

中文摘要 一、戴奧辛及重金屬排放源查核及文件審查作業 (1)清查68家廠商/85根次,清查狀況:運轉中57家/75根次,申請暫時停工者有4家/4根次(勁錸大同廠、中油桃煉廠-M33、環檢所、大鐘印染),已停工但未完成停工申請者有3家/3根次(鼎鑫、博宇電漿、上和),解除列管者有4家/4根次(名皓、和群、俊行記、黃家紡織);已清查廠家運轉中焚化爐有14家-19根次,輔助燃料有21家/26根次,屬公告之固定污染源及第八批次共有22家/30根次。 (2)審查134件次桃園縣境內列管之戴奧辛排放源相關資料;執行53份桃園縣境內列管之戴奧辛排放源之戴奧辛檢測報告書之建檔作業(分別建檔於固定污染源管理資訊系統資料庫及台灣地區有毒污染物質資訊管理資料庫中),執行26件列管戴奧辛排放源之檢測之現場監督工作,檢測過程皆符合法規規範。 (3)稽查檢測12家廠家之排放管道戴奧辛,其中3家超出法規排放標準。南洋染整股份有限公司於98年10月8日進行稽查檢測,檢測濃度為3.68 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛排放標準,處理量4噸/小時以下者為:0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,已對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰45萬元,並要求99年4月30日前提送符合排放標準之檢測報告。名佳利金屬工業股份有限公司中壢二廠於98年10月26-27日進行稽查檢測,檢測濃度為1.22 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準1.0 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,已對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰15萬元,並要求99年6月30日前提送符合排放標準之檢測報告。勁錸科技股份有限公司於98年12月2-3日進行稽查檢測,檢測濃度為1.23 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛排放標準,處理量4噸/小時以下者為:0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,已對該廠家進行告發處分,並要求99年4月20日前提送改善計畫書,99年6月8日提送符合排放標準之檢測報告;稽查檢測3根次列管重金屬排放源,分別為燃煤汽電共生鍋爐之士林紙業股份有限公司永安紙廠、銅二級冶煉之永源化工原料股份有限公司、及廢棄物焚化爐之水美工程企業股份有限公司觀音廠, 3家稽查結果均符合法規標準。 (4)建立68家廠商戴奧辛排放資料庫共219筆資料,估算桃園縣境內戴奧辛98年的年排放量為6.558 g-TEQ/yr,分別來自焚化爐年排放量為0.860 g-TEQ/yr,電弧爐年排放量為3.609 g-TEQ/yr、輔助燃料年排放量為0.285 g-TEQ/yr,第八批次固定污染源戴奧辛年為1.804 g-TEQ/yr。 (5)98年12月28日完成昶昕實業股份有限公司戴奧辛排放源之管制與減量實廠輔導作業,邀請數位輔導委員與會,提出改善建議,針對現勘當日所發現之問題與缺失進行資料整理與收集,於99年1月14日予昶昕實業股份有限公司戴奧辛污染改善建議書,該廠於99年3月29日請空氣污染防治設備商進行設備說明,規劃將於原有之洗滌塔前加設活性碳噴助系統及集塵器設備,以減少戴奧辛之排放。 (6)本計畫運用RFID活性碳使用管理系統至實廠進行建置及測試,選取的廠家為鴻程科技股份有限公司大溪廠,並於98年12月10日假桃園縣桃園勞工育樂中心302會議室,舉辦「無線射頻識別技術應用觀摩暨固定污染源戴奧辛檢測線上申報系統研習會」。 二、縣內環境空氣中戴奧辛/多氯聯苯現況調查 周界空氣中戴奧辛現況調查(採樣28點次),本年度計畫所監測觀音工業區、大園工業區及龜山工業區等9處採樣點濃度介於0.024~ 0.536 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3之間,執行之觀音工業區、大園工業區及龜山工業區的周界空氣戴奧辛平均濃度依序是0.152、0.225及0.053 pg TEQ/Nm3,龜山工業區的監測值明顯低於觀音工業區及大園工業區,其原因為於龜山工業區內僅有三家戴奧辛排放源(均為木屑鍋爐)。 本次計畫除進行周界空氣戴奧辛檢測外,並納入同為持久性有機污染物(POPs)的多氯聯苯,故進行周界空氣多氯聯苯之監測,觀音工業區、大園工業區及龜山工業區等9處採樣點濃度介於0.002 ~ 0.028 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3之間,三處工業區平均濃度依序為觀音工業區0.009 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3、大園工業區0.012 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3、龜山工業區0.004 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3,參考過去研究可發現多氯聯苯毒性當量約為戴奧辛之5 %至20 %,本次檢測多氯聯苯平均濃度含量介於6~8 %,與96年桃園縣境內周界空氣多氯聯苯毒性當量濃度相較,其差異性不大。 本年度計畫所有周界空氣戴奧辛之同源物濃度與美國各種戴奧辛排放源進行主成分分析,觀音工業區與木屑鍋爐燃燒及醫療廢棄物焚化爐關聯性較高;大園工業區與木屑鍋爐燃燒、都市垃圾焚化爐靜電式集塵器污染物逸散及廢棄物焚化爐關聯性較高;龜山工業區與木屑鍋爐燃燒關聯性較高,與其工業區內污染源種類一致。 三、縣內環境空氣中重金屬現況調查 將98年觀音工業區與大園工業區之周界空氣重金屬濃度數據與今年度所作之排放管道重金屬稽查檢測數據進行主成分分析,從圖中可看出觀音國小於吹東北風時所監測之TSP、PM10、PM2.5數據均與水美工程有較大之關連性,以其地理位置來看,水美工程位於觀音國小之東北方,故其結果實屬合理;而潮音國小之第四季PM10監測時間(99.03.03)與永源化工進行稽查檢測時間(99.02.26)相近,且工廠排放出之微粒一般均以PM10為主,故推測潮音國小應有受到永源化工重金屬排放之影響。 四、針對縣內工業區或高污染潛勢地區之污染管制及調查工作 本計畫於桃園縣觀音、龜山與大園三個工業區,一共6個國小的調查發現,每一工業區都有學校緊鄰於工業區旁,包括觀音工業區樹林國小、龜山工業區建國國小與大園工業區潮音國小都受到工業區所排放特殊污染物之影響,本計畫確定污染源來自於這些工業區的污染排放。化學物質都有特殊的異味,易引起異味的陳情,這些污染物中亦包括六氟化硫溫室氣體,Freon 12與Freon 22氟氯碳化物等臭氧剝奪氣體。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 098 計畫經費 10500 千元
專案開始日期 2008/07/02 專案結束日期 2009/04/21 專案主持人 凌永建
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇振昇 執行單位 國立清華大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年度戴奧辛排放源輔導管理(含有害空氣污染物)暨支援環保案件調查計畫期末報告.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 Project Execution Organization: National Tsing Hua University Principal Investigator: Yong-Chien Ling Project Period: 2009-4-22 ~ 2010-4-21 Project Funding: NT$ 10,400,000 1. Inspection of dioxin and metal air pollutant from stationary pollution sources and examination of documentation (1)We have completed the compliance inspection of 68 companies/85 stacks. Among these companies, 57/75 are in operations; 4/4 (Ener-Com Technology Co., Ltd. Datong plant, Taoyuan refinery of China Petroleum Corporation-M33, Environmental Analysis Laboratory EPA, Executive Yuan, R.O.C, and Great Bell Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd.)have applied temporarily shut down; 3/3 (Dingsin Co., Ltd., Boyu plasma Co., Ltd., and Sun-ho fiber Co., Ltd.)shut down without advanced permit application; 4/4 (Alpha Beta Enterprise Co., Ltd., Chang-Hua fiber Co., Ltd., Chun Hsin Chi Co., Ltd., and Huang textile Co., Ltd.)are removed from control list. The companies in operation include 14 incinerators/19 stacks, 3 electric arc furnaces/3 stacks, 21 auxiliary fuel/26 stacks, 22 stationary pollution source /30 stacks listed in the 8th announcement. (2)We have completed documentation examinations of 134 cases, including dioxin testing reports and dioxin testing plans. 53 of them were keyed into the stationary pollution source information management system and Taiwan toxic substance pollutant information management system. We have carried out 26 on-site inspections of dioxin sampling at controlled dioxin source. All accorded to regulation. (3)We have completed the inspection and testing of stack dioxin from 12 companies, a total of 38 dioxin samplings and analyses were carried out. Three companies(Nan-Yang Dyeing & Finish Co., Ltd., Minchali Metal Industry Co., Ltd. and Ener-ComTechnology Co., Ltd.) violated the dioxin emission standard and was fined NT$ 450,000, NT$ 150,000, NT$ 450,000,and they all have completed improvements on due time; We also have completed the inspection and testing of stack metal from 3 companies, the metal conformed to dioxin emission standard. (4)Dioxin testing data from 68 dioxin air pollutant from stationary pollution sources (219 cases) were collected. The estimated annual dioxin emission was 0.860 g-TEQ/year from incinerators, 0.285 g-TEQ/year from plants using auxiliary-fuel, 3.609 g-TEQ/year from electric arc furnaces, and 1.804 g-TEQ/year from stationary polluting sources. The Taoyuan County annual dioxin emission is 6.558 g-TEQ/year (5)Control and reduction of dioxin emission source We have carried out on-site consultation at AMIA Co., Ltd. on 12/28/2009, respectively. A report of recommending improvements based on the problems and deficiencies found on-site was provided to AMIA Co., Ltd., for reference. AMIA Co., Ltd. invited to air pollution control equipment manufacturers for equipment description, and will plan to addition of activated carbon injection systems and dust collection device before the original scrubber to help to reduce dioxin emissions. (6) We use RFID on activated carbon management system and test the management system in HongCheng Technology Co., Ltd.. We also hold "RFID technology demonstration cum stationary pollution sources dioxin online reporting system Workshop" in the Taoyuan County Government on 12/10/2009. 2. Investigation of ambient air dioxin / PCBs We have sampled 28 ambient air samples for dioxin testing. The dioxin toxic equivalency (TEQ) range in ambient air was 0.024 ~ 0.536 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and Gueishan industrial park. The average concentration of ambient air dioxin is 0.152 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park; 0.225 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park; 0.053 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in Gueishan industrial park. The concentration of ambient air dioxin in Gueishan industrial park is lower than what in GuanYin industrial park and DaYuan industrial park, the reason for only three dioxin emission sources in Gueishan industrial park. In addition to ambient air dioxin , we also investigated ambient air PCBs. The PCBs toxic equivalency (TEQ) range in ambient air was 0.002 ~ 0.028 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and Gueishan industrial park. The average concentration of ambient air dioxin is 0.009 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park; 0.012 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park; 0.004 pg WHO TEQ/Nm3 in Gueishan industrial park. We can find that PCBs / dioxin toxicity equivalent to 5 ~ 20% in past studies, PCBs / dioxin in this plan was between 6 to 8%. Multivariate statistical analysis reveals that the values in GuanYin industrial park might be related to waste burning and wood boiler; in DaYuan industrial park might be related to wood boiler, the dispersion of pollutants from MSWI electrostatic dust collector and waste burning; in Gueishan industrial park might be related to wood boiler 3. Investigation of ambient air heavy metals We use PCA to analysis the concentration of ambient air heavy metals and the inspection and testing of stack metals in GuanYin industrial park and DaYuan industrial park, and the result reveals that the ambient air heavy metals of Guan-Yin elementary school in winter be related to Super Max Engineering Enterprise Co., Ltd.,; the ambient air PM10 heavy metals of Chao-Yin elementary school be related to Yung-Yuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.. 4. Control and Investigation of industrial park and high pollution potential areas We have investigatd 6 elementary school in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and Gueishan industrial park for VOCs, and found that Shu-Lin elementary school, Jian-Guo elementary school and Chao-Yin elementary school were effected by the pollutions from industrial park. We are sure that the pollutions are foul, and some of them are SF6, Freon 12 and Freon 22 etc.