

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署為能隨時掌握水質狀況,以作為水資源規劃、利用及污染防治政策擬訂之參考,於民國91年起統一辦理環境水質監測工作,並以委託計畫方式,分北、中、南三區發包以監測河川、地下水、水庫、海域及近岸休憩海域等環境水體。 因監測範圍廣達台灣本島及澎湖、金門、馬祖等離島地區,全年監測超過6000站次,參與檢測公司眾多,而錯誤之監測數據,會導致錯誤之環境政策,故如何確保監測數據品質係監測工作中不可或缺之一環,行政院環境保護署為此辦理「環境水質監測評核管理計畫」,針對「環境水質北、中、南三區監測計畫」進行監測過程及結果之評核工作,希望藉此計畫之實施能確認並提升監測數據品質。 本計畫今年除延續往年環境水質監測數據評核及編製年報外,並執行現場採樣工作查核、檢驗技術確認及測試比對等相關工作。已完成各項水質年報送交環保署,在現場採樣查核上,為確保採樣品質,先後進行採樣現場測定儀器功能確認、建立合格儀器清單、辦理採樣人員河川採樣技術評鑑、建立合格人員清單,並完成99次、136人日、248站數之採樣現場查核工作,而由前後期查核結果之比較,顯示採樣技術有相當程度之提升;監測數據評核方面,本年係採全面性核對、計算確認及合理性審核,提出甚多評核意見供相關檢驗室參考改善,並依據評核意見,視需要至檢驗室進行數據查核並觀察實作狀況,以確認該機構是否具有檢測能力。
中文關鍵字 環境水質監測,數據評核,水質年報,採樣查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-L101-02-201 經費年度 095 計畫經費 3960 千元
專案開始日期 2006/01/24 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 黃平志
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 執行單位 正修科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA95L10102201.pdf 8MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Auditing of Environmental Water Quality Mnitoring Data

英文摘要 The purpose of the water quality monitoring project, conducted by Bureau of Environmental Monitoring and Data Processing of EPA, is mainly to clearly delineate EPA QA policy, management structure, and procedures which will be used to implement the QA requirements necessary to document the reliability and validity of the river, the ground water, the reservoir, the sea area, recreational coastal areas. Improper policy of environment results from improper monitoring data, to ensure the monitor data quality is indispensable in monitoring work, EPA conducted "The environment water quality monitoring management and assessment plan ", which was expected to confirm and promote the monitoring data quality. In 2006, as well as the assessment of water quality monitoring data and the establishment of water quality annual report, sampling audit were also conducted to make sure that the sampling plans were properly and precisely executed. In this year, the following works have been done to achieve the project requirements, including reviewing and assessing plans which relate with the water quality monitoring project, assessing and check all the original monitoring data as well as the final reports, establishing the annual water quality reports, performing the sampling audit and promote the sampling quality by making sure that the field measurement instruments are in proper conditions, qualifying the sampling personnel and using proper check list.
英文關鍵字 Water quality monitoring, Data quality assessment, Annual water quality report, Sampling audit