

中文摘要 本年度計畫之研究項目,主要為車輛排放污染管制工作的執行、管制制度的修訂與未來法規推動之先期研究等。例行性之車輛排放污染管制工作包含執行新車型管制作業與召回改正調查測試兩大部分,新車型管制作業部分包含審驗、新車抽驗、耐久計畫與品質管制等工作。 新車型審驗工作部份,統計97年1月至97年12月止,審驗合格證明包含進口及國產車共接收271件申請案件,其中核發出的審驗合格證明為255張,包含629個車型。平均審驗天數為7.8天。OBD審驗部份統計至97年12月31日止,共提出28件OBD測試計畫,分別由7家國產車業者、4家進口車業者提出;其中國產車23件,佔82%,進口車5件,佔18%。若以申請型式分類,申請歐規(EOBD)測試的有26件,佔93%,申請美規(OBDⅡ)測試的有2件,佔7%。召回改正調查測試完成10個引擎族50輛次測試,測試結果皆符合法規管制規定。 汽車審驗合格證核發電子化系統為簡化廠商業者的操作流程,並讓合格證清冊與產銷/品管資料能合併於同一資料庫,已於97年12月初完成整合並合併核備系統之建置與系統測試。且針對審驗作業系統執行、管理功能維護、檢討與修正,重點修改項目包含新增測試結果判定、新增合格證核發業務統計、自動帶出審核表補件記錄與OBD族相關查詢等管理功能。 研究國內環境影響排放係數之參數部分,完成總量模式操作軟體之使用可行性評估,藉由學術研究單位的使用操作後提供相關建議。另探討各排放係數,研究國內環境影響排放係數之參數,包含各污染控制元件對污染排放之影響、蒸發排放係數與持續調查車輛的行駛特性。且鑒於國內老舊車輛數據缺乏,特規劃老舊車輛污染研究測試,除可建立高里程車輛之資料庫外,同時針對測試結果也修正於污染模式中。 因應汽油車四期排放標準管制之推動,規劃建置相關管理措施,包含PM2.5研究分析,並分別就背景分析、汽油車貢獻程度探討、國內外PM2.5管制精神、國內PM2.5管制策略評估等方面進行研究分析。規劃品管測試之管理細則,擬訂因應審驗辦法之品管測試查核機制及執行程序,以及規劃國內汽油汽車廢氣之法規檢驗測定機構管理制度。且進行超低污染車輛之測試能力分析研究,針對檢測試驗室面對超低污染車輛之排放污染測試的測試精度進行研究探討與分析。 推動我國汽油車排氣污染管制工作對於國內環境空氣品質是相當重要的,而這樣長久持續的環境保護工作,可以有效降低我國汽油車之排氣污染對環境的衝擊,其成效也是有目共睹的。因此本計畫工作的多元化,主要是將有限資源作精確的分配與管理,讓整體產業與環境共存共榮。
中文關鍵字 新車型審驗,新車抽驗,使用中車輛


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-FA13-03-D070 經費年度 097 計畫經費 13500 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/01 專案結束日期 2009/03/31 專案主持人 黃天助
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳婉菁 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫結案定稿資料.rar 25MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle

英文摘要 The main work items for this project included: Implementation on vehicle emissions control measures; draft revisions on related emissions control regulations and pre-study on future control strategies. The routine vehicle emissions control work items include: Carry out new vehicle emissions control measures (type approval, random selective tests, durability test program, and COP tests) and in-use vehicle recall investigation tests. For the new vehicle type approval in 2008, totally 271 certificates with 629 types of domestic manufactured or imported vehicles were issued from Jan. to Dec. The average certification process dates were 7.8 days. For the OBD certification in 2008, totally 28 certificates were issued from Jan. to Dec. The EOBD is 93% and OBDII is 7%. As to recall investigation tests, totally 50 tests covered 10 engine families were conducted and all tests results were comply with the regulations. The new version of electronic certification system has been tested on December that was combining the certification inventory database and production and marketing/COP database. The functions included account management, certificate application, auditing process, supplement document required/ document rejected automatic informed through e-mail, and statistic lists for management. An extra column is added to trace OBD related statistics. To study the impact factors of vehicle emissions, an emissions model that operates on windows 2000 system has been developed and installed. The studied parameters include vehicle driving characteristics, the emissions status for emission control parts ageing, and the collecting and updating of emissions inventory data. To promote the control of gasoline vehicle emissions is vital to improve air quality in Taiwan. The long lasted environmental protection could effectively reduce the impact of emissions from gasoline vehicles. The main purpose of the variety aspect of this project is to distribute and manage the limited resource precisely to promote the prosperity of the vehicle industry and not sacrifice the environment.
英文關鍵字 new model certification, random inspection on new vehicle, in-use vehicles