

中文摘要 本計畫為兩年計畫之第二年,主要為協助環保署順利推動土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)第8條、第9條相關業務。本計畫完成之工作項目包括: 一、彙整統計本計畫執行期間以及歷年之土壤污染檢測備查案件(分別為350件及957件)及評析執行成效,並清查未依土污法第9條規定辦理申報備查之事業名單及蒐集相關單位因應土污法第8、9條之具體管理做法。 二、針對指定公告事業、評估及檢測機構、金融機構、地政士、不動產仲介經紀與估價業者等進行問卷調查,並挑選20家具代表性之事業及相關單位進行深度訪談。 三、完成20處指定公告事業之現地勘查,並針對其中8處場址進行土壤採樣查證。 四、提升「指定公告事業用地土壤污染檢測資料申報與備查管理系統」之維護、管理及查詢分析功能,並依最新法令修正系統表單與內容。 五、前往23縣市環保機關進行土污法第8、9條業務推動輔導作業,規劃後續管制策略,並辦理3場次教育訓練課程。 六、辦理3場次之土污法第8、9條政策推動宣導與討論會議,協辦2場次法令研商公聽會,重新編印500本宣導手冊,提供環保署專業與技術諮詢。
中文關鍵字 土壤污染檢測資料,指定公告事業,查證


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-GA11-03-D049 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4440 千元
專案開始日期 2007/02/27 專案結束日期 2008/02/26 專案主持人 魏顯祥
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 白慧芬 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA96GA1103D049.pdf 55MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Performance Evaluation and Consultation of the Soil Pollution Inspection on Publicly Designated Industrial Land

英文摘要 The main goal of the second year of a two-year program for the Performance Evaluation and Consultation of the Soil Pollution Inspection on Publicly Designated Industrial Land, was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in promoting activities related to Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (hereinafter called as “Soil Pollution Act”). The following work items were implemented in this year: 1. Compiled the soil pollution inspection cases reported to the EPA in this year and the previous years (350 cases and 957 cases respectively), and evaluated and analyzed the performance on the execution of soil pollution inspection activities. In addition, the companies that breached Article 9 of the Soil Pollution Act by not reporting to the EPA were examined. The practical management methods for abiding by Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil Pollution Act were also collected from relevant agencies. 2. Conducted questionnaires investigation to the publicly designated industries, assessment and inspection organizations, financial entities, land administrators, real estate dealers and appraisers, and among these, twenty typical companies or organizations were selected for further interview and visitation. 3. Inspected twenty publicly designated industrial land sites and conducted soil sampling and verification of eight sites among them. 4. Improved the functions of maintenance, management, inquiry and analysis of the Information Management System for Soil Pollution Inspection for Publicly Designated Industries, and amended the report formats and contents of the system. 5. Assisted 23 local environmental protection departments of city and county governments in promoting activities related to Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil Pollution Act, amendment of the current management methods and planning the follow up management strategy, and implementing 3 training courses 6. Held 3 meetings on the promotion and discussing of activities related to Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil Pollution Act, assisted in implementing 2 public hearings to study relevant laws and regulations, edited and published 500 propagation brochures, and provided professional and technical consultation to the EPA.
英文關鍵字 Soil Pollution Inspection Information, Designated and Publicized Industries, Verification