

中文摘要 桃園縣政府環保局為順利推動空氣品質維護或改善工作,並能達到各項管制計畫預期之目標及效益,故委託執行本計畫,其主要工作重點為綜合管理各空氣品質維護或改善計畫之執行進度與品質,並整合其具體成效或提升滿意度之做法提報予環保署爭取較佳的考評績效;另一重點則為掌握並更新本縣環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染成因探討,據以檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略,籌編98年度桃園縣空氣品質維護或改善工作計畫。 期中報告執行期間(97年4月8日至97年9月30日),本計畫已蒐集分析以往空氣污染防制政策及相關研究文獻、檢討建立本縣污染排放清單、彙整歷年公害陳情案件、繪製空氣污染陳情案件之環境熱點地圖及修正近程空氣污染管制策略,期中階段之成果摘要說明如下。 一、空氣品質分析及不良事件日污染成因分析 持續蒐集並分析桃園縣88年至97年8月間,空氣品質不良指標值(PSI)及各類空氣污染物濃度變化情形,並執行VOCs、粒狀污染物成分分析(金屬元素及陰、陽離子),利用空氣污染模式模擬94年至96年間事件日發生之傳輸軌跡。研究分析顯示,氣象條件在高壓出海及高壓迴流天氣型態較易出現高污染事件日,風場較微弱,不利於污染物擴散,有利於臭氧之生成。 二、近程空氣污染管制策略修訂 計畫以上位角度配合中央管制政策,在使各計畫期限人物力資源得到整合的效果,提昇桃園縣的污染管制成效,擬定方向著重在解決民怨、減少污染源排放量為主軸目標。由於97年第3季空氣品質中懸浮微粒及桃園測站SO2濃度未達空氣污染防制計畫書所訂定之改善目標,故本計畫於97年6月起即整合各子計畫執行擴大油品抽測、生煤使用許可審查加嚴及道路減塵專案,整合式專案管制工作已略見成效,詳細內容詳見第四章。 三、空污專案計畫管考及成效評核 桃園縣年度空氣品質維護或改善計畫高達20多項,為有效綜合管理各計畫之執行進度及成效,本年度計畫訂定「空氣品質維護或改善工作執行計畫內部考核辦法」,藉由現勘、文書查核、召開各項會議(期中期間召開7工作協調會及2次季工作檢討會等),達成管制計畫之縱向及橫向聯繫,追蹤協調各計畫執行成效與互動關係,利用缺失矯正方式,要求各計畫行缺失改善,並請由第三公司查核重點計畫,以提升各計畫之減量成效並具體整合各計畫之工作成果。亦配合北部空品區定期召開會議,跨縣市執行政策包括共乘制度推動、柴油車聯合稽查等工作。 四、統籌及辦理空污計畫成效宣導活動 計畫提出97年度整合行銷宣導企劃方式,以一月一主題方式,加深民眾對環保局空氣防制工作印象,按月辦理各項具有成效之活動,期中階段計畫共主辦二場大型宣導活動、四場小型活動,並機動配合環保局政策,完成自行車使用之問卷調查934份,亦配合跨局處(交通處、教育局)之宣導,推動自行車環境營造及減碳工作。 五、其他制度建置及相關事項 制訂本縣橫向通報標準作業程序,內容包括六大項標準作業程序書,計畫並據以召開綜合教育訓練會,整合空污計畫管制之人物力,提昇計畫串聯機制,共接獲各計畫128件次橫向通報,各權責計畫並依規定期限完成處理回報工作。另制訂專案支援中心管理規則,按月查核、管理中心之運行。 另外,本計畫亦自評97年度本縣環保署考評成效,在獲得上限撥交比例下,可加強的工作項目逐項檢討、追蹤,現階段在各子計畫的積極配合下,已有效檢核各計畫之合約量,環保署績效考評分數亦逐月提昇中。下階段之執行重點將著重於督促子計畫落實各項管制工作,以達成空氣污染防制計畫書97年度空氣品質改善、污染減量目標;並編撰本縣排放量管理計畫書,持續檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略,做為98年度桃園縣空氣品質維護或改善工作執行計畫籌編之參考。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制,空氣品質,管制策略與目標


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 8100 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/08 專案結束日期 2009/04/07 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 桃園縣97年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫.pdf 31MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Integrated Control of Air Pollutant in Taoyuan,2008

英文摘要 To protect the residential environment and improve the quality of air condition, the Taoyuan County Government has focused organizational reforms on preventing public nuisance and maintaining environmental cleanliness. This project will reveal not only the latest air pollution status but also discuss the source of the pollution caused. For further the environment and air quality will be more efficiency to improve and have a better living space. The project (2008,April 8th ~2009,April 7th)will integrate the record data of the air condition over the years. The Department of Environmental Protection will review the policy under considering of related records, the pollution management plan reports, the history of public pollution events, the map of air pollution spot directions, and analysis of the pollution events. Furthermore, it is not only hold variety of conference (including seasoning working discussion, the scene examination, northern Air quality conference, Committee member local examine conference of The Department of Environmental Protection, Foundation managemental conference, Eternal development conference, Organization conference)but also have activities of guidance for Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. The following attachment is the list of the well resolution. A, The efficiency performance of the supplement of Air pollution project 1) The improving and maintaining of Air quality project have done more than 20 cases this year in Taoyuan County. Besides “The internal examination of the Air Quality maintaining and improving” was setted up on dated 2008, May 1st. The 3rd company will examine the result and have more effective improvement. 2) The standard of announcement contains 6 standard procedure items which had been set up on Jun 23rd 2008. It had received over 202 projects under this standard procedure by 2008, March 31st. The People, Substance and the Energy will be integrated by the Educational Training. 3) The related conference of the Air Protection Policy will be held as following : Taipei county 2008,July 10th,Taipei City 2008, December 29th, Keelung City 2009, March 24th. The policy will stride across the city to proceed and promote the air protection which has including the Diesel Car management. 4) The Technical Group of Department of Environmental Protection of the scene examination conference was taking part on 2008, November 11th. The year of 2008 Air protection solution will be reported and handed in to The Department of Environmental Protection on 2009, Feb.3rd. B. To evaluate the Air condition and the result of the execution 1) The analysis of occasion to the Air pollution: To analyze pollution standards index (PSI) and variation of the air pollution molecule of Taoyuan County. In the recent 3 years, executing the VOCs and interpreting pollution granular material (metal material and negative, positive ion) records the tracks of the air pollution GTx. It apparents the critical pollution will easily cause under the high pressure weather which is difficult to extend the pollution under the breeze condition and beneficial to foster the ozone. 2) By statistics of VOCs and PM sample predicts the reason and origin of the pollution. Moreover by using Box models to research the situation of spreading pollution. 3) The computer program will automatically send the message to the related project manager when the Air PSI≧85. C, Efficiently to control the Air pollution spread policy 1) To collect the industry’s variation tendency, predicting the pollution will cause until the year of 2015. The contamination will be under control by the project of the Pollution management which was made on 2009,Jan 31st. 2) Every engineering program will be managed under the “Map of pollution discharge” and “Map of the pollution spot” which was drawned by the Department of Environmental Protection. 3) For further environment protection will focus on the heavy metal management, decrease smoke from Food and drinks industries, and restrain vehicle’s exhaust fume. D, The promoting and coordination of the Air protection execute results 1) The people could obtain the information of the results of the Air protection project from the website. 2) There are a lot of ceremonies and activities takeing part from last year 2008, including the Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction Press Conference, Bicycle promotion and survey, The praise assembly, The Moon Festival without BBQ Press conference, a day without vehicle activity, Planting trees activity, the society civilization activity and many Carbon reduction activities. 3) To integrate the media organization, the environment protection was promoted on newspaper, television advertisement, and broadcasting. To harmony with Energy saving project and Bicycle using research that was purchased 1,000 pieces of energy saving lamps, and produce the 76 medals for well execution industries, and 1,000 tubs plants. In conclusion that to nuisance and maintaining environmental cleanliness will be the topic to strengthen of environment from the year of 2008. The better living area will be develop and base on the effective policy and take effect by everybody
英文關鍵字 air pollution control, air quality, control strategy and objectives