

中文摘要 依據環保署92年度委辦「環境污染物指紋資料庫建置綱要計畫」規劃內容建立發電輸電配電機械製造修配業(2811)、電線電纜製造業(2812)、電池製造業(2840)、其他化學材料業(1790)及石油化工原料業(1712)廢棄物理化指紋成分資料,建構於環境污染物指紋檢索系統中,期能協助環保署及國內縣市環保機關稽查鑑定非法棄置事業廢棄物來源。 工作內容包括彙整廢棄物管制中心清理計畫書申報資料,依據製程及廢棄物特性,篩選代表性廠家進行工廠實地訪查及採樣,共訪查31家廠家、採集76件樣品、並分析71件樣品之理化性質。完成廢棄物理化指紋評析報告依行業產製程特性及廢棄物化學組成成分分析資料。最後建立不同行業/製程別廢棄物採證、分析的標準作業程序。 發電輸電配電機械製造修配業(2811)製程主要為組裝、表面處理及塗裝並無牽涉到化學變化。廢棄物之指紋特性主要來自使用之原物料;批次間之組成可能會有差異,但只要原物料資訊充分,則廢棄物之指紋成分相對較容易掌握。本行業製程產生之廢棄物,最具指紋代表性的有三大類:污泥、漆渣及廢液。電線電纜製造業(2812)製程主要以電線電纜製造為主,製程與2811相似,其中本行業製程中常需使用凡立水來絕緣及油品來潤滑機台,為本行業之指標成分。電池製造業(2840)製程主要以鉛蓄電池製造為主,無牽涉到化學變化,主要廢棄物為含鉛污泥;另外太陽能電池製程產生之指標廢棄物分成兩大類:污泥及廢液。其他化學材料業(1790)製程主要以化學製造為主,產生之指標廢棄物有三大類:污泥、廢液及灰渣。石油化工原料製造業(1712)製程產生之指標廢棄物分成三大類:污泥、廢液及觸媒。
中文關鍵字 環境指紋,廢棄物,發電輸電配電機械製造修配業、電線電纜製造業,電池製造業,其他化學材料業,石油化工原料業


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-E3S4-02-02 經費年度 095 計畫經費 1700 千元
專案開始日期 2006/02/21 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 廖宜賢
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 執行單位 廖宜賢、黃進輝


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99979298-1.pdf 0MB [期末報告]公開版

Establish the Environmental Pollutants Fingerprints Data-base

英文摘要 The purpose of this project was to work together with the governmental responsible team to establish a environmental fingerprints database for primary pollutant sources produced by the corresponding industries. The database was designed to search, to characterize and to be able to compare the fingerprints among the unknown environmental pollutants. The project for FY95 focus on those industries including Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Machinery Manufacturing (code:2811), Electric Wires and Cables Manufacturing (code:2812), Batteries Manufacturing (code:2840), Other Chemical Products Manufacturing (code:1790) and Petrochemicals Manufacturing (code:1712). The work included:(A) Collect and analyz background data of these industries;(B) Screen the specific manufacturer and the process;(C) Visit and inspect the sampling site;(D) Lab test and chemical analyses;(E) Extract the fingerprint data from each specific pollutants;(F) Fingerprint data commentary;(G) Establish the characterization SOP manual for each industry After primary screening, 31 representative manufacturers were visited and inspected. Among them, 76 samples were collected, and 71 samples were sent into the lab for further chemical analyses. Sampling plan or scheme, including the background information about the target manufacturer were prepared for authorization before each on-site sampling.Moreover, safety issues were addressed according to the EPA SOP of the waste sampling procedure. Fingerprint analyses in the laboratory included basic physical tests, organic chemical analyses (GC/FID, GC/MS and HPLC if needed), and inorganic chemical analyses (ICP-AES, IC and ICP/MS if needed ). The basic physical tests included the following six items: physical description, flammability test, and tests for componds including oxides, peroxides, sulfides, as well as cyanides. The results obtained from on-site surveys and laboratory tests were integrated into this report to establish the fingerprints database of environmental pollutants for these five industries. To promptly tracing the source of pollutants, it is recommended to continuously track and update information in this database so as to be able to provide the most updated environmental fingerprints for characterization or comparison among the pollutants.The result obtained from this dtudy indicated: In the Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Machinery Manufacturing (code:2811) industry, most of the manufacture processes are assembling process of the components, and no chemical reaction process was involved among them. Therefore the fingerprint tract is rather straight forward. The majority of the wasts obtained from this industry are sludges (produced from the wast water treatment unit), painting residue and solvents wastes. Therefore the components in these wasts are fingerprint significant for this industry. In the case of Electric Wires and Cables Manufacturing (code:2812), the fingerprint significant waste produced from this industry is very similar to the code 2811 industry. The sludge produced from the waste water treatment unite is still the majority. The varnish was widely used in the enamel-insulated wire manufacture process and is the fingerprint significant component. For the Batteries Manufacturing (code:2840) industry, lead battery manufacture process is the major process in this survey. The photovoltage battery and the lithium battery manufacture process were also included here. Assembling process is the characteristic process for this industry, therefore less chemical conversion was involved during the process. Each battery manufacture process has its own characteristic component to tract. In the Other Chemical Products Manufacturing (code:1790) industry, the major waste was solvent according to this survey. Sludges and ashes also play important role in this industry. It is difficult to define the characteric fingerprint component, unless sufficient process information is provided. The Petrochemicals Manufacturing (code:1712) industry was surveyed before (FY 93 project), and the target manufacture process of this year survey is to strengthen the fingerprint diversity in the database of this industry. Sludges, ashes and process catalyst wastes are believed to be the wates with fingerprint important in this industry.
英文關鍵字 Environmental forensic, chemical fingerprint, waste, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Machinery Manufacturing, Electric Wires and Cables Manufacturing, Batteries Manufacturing, Other Chemical Products Manufacturing, Petrochemicals Manufacturing