供轄區內毒災事故趕赴現場應變處理、監測、採樣與善後復原工作。在執行全年無休24小時應變隊員待命工作項目方面,協助支援災害應變處理相關工作,南部環境毒災應變隊處理事故案件共計有12件,事故發生經通報後1小時到場率為66.7%。 在執行「建立南部毒災聯防應援團隊」工作項目方面:完成南部毒災聯防應援團隊變隊1隊之建置;毒災聯防應援團隊成員主要為南部科學工業園區內聯防小組之毒化物運作廠商,其成員亦於9月15日參加南區毒災中心毒災實作訓練乙場次8小時。全部工作項目之加總達成率為100%。
中文關鍵字 環境毒災應變隊,緊急應變,聯防小組


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-J104-02-206 經費年度 095 計畫經費 5150 千元
專案開始日期 2006/08/04 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 陳政任 教授
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學


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期末報告 EPA95J10402206.pdf 11MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Plan for the Southern Region Emergency Response Team for Environmental Toxic Chemical Incident

英文摘要 The Southern Environmental Response Team project has completed according to project requirement, from August 16 to December 31, the following work: On the setup of Southern Environmental Response Team: The team comprised 12 staffs. The team was setup in the second floor of Flood Control Center in Tainan Science Park. It comprised of an office, a warehouse for general equipment, and a store area for large equipment. On the visiting of toxic operating facilities, by November 8 the team has visited 15 facilities and provide evaluation and helpful suggestions to these facilities with deficiency in operating practice. The team has helped the local environmental bureau to perform unnoticed emergency response tests to five operating facilities. The team also participated in three joint toxic response drills. Training of the team members is done in two stages: the introductory and operational levels. The introductory level is completed internally in two weeks and consists of 20 hours. The operational level consists of a field training on September 15, plus weekly training and tests. The Southern Environmental Response Team was formally on duty from August 16 and standby around the clock to provide on-scene response, monitoring, sampling and recovery services to the southern area. A total of 12 on-scene services has been performed. 66.7% of the on-scene arrival time are less then 1 hour. On the setup of Southern Joint Response Team: One team has been setup based on the operating facilities in the Tainan Science Park. The team member also participated the field training on September 15. Currently, 100% of the required work has completed.
英文關鍵字 EPAERT, Emergency Response, Joint response team member