

中文摘要 為協助及加速河川污染整治工作,91年起長榮大學河川保育中心在行政院環境保護署補助下,執行一系列促進民眾參與河川污染整治的計畫。此一系列民眾參與河川污染整治計畫已建立起民眾參與河川保育機制,透過污染通報、認養河岸、水環境教育、志工水質監測、參與整治策略規劃等,民間能量於河川整治工作。為協助南部七縣市經營河川巡守隊,河川保育中心於今年度透過網頁、Ecolife暨巡守地圖繪製工作坊、民眾參與流域環境管理工作坊等方式來促進縣市經驗交流及應用河川保育中心發展之民眾參與工具。於大台南地區性工作,為深化民眾參與,辦理二仁溪導覽志工培訓,認證35名導覽員。完成並發行12期河川巡守教育推廣電子報(溪流的呼喚)。持續推動水環境教育,參與水環境教育獎章學校共15所,17位指導老師,389名學生獲得認證(253名河川守護精靈、34名河川守護天使、102名河川守護菁英)。為持續協助整合民間河川守護能量參與河川流域環境管理規劃,河川保育中心召開六次二仁溪污染整治民間討論會,彙整各民間團體意見提案第十二~十五次二仁溪整治再生願景聯繫會報。透過今年度計畫工作,河川保育中心已逐步將推動民眾參與之經驗推廣到南部其他河川流域,並深化二仁溪之民眾參與。
中文關鍵字 民眾參與、河川污染整治、Ecolife、導覽解說、巡守;民眾參與、志工監測計畫、河川巡守


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-G103-02-226 經費年度 098 計畫經費 1500 千元
專案開始日期 2009/06/12 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 洪慶宜
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 李文慶 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epa-G0-ACLOFWJDIP-03-07.pdf 4MB
英文摘要 To assist and speed up river pollution cleanup, River Restoration Center in Chang Jung University has conducted a series of public participation projects since 2002 under the sponsor of Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA). The series of projects have successfully establish a public participation framework to involve people in river watch, segment adoption, environmental education, volunteer monitoring, and watershed planning. This year, to further assist the seven counties in southern Taiwan managing their river watch program, the River Restoration Center established public participation website and held two workshops to promote the sharing of management experience among the County Enironmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) and to provide the public involvement tools developed in the past few years. As for the Great Tainan Area, we held a guide training workshop for the Erhjin River. Thirty-five local volunteers were certified as the qualified River Environment Guide. Tewleve monthly newsletters were published. The Water Environment Patch Project was continued to implement in 15 schools, including elementary school, junior-high, and university, across the Great Tainan Area. The participants included 17 teachers and 389 students (253 certified River Guaridan Elf, 34 certified River Guardian Angel, and 102 certified River Guardian Ace). To involve the delegates of the River Watch groups into the watershed planning, we have also held 6 routine Counselling and Oversee meetings to discuss the watershed environmental issues for the Erhjin River. The suggestions about the Erhjin River were further submitted and disscused in 4 Erhjin River Program Implementation Committee meetings. The issues included pollution source control, biological investigation and sediment contamination study, the disposals of historical electrical waste digging up by the river bank construction, as well as river bank restoration. Through the efforts this year, the river restoration center has become a regional plateform to promote public participation in the southern Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Public Participation, Volunteer Monitoring Program, River Watch