

中文摘要 本計畫藉由相關資料蒐集及業者查訪調查,協助掌握國內含汞廢棄物產出、清理及再利用情形,並收集國外含汞廢棄物貯存、清除、處理設備、設施及技術資料,進一步探討國內現行含汞廢棄物管理相關法規及制度,進而協助研擬含汞廢棄物源頭減量、貯存、回收再利用及清理體系推動計畫。有關各項工作成果摘要說明如下: (一)國內含汞廢棄物產出、清理、再利用情形調查 本計畫已完成事業查訪與調查46家及廢棄物採樣30件,調查事業類別包括日光燈管製造業2家、液晶顯示器製造業19家、半導體及印刷電路板製造業7家、其他電子零組件製造業1家、血壓計製造業3家、廢棄物處理業4家、化學實驗室2家、醫療院所3家、燃煤電廠3家、其他化學製品製造業2家。依據調查結果顯示,國內使用含汞物質(包括汞元素及合金)之產業類別主要包括日光燈管、冷陰極管、血壓計、樟腦酸製造業及牙醫銀粉補牙劑使用等;排出含汞廢棄物者主要為半導體、印刷電路板、電子零組件、液晶顯示器等高科技業及醫療院所、繼電器、含汞開關、含汞電池等之使用;而燃煤電廠及都市垃圾焚化廠,則因燃料中含有汞雜質,因此所產生之飛灰及底渣亦為國內主要汞流佈來源。 藉由事業調查及文獻資料蒐集結果,本計畫已完成國內各主要含汞製程及排放含汞廢棄物業者之基線資料。依據基線資料推估結果,95年國內汞之流佈量約達20,313公斤,其流佈量大小依序為燃煤電廠(6,371公斤)、繼電器及含汞開關(3,088公斤)、汞體溫計及汞血壓計(3,032公斤)、牙醫補牙劑(2,860公斤)、冷陰極管(1,507公斤)、日光燈管(1,449公斤)、樟腦酸(1,043公斤)、含汞電池(912公斤)。其中繼電器、含汞開關與牙醫使用銀粉補牙劑於國內之使用量難以取得實際數據,因此本計畫藉由聯合國環境規劃署之建議評估因子來估算,但數據有高估之可能。 本計畫已依據95年為基準建立各主要產生含汞廢棄物事業之基線資料,然而與聯合國環境規劃署汞排放清單及相關文獻比較,尚有部分產業未能於今年度完成調查,如煤炭以外之其他燃料燃燒、初級金屬生產、水泥製造、製漿造紙、石灰及其他礦物生產、殺蟲劑、油漆、藥物、農藥製造、機械工業軸封使用、火化與殯葬等,因此國內中長期之汞流佈基線資料建立,仍須由環保署寬列經費執行調查。 (二)收集國外含汞廢棄物貯存、清除、處理及資源化之設備、設施及技術資料 本計畫已蒐集瑞典、德國及美國等三個國家對於含汞廢棄物之管理機制、方式與技術,其中瑞典主要藉由「逐步淘汰汞」、「收集汞」及「末端儲存」等方式,逐年降低國內汞之流佈;德國則針對廢照明器材訂立規範,必須將內含汞去除後才能進行玻璃回收。此外,將含汞污泥、焚化廢氣、廢交通工具含汞元件、含汞電池等列為絕對有害廢棄物,要求須另行處理;而美國則藉由「電池汞含量管理法案」、「汞安全管理計畫」、「全國車輛汞開關回收計畫」及「各州州法」,分別針對含汞電池、蓄電池、含汞產品、含汞燈光自動控制開關、防鎖死煞車系統、自動駕駛系統及汞體溫計等,藉由禁止販賣、使用及限制應回收處理等方式加以管制。 本計畫並針對國內含汞廢棄物之貯存、清除、處理及資源化技術提出建議。液態汞建議存放於玻璃瓶中密封,並放入儲存桶(非孔性可抗水銀材料)中存放,含汞廢棄物則可直接存放於儲存桶中,並於底部放置襯墊吸收衝擊力。儲存場所應設置防溢堤或築溝渠防止洩漏,貯存區土建設施應採用非孔性抗汞材質(如鐵、鋼、不繡鋼),並設置警報、滅火、照明、緊急沖淋等設備;清除時應將含汞廢棄物放置於密封容器,容器上方標示廢棄物名稱,在運送過程中須備妥含汞廢棄物清單及物質安全資料表;處理時,針對無法回收汞者建議採用穩定化/固化法處理,可有效降低含汞物質之危害性、流動性、溢散性及對環境的危害。針對可回收處理者則建議採用熱脫附/蒸餾法處理,藉由熱將汞與介質分離,可有效達到汞分離與純化之效果。 (三)探討現行含汞廢棄物管理相關法規及制度 本計畫已針對事業調查結果所發現問題,提出國內含汞廢棄物之管理建議。其中樟腦酸製程以汞作為催化劑,為單位事業使用汞量最高者,應優先針對其空氣、土壤及地下水等污染狀況審慎調查評估並持續追蹤;燃煤電廠汞來源為煤炭中含汞雜質,建議燃煤電廠將煤炭含汞量納入採購合約規範,或由環保署將含汞量高之燃料使用納入易致空氣污染物項目;都市垃圾焚化廠汞流佈量高低與含汞廢棄物分類回收狀況息息相關,目前廢電池、廢日光燈管已公告為應回收項目,後續應持續加強對汞體溫計、汞血壓計、繼電器、含汞開關等之回收處理規劃;汞體溫計已禁止於國內製造,輸入、販賣方面建議在不影響醫療品質原則下研擬禁限用方案,初期可限制不准一般民眾購買,醫療機構則以醫療器材許可證期限屆滿日為止;汞血壓計於市面上雖有多種替代產品,然而經濟部標檢局對其檢定檢查技術規範尚未完成建置,因此使用者對其準確度仍有疑慮;含汞光源目前並無適當替代產品,其回收處理狀況影響汞流佈較大,因此應鼓勵消費者使用環保低汞燈管,並限制產品含汞量及採用先進填充技術;針對含汞開關及繼電器則建議採取有效管制措施,包括:增加代碼列管申報、進口業者管制、含汞設備及元件標示、收集處理方案推動等。 就法規面來看,目前於前端製造、輸入、販賣等已有管制之含汞產品主要為乾電池,而體溫計自97年1月1日起禁止於國內製造。而後端訂有貯存、清除、處理方法及設施標準者除乾電池外,尚包括含汞及其化合物之事業廢棄物、日光燈管、廢資訊用品等。後續應優先針對使用量大且尚未管制之含汞產品及廢棄物進行管制,如燃煤機組廢氣處理設備之衍生物、都市垃圾焚化廠、汞血壓計、繼電器及含汞開關、牙醫銀粉補牙劑等。 (四)研擬含汞廢棄物源頭減量、貯存、回收再利用或清理體系推動計畫 本計畫主要以「零廢棄」為目標,完成含汞廢棄物回收再利用推動計畫研擬,並彙整具含汞廢棄物行業特色之廢棄物相關問題或疑義,規劃出結合工業、學校及相關產業團體之回收體系。 本計畫初步提出之試辦規劃建議,需由前端收集期程配合後端處理機制,並於推動收集前半年確定處理方案,於後半年內建置完成。於實施推動收集前,應成立由環保、衛生主管機關及專家學者所組成之「推動收集工作小組」。建議推動經費可由政府公務預算編列,以推動整體含汞廢棄物回收處理工作。
中文關鍵字 含汞廢棄物,資源化處理技術,廢棄物產生源


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-H102-02-133 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2840 千元
專案開始日期 2007/04/01 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 袁景嵩
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 李貞瑩 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-H102-02-133.pdf 19MB [期末報告]公開完整版

A Study of the Sources of Mercury-Containing Waste and Waste-to Resource Technologies Project

英文摘要 This project is trying to understand the production, recycle, and reuse of mercury-containing wastes by literature research and visit to ask associated companies. It also collects the methods for stockpile management, clearance, treatment equipment, construction, and technical knowledge of mercury-containing wastes in other countries. To further improve our mercury-containing wastes management law and act and introduce the strategy for mercury source reduction, storage, and recycle system, the associated work results are described in brief as follows: (1) Investigation of domestic mercury-containing wastes production, clearing, and reuse. 46 content analysis of companies and 30 samples are collected in this projects. Category of industry including 2 fluorescent lamp manufacturer, 19 LCD monitor manufacturer, 7 semi-conductor and printed circuit board factories, 1 electronic components manufacturer, 3 blood pressure monitor manufacturer, 4 waste treatment factories, 2 chemical laboratories, 3 medical industries, 3 coal-fired power plants, and 2 other chemical products industries. In accordance with the investigation report, the usage of mercury-containing substance (include mercury element and alloy) in domestic category of industry majority include fluorescent lamp, cold-cathode fluorescent lamp, blood pressure monitor, ketopinic acid manufacturer, and the usage of amalgam dental repair material. The mercury-containing wastes production in category of industry majority include semi-conductor, printed circuit board, electronic components manufacturer, and LCD monitor high-technology industries, and medical industries, power relay manufacturer, mercury containing switch and battery usage. However, because of mercury are contained in the fuel coal, the fly ash and municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash from coal-fired power plants and city garbage incinerator also could be a distribution of mercury source. From the content industry analysis and literature research, the project has completed baseline data collection in mercury containing processing and wastes main industries. According to the baseline data assessments, the domestic mercury flowing is about 20313 Kg, among coal-fired power plants (6371 Kg), power relay manufacturer (3088 Kg), mercury thermometer and blood pressure monitor (3032 Kg)、 amalgam repair material (2860 Kg)、cold-cathode fluorescent lamp (1507 Kg)、fluorescent lamp (1449 Kg)、ketopinic acid (1043 Kg)、mercury containing battery (912 Kg). Because it is difficult to obtain the actual data from power relay mercury containing switch, and amalgam repair material, the project evaluate by United Nations Environment Programme suggested assessment factors, as a result, a possibility of overestimate is existed. The projects based on the domestic situation in 2006 to establish mercury containing wastes producing manufacturer baseline. However, compare with other associated literature from United Nations Environment Programme, there are still certain parts category of industry not involved in this investigation. For example, the fuels power plants beside coal, primary metals industry, cement plant, pulping and papermaking, lime or other mineral production, insecticide, paint, pharmacological, pesticide manufacture, Mechanical-seal, cremate or mortician etc. For the reason, the establish of domestic mercury flowing baseline is still need Environment Programme to budget for investigation. (2) Collect the foreign information about mercury-containing wastes storage, clearance, treatment and recycling associated equipment, facilities and technique. This project has already collect arrangement mechanism, process, and technology with the mercury-containing wastes from three nations, which are Sweden, Germany and American. Among them, the Sweden is mainly by “phase-out mercury”, “collect waste mercury”, “terminal storage” to progress reducing mercury flow rate. Germany then makes the standard mainly aims at mercury recycling from waste fluorescent lamps before recycling glasses. Besides, it also request the further treatment of absolute hazardous wastes, include mercury contained-sludge, incineration pollutants in flue gas, used mercury containing element from vehicle, mercury containing battery. The American mainly by “Mercury-Containing and Rechargeable Battery Management Act”, “mercury safe management practices”, “The National Vehicle Mercury Switch Recovery Program (NVMSRP) ”, “state law“ to forbid for selling and using, enhance recycle system to control and restricted the use of mercury containing battery, rechargeable battery, mercury containing product, mercury containing switch, automatic control system for mercury containing light, anti-lock brake system, aeronautic system, mercury thermometer, etc. This project also makes a proposal on treatment of mercury-containing wastes storage, clearance, treatment and recycling associated equipment, facilities and technique. Liquid mercury is recommended storage in the sealed glass bottle and store into stockpile (non-porous mercury resistant materials, such as iron, steel, and stainless steel), and establish fire detection systems, fire extinguishments, lighting devices, and emergency shower devices etc. Discard the mercury containing wastes in a sealed container and mark the wastes name on the top side of the container. Prepare the consolidated list of wastes and material safety data sheet in deliver process. Recommended using stabilization/solidification process to lowering hazardous, fluidity, Emitting, and lowering environmental damage when can not recycle of mercury. Focus on the recyclable part, it is recommended using thermal desorption/distillation process to isolate mercury from substrates that can effectively isolate and purify the mercury. (3) Review the currently laws and acts related to mercury-containing wastes management. Through industry analysis, this project has find the problem and give advice to the management of mercury containing wastes. Among them, ketopinic acid manufacturer have highest mercury consumption levels, therefore, it should continued to monitor and investigate their air, soil, groundwater pollutions with circumspection. The sources of mercury emission from coal-fired power plants is because mercury content in raw coal, therefore it is recommended entered a standard coal’s mercury level into procurement contract code, or advise to Environment Programme to bring high mercury containing fuel into high air pollution rate level issues. The mercury flowing rate of city garbage incinerator is correlated with mercury containing waste classification and recycles efficiency. Now waste batteries and waste fluorescent lamps are listed in the recycle issues. Next step should enhance the recycle of mercury thermometer, blood pressure monitor, power relay, and mercury containing switch. It has forbidden producing mercury thermometer in our country, import and selling has suggested to conditional restricted use that could not affect medical therapeutic quality. The use of mercury devices in medical units is still permit till the medical equipments license is out of date. There are many products could replace mercury thermometer but the users still considerable on the accuracy of such products because of the bureau of standard, metrology and inspection have not setup the standard examination method. There are no other suitable lamps could replace the mercury containing lamps, thus, the waste lamps recycle rate could affect the mercury flowing rate. Therefore, the environment protective low mercury containing lamps should to be encouraged to use, restrict mercury levels, and adoption with new mercury filling technology. In accordance with mercury containing switch and relay usage, it is recommended to take more effective control, including : increase the code control and declare, control the import controlled, labeled mercury containing mark on the products, and promoting recycle projects, etc. Within the laws, the battery is one of the mercury containing products that controlled front-end manufacturing, importing, and selling. It is forbidden to produce mercury thermometer in our country start from January 1, 2008. Beside on battery, the other mercury containing industrial waste chemical, fluorescent lamp, waste computer equipment also make the standard on storage, clearance, treatment and equipment in back-end manufacturing. Follow-up should firstly focus on the high level usage of uncontrolled mercury containing products including flue gas treatment associated products in coal-fired units, city garbage incinerator, mercury blood pressure monitor, relay, mercury containing switch, and amalgam dental repair material. (4) Introduce the strategy for mercury source reduction, storage, recycle and clearance system “Zero-waste” is the goal in this projects; it according to promoting the recycle and reuse plane for mercury containing wastes, characterize the mercury containing waste producing manufacturer, and planning a complete recycle system combine industry, school, and associated industry. This project preliminarily offers a proposal to experiment. It needs to coordinate the front-end collection and back-end treatment mechanism, determine the plain in half year before collection, and setup completely in half year before collection. Should establish “working groups for promoting collection project” constitute by the environmental protection, the health supervisor organization and expert's scholar. In order to promoting the systemic recycling and treatment of mercury containing wastes, the promoting outlay is suggested to budget by government public affair planning.
英文關鍵字 Mercury-Containing,Waste,,Waste-to,Resource,Technologies,,Sources,of,Waste