

中文摘要 工研院長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎,並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,規劃以環保單位為主要服務對象及其他政府相關單位與業者為輔之技術支援服務,於95年1月起承接本計畫,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,及相關同仁之全力配合,截至目前為止,已完成所有工作項目與內容,進度達100%,執行進度符合計畫期程規劃。 在規劃毒性化學物質災害防救技術支援體系建置計畫方面(Master Plan),已完成第十一版,並提交署內參考。在強化三區毒災應變諮詢中心應變技術能量方面,已完成毒災污染現場一對一大氣污染物長距離遠端連續監控設備租賃並上線服勤;已制訂GPS定位之篩選原則,完成72家GPS定位工作。事故本土化之後果分析與擴散模擬系統方面,已蒐集完成危害性化學物質的物性、熱力學與危害性資料,並完成軟體功能撰寫;另已收集國外斯德哥爾摩公約締約國大會會議資料共32則,且協助完成參與於瑞士召集第2次締約國大會,完成POPs國家實施計畫(NIP)初稿,後續交署內參考。 在強化北區毒災應變諮詢中心整備與操練能量上,已完成20場次(災害應變事故監測10場,毒性化學物質運作廠場背景值調查10場)FTIR監測與背景值的建立,每場次收集10筆資料以上,共計完成1,083筆資料以上;毒性化學物質運作場址週遭水及土壤採樣分析105個樣品;完成台北市國立台灣大學、基隆市國立海洋大學、新竹市茂矽電子、新竹縣河濱生態公園鋼瓶毒氣外洩、新竹市槽車事故及苗栗火車站恐怖攻擊等六場次之毒災觀摩演練,另外也完成台北縣全國毒災觀摩演練。在毒化物運作廠場資料調查方面,已完成1,604家廠商基本資料更新,另外委託環保局完成8縣市公文寄發,已有568個廠商上網填寫,並針對資料進行確認;完成更新107到164類毒性化學物質的緊急應變卡、防救手冊及物質安全資料表等;毒化物復育標準作業程序部分,已收集相關規劃資料。在臨廠輔導方面,已完成27場次的輔導工作,部分廠區可能產生污染的部分,亦同步進行採樣分析。完成更新北區專家群2次;協助北區地方環保機關,規劃運作毒性化學物質工廠的無預警測試30場次,測試結果成效良好;在動員研習會方面,於4月25日完成第一次辦理工作,總共71人次參與,內容針對人為災害防救災工作範疇與毒化物運輸風險分析技術、北區毒化災案例及毒化災訓練實場等進行介紹,提供各相關救災單位平時預防與整備資料;第一次毒災聯防小組工作會議則在4月26日進行,議題以倡導災害預防觀念為主,總計共239人次參與。 截至目前為止(1月~12月底),北區毒災應變諮詢中心接獲一般諮詢案件共775件,監控國內毒化災事故共達211件,收集瞭解國外毒化災事故共117件。其中接獲支援要求緊急到場協助災害處理與環境採樣分析共46件(包括台2線冰醋酸槽車翻覆、龜山塑膠工廠火警、新竹縣合纖廠丙烯?外洩及桃園新屋科技公司火警事故等),以上案件皆完成到場應變時序表與初步災因調查工作。 由於事故的發生通常是不可預期的,如何持續培養緊急應變諮詢中心應變能量將是當務之急。北區持續研發應變設備與技術,期望未來毒災應變的次數能越來越少。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質,緊急應變,毒災聯防


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-J104-02-101 經費年度 095 計畫經費 18000 千元
專案開始日期 2006/01/01 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 陳范倫
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA95J10402101.pdf 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Plan for Northern Taiwan Center of Consultation on Response to Disasters Caused by Hazardous Chemical Materials

英文摘要 On collection of domestic and foreign systems for toxics and chemicals hazards’ prevention and response, information. On strengthening response technical capacities of the three Regional Centers for Emergency Response of Toxic Substance, the intelligent hazard response database, as well as one set of hazard visual image monitor/control and hazard-related accident videotape are established. In addition, operation manual for general and emergency response consultants, environmental pollution and hazard monitor operation manual, and operation manual for pollution sampling and analysis are completed.The EEL has completed the information collection on the Environmental hormone (persistent organic pollutants POPs) and provide routine update for the reference of the Department of Environment Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management under the Environment Protection Administration. On strengthen mobilization and handling capacity of the Northern Center for Emergency Response of Toxic Substance, more than 1083 monitor data on air pollution concentration survey have been obtained from cases.Furthermore, 105 samples were obtained and instructions on sampling were given at the site of the accidents. on toxic substances were held. Investigation and review reports were completed on the causes of the incidents taken place at the laboratories at the universities, chlorine leakage at chemical factory’s toxic substances fire, chemicals storage site and transport truck accident. On collecting information relating to the northern emergency response of toxic substance, basic data on 1604 operating factories that exceed control cap of the toxic substances were obtained and input into the digital format was completed. Update on the emergency response card, disaster prevention and rescue manual, substance safety data and toxicological data for the toxic chemical substance (control number 107-164) is completed, in addition, comparison list with the updated version is established. On strengthening emergence response capacity of the northern toxic substance hazard prevention and rescue system and joint task force, checklist on the operation of the operating factories and emergency response was completed and confirmed by the northern environment agency as the reference for site instructions and consultations.27 factories operating with toxic substances were visited and consultations were given at the end of November. Update on the northern experts pool is continued and at least two experts/ consultants for each county or city is maintained. One seminar on the northern mobilization were held on 25 April. One training for toxic substance joint task force were taken place on 26 April. On 24-hour uninterrupted emergency response mechanism, shifts are arranged and consultations are given since the beginning of the year. Up to now, 46 cases were supported at the accident sites.In addition, data collection and handling on 211 cases were completed.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemicals , Emergency Response , Mutual Aid