

中文摘要 本計畫係依據聯合國溫室氣體綱要公約原則下推動我國與中美洲友邦國家環境保護合作計畫,達成相互永續發展的目標,第一階段的工作係完成召開在我國舉辦2006年10月份與中美洲友邦國家召開「環境部長會議」,簽署部長共同宣言,取得推動2006至2009年期間進行環境合作計畫的依據,做為對我國未來推動在中美洲投資CDM計畫及參與國際溫室氣體減量合作基礎與依據,也讓我國能依此模式繼續拓展其他環境保護的國際舞台,提升對我國外交工作的助益,會議的成功將對我國與南太平洋友邦環境部長會議具有實質的助益。 此次部長會議計有貝里斯、多明尼加、哥斯大黎加、薩爾瓦多、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、尼加拉瓜等7個中美洲友邦環境部會首長及資深官員抵台參與此盛會,其中哥斯大黎加、多明尼加、瓜地馬拉與尼加拉瓜等4個友邦由環境部長親臨出席,會議各項活動包括會前會議、開幕典禮、部長圓桌會議、部長雙邊會談、國際環境專家研討會、企業論壇,並於會議最後一天下午簽署環境部長共同宣言與中外記者會,並緊接閉幕典禮而劃下完美句點,最後各國出席代表由我國環保署張署長陪同下赴總統府晉見陳總統。 目前已順利完成部長會議各階段工作,對出席貴賓的連繫與追蹤工作將持續進行,並規劃中美洲推動EEP計畫的各項制度與程序以及工作內容。 本計畫後半段的重點在於因應推動中美洲合作計畫的需要,組團赴聖薩爾瓦多市設立中美洲計畫連絡處以推動後續計畫,邀請薩國環境部長訪台,並依雙邊會談內容在瓜地馬拉市考察評估都會區空氣品質自動監測站設立地點,並舉行象徵性捐贈儀式,計畫內容方面持續推動MARKAL模型在中美洲的建構與CDM計畫基本內容的瞭解,包括方法與案例的研究。區域MARKAL資料庫方面則與兩位中美洲MARKAL計畫人員交換意見,做為推動基礎, CDM方面除持續進行考察活動,並以在UNFCCC申請登錄並推動中的計畫2項進行案例探討,做為未來推動CDM計畫的基礎,同時對CDM計畫的程序、方法及發展現況進行研究。 蒙古共和國方面本計畫完成對其MARKAL人員的培訓工作,由於蒙古並非邦交國,也將隨著情勢的發展,伺機依其需求,推動未來合作方案。
中文關鍵字 部長會議,,清潔發展機制,,國際合作,,中美洲,,部長共同宣言,,中美洲環境發展委員會,,溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-A-2-09 經費年度 095 計畫經費 13406 千元
專案開始日期 2006/06/27 專案結束日期 2006/09/30 專案主持人 胡耀祖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 吳奕霖 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 溫室氣體減量國際合作專案期末報告.pdf 4MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Developing International Program for GHG Reduction

英文摘要 The purpose of the project is focus on developing bi-lateral environmental cooperation projects with friendly Central American nations in accordance with the UNFCCC Guidelines for mutual sustainable development. A 2006 ministers’ Meeting in October, 2006 was held for developing a Ministers’ Statement in framing the ground as mutual agreement for the implementation on cooperation projects during the period of 2006 to 2009. It also adoped as the legal process to extend our preliminary CDM projects in Central America as international joint activities on GHG reduction and enrolling in the international environmental arena. This event would be helpful for our arduous foreign relationships circumstance with other countries and the following Ministers’s Meeting with friendly Pacific nations as major experience. An earlier trip in July, 2006 to El Salvador was making arrangement for the meeting. The works on Ministers Meeting has been well performed in October at Taipei smoothly with attendees from 7 CA nations, including Belize, Dominica the Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Among them were ministers from Dominica the Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua attending personally. The agenda included the premeeting, opening, minister round meeting, bilateral meetings, seminar of experts, and Business Forum. It has been concluded on endorsing the Ministers’ Statement with action plan on cooperation in front of a press conference. All CA attendees went to meet the President before leaving Taiwan. The communications channels with the attendees will be sustained continuously. In subsequence the implementation on the action plan was extended with procedure define and projects on EEP project between CA countries and Taiwan. The second part of the work was focus on basic evaluation on CA local MARKAL Model development, cooperation projects and basics of CDM to be extended in CA area, including principles, methodologies and case studies. Another visiting to CA was conducted in July to set up the Liaison Office at San Salvador, invite the new environmental minister, Mr. Carlos Guerrero, to viste Taiwan, and site evaluation of an air quality monitoring station to be set up at the Guatemala city as a environmental cooperation project with a donation emblem. A meeting with MALKAL personnel in the two countries revealed the current situation to develop the effort on MARKAL regional model and databases. A scheme in training the Mongolian MARKAL operating personnel was implemented in October 21~26, 2006, as part of the project. Further development in the cooperation will be developed based on the situation between the Mongolian Government and our Government.
英文關鍵字 Ministerial,Meeting,,CDM,,International,Cooperation,,Central,America,,Ministers',Declaration,,CCAD,,GHG