

中文摘要 本計畫於2006年2月17日甄選,3月13日議價,3月29日進行工作啟始會議,而所有各項工作均於甄選後即陸續進行。已完成之工作項目有平行比對之品保/品管(QA/QC)規劃、查核時程與人員之安排、每月定期與不定期訪查、於三月、七月與十月進行三次的平行比對採樣,於六月進行儀器之校正查核,及1~10月之有效運轉數據分析。 每月定期與不定期訪查之意見?合會整如下二大類: 1. 操作/維護人員:  維護與校正表格不完整;  人員之專業能力加強;  記錄未落實;  現場操作維護紀錄表於查核時,常無存放於測站內;  人員管理宜加強。 2. 儀器狀態:  RP1400應以原廠提供標準膜片進行K0測試,使用前並應重複確認;  RP8400N與RP8400S之操作狀況,經常出現錯誤訊息;  RP8400N與RP8400S之標準液應確認純度;  Grimm SMPS已重新裝機,但夜間經常出現零值;  前鎮站目前正在嘗試以Ecotech NH3取代故障之NH3監測儀;  輔英站之NH3與NOy監測儀的NO濃度差異大;  H2O2 長期以來監測值均小於0.5 ppbv;  EC/OC之EC值有接近零或負值情形出現;  吸光儀有負值情況出現;  儀器之Error Code是否影響測值應進一步註記說明。 校正查核之結果大都是優良,在160項之查核中僅有橋頭站PM2.5監測儀之洩漏測試與潮洲站EC/OC之He流量未符合。一至十月之儀器有效運轉率四站之共有儀器以RP1400之PM2.5與PM10為最佳,平均在88%以上,而以Nitrate與EC/OC為最差,平均運轉率幾乎都在80%以下,而輔英站之獨有儀器除了H2O2濃度監測儀以外,以氣體成分監測儀較高,平均大都是在90%以上;有效運轉率偏低之儀器為SMPS+C與H2O2,而缺失之主要原因分別為儀器故障之缺值與監測值偏低,其中H2O2濃度偏低的原因應與採樣進口系統之干擾損失有關。 平行比對結果顯示RP1400於溼度大於70%時偶有出現與手動儀器較大之落差,但在濕度小於70%之情況下,其分別與HDS、Cyclone之相關性良好,一致性亦為良好。而RP8400S與手動儀器比較之下,其監測值較低,但相關性良好,RP8400N之監測值則是較手動儀器高,相關性亦是為良好,造成RP8400S與RP8400N自動監測儀之監測值與手動儀器間存在著系統性差距之原因可能為自動監測儀於校正方面有問題,例如儀器之轉換率。 PM事件日案例中發現橋頭站之主要衍生性污染物額外量為有機碳,而潮州站則是為硫酸鹽。事件日之衍生性污染物總量則佔事件日之PM2.5濃度50%~70%不等,各站之衍生性污染物之額外量約佔事件日PM2.5濃度之6%~12%之間,而衍生性污染物之傳輸量約佔事件日PM2.5濃度之3%~12%之間。
中文關鍵字 平行比對,超級測站,例行查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-FA01-03-A031 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2580 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/13 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 林清和
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 執行單位 輔英科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99979295-1.pdf 10MB [期末報告]公開版

95~96 year Quality Assurance Audit and Data Analysis of Supersite in Southern Taiwan

英文摘要 The works for this project have been started since March and the finished items include the establishment of QA/QC processes for parallel comparison, the routine and random auditing, the three times field intercomparison measurements, the data evaluation for January to October measurement results, and the analyses for episodic events. From the routine and random auditing, the operation of the PM supersite has been improved all the times. However, there are some items needed to be improved and they can be classified into two different categories: 1. field operation staff: incomplete book keeping; the absence of operation record, which was taken away from the cabin; improvement of the technological capability of operation staff; better management of the field operation; 2. instruments evaluation of accuracy of calibration solutions for RP8400N and RP8400S; the error codes for RP8400N and RP8400S; the missing data in Grimm SMPS+C, especially at nighttime; the differences of NO concentrations between NOy and NH3 monitors; the zero or negative values of Sunset EC/OC monitor; the low H2O2 concentration; the NH3 monitors at all three satellite sites. Among all the instruments, the performances for RP1400 for both PM10 and PM2.5 measurements are the best with an average of greater than 88% during January to October measurements. But those for RP8400N and Sunset EC/OC monitors are the worst with average less than 80%. The worst instruments are the Grimm SMPS+C and H2O2 due to the long time malfunction. The low H2O2 concentrations have been found to be due to the interferences from the long sampling tube, as discussed from the intercomparison measurements. The PM2.5 concentrations measured by RP1400 were consistent with those measured by RP2300 and annular denuder. Although both RP8400N and RP8400S concentrations are highly correlated with those by reference method, they are either greater or less, respectively. The differences may be due to the different sampling and analytical methods or the conversion factors. During PM episodic events, the contributions from secondary aerosol are from 50 to 70%, that is, the dominant source for PM episodes is secondary aerosol. By using CO as tracer for dispersion effect, the major excess secondary speices are estimated to be SOA and sulfate at Chatou and Chizou, respectively and it accounts for another 6 to 12% of PM concentrations.
英文關鍵字 field intercomparison measurements,supersite,routine auditing