

中文摘要 本公司於93年度開始執行嘉義市水污染稽查管制計畫,並於94年度及95年度持續辦理事業稽查管制,並配合社區、學校、公益團體成立志工河川巡守,隨時掌握污染源現況及時處置。亦鑑於隨時可能發生之重大水污染情事,排訂河川緊急演練計畫,以力求發生水污染事故同時,能即時採取應變處置,以防止污染情形擴大。95年度計畫積極對嘉義市轄區工廠廢水處理進行管制及輔導,以掌握工廠廢水處理情形,俾利日後對列管業者追蹤管理。 95年度針對本市列管事業共進行531家次之例行性稽巡查(包含晨、夜間稽查),同時針對今年列為稽查重點之後湖里工業集中區的9家電鍍業者稽查高達86次,並且於該區域完成3點次以上之水質自動監測作業,根據監測結果鎖定後湖區周圍水路相關事業加強稽查,確實於該地區查獲多次不法行為,包含2家次之放流水檢驗不合格、4支非法暗管(其中包含01次繞流排放)。於95年度執行至今共查獲5支暗管,並已全數封除完成。在檢驗放流水方面共檢驗149家次,其中有放流水水質不符合該事業放流水水質標準共有9家次,除進行處分之外並輔導業者改善。另在河川巡守義工隊運作上,已於95年3月12日正式成立河川巡守義工隊,完成4場教育訓練和6場清淨河川活動;配合環保政策亦於今年度辦理2場次法規說明會及3場次生活污水減量說明會;另為加強水污染緊急應變能力,於95年12月20日協助環保局於嘉義市八掌溪軍輝橋辦理了01場河川水污染緊急應變演練。
中文關鍵字 水污染稽查,志工河川巡守,河川緊急演練計畫,RPI值


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2165 千元
專案開始日期 2006/01/18 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


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期末報告 公開板.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開版

Chia-yi city river patrolling, investigation and consulting of industries and emergency drill in Nio-chu river and Ba-jang river

英文摘要 Starting form 2004, the water pollution prevention and regulation project in chia-yi city has been executed by our consulting group, and it has continued on for 2005 and 2006. The water pollution investigation of various industrial units, in cooperation with the river patrolling teams organized from different neighborhoods, schools and charitable groups; all of this is to synchronize the controlling and handling of the polluting sources. In addition, for prevention of the major water pollution events, an emergency drill is also performed to minimize the damages to the environment a real event can create. This 2006 project enforced the regulating and consulting of the industrial units within chia-yi city for better following the licensed industries. For the year 2006, 531 investigations were carried out at the regulated industrial units, 9 electroplate plants at Ho-hu-li industrial district were thoroughly investigated up to 86 times; the 24-hr water quality monitoring resulted in the discovery of various illegal activities, including 2 illegal wastewater discharges and 4 illegal wastewater discharging pipes. During the same period, 5 illegal wastewater discharging pipes were found and removed. The results of 149 wastewater discharging inspections showed that 9 of them were not up to the standard. A river patrolling team was organized at march 12th, 2006, 4 educational training sessions and 6 river water purging activities were held. Some 2 conferences and 3 water usage reduction info-sessions were taken place in accordance to the Taiwan EPA policies during the whole year. A river pollution emergency drill was organized at Ba-zan-river bridge at Dec. 20th, 2006.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution investigation, river patrolling teams, water pollution emergency drill, values of RPI