

中文摘要 本研究目的,係為持續督促地方政府落實本署補助完成設置之現地處 2 理設施的操作維護與管理,於97 年成立「現地處理設施操作維護查核計 畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)查核地方政府之現地處理設施,以落實地方政府「 自主管理」為最終目的。其成果如下: (一) 完成現地處理設施61 個場址62 次操作維護管理查核作業及53 個場 址57 處設施113 個水質樣品檢測分析作業,查核成果顯示平均之總 分為70.2,超過70 分之場址有36 個(約佔60%),其中有4 個場址分 數超過90 分,80~90 分者有16 個場址,70~80 分者有16 個場址, 顯示整體之操作維護管理表現有超過半數的場址尚能維持正常操作 維護管理作業,低於60 分者有17 個場址(約佔28.3%),可能受入流 水量濃度太低、經費或人力不足(如植栽管理)、天然因素(風災損壞) 、引流水量不足、等因素影響。 (二) 查核成果討論會於11 月26 日舉辦,除說明本年度查核成果外,並與 出席人員溝通討論及說明相關問題,經統計共有22 單位34 人出席與 會。 (三) 為促進國內各界(產官學)對河川水質淨化之現地處理設施的技術提升 與交流,分別於7 月24 日及10 月29 日於台北及嘉義等地各舉辦乙 場現地處理設施規劃、設計及操作維護專家學者指導會議,藉由場址 案例的現地參訪觀摩及國內專家學者與會分享其相關經驗,經統計出 席與會人數達148 人。 (四) 現地處理設施之操作維護管理作業與在地NGO (非營利性組織)結合 ,如社區志工、保育團體、河川巡守隊等,除有利於場址的操作維護 工作外,亦有推廣河川水質淨化之現地處理設施的環境教育功能。 (五) 採用污染削減量做為現地處理設施之水質處理成效評量應持續推動 。而現地處理設施之水質處理評量,宜以長期性監測數據為基準,其 評量可較單次採樣分析客觀,針對操作維護單位之長期監測數據應建 立一套QA/QC 管理及申報機制,以確保數據的正確性。
中文關鍵字 現地處理, 操作維護查核, 自主管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-G103-02-226 經費年度 097 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/02 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 林宗岳
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 陳啟仁 執行單位 財團法人台灣水利環境科技研究發展教育基金會


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期末報告 EPA97G10302226.pdf 66MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Inspection of Operation and Maintenance in On-site Wastewater Treatment

英文摘要 In order to keep the function of all Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) subsidized on-site facilities for expected water quality cleanup and to help local officers self-management, EPA launched the inspection of operation and maintenance in on-site wastewater treatment facilities in 2008. The results of 62 inspected sites were as follows, 1.In total 61 inspected sites, 57 treatment facilities were conducted to inspect and 113 water samplings were taken. The average score of evaluation was 70.2 for total inspected facilities, among that there were more than 60% have performed regular operation and maintenance to fit expected water treatment function, which means the evaluated score would be above 70. Moreover, 4 sites won the score above 90 and 16 sites got the score between 80 and 90. However, about 28% of total amount of inspected sites could still not reach the requirement due to certain lacks, such as short of operation budget, inadequate personnel and operation, unsuitable plant management, insufficient inflow, and damages by natural accident. 2.The inspected results have been presented to, communicated and discussed with 34 staffs of 22 related units from all inspected sites on November 26, 2008. 3.In order to enhance the techniques and exchange experiences of operation and maintenance, two workshop meetings have been held on July 24 at Taipei and October 29 at Chiayi. There were 148 participants in total. 4.It was recommended that the maintenance of on treatment facilities should be cooperated with local non-government organizations, such as community volunteers, environment protection groups, and patrol teams of river, to extend the function of treatment facilities for environmental education. 5.It was also recommended that the index for removal mass of pollutants should be continuously considered as one of the most important criteria to establish a long term performance monitoring mechanism which could include long duration monitoring data and objective evaluation.
英文關鍵字 On-site treatment, maintenance quality control, self-management