

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署為提供民眾便捷的環境資料供應管道,結合文數字型的環境資料以及地理圖資,建置整體環境資料庫系統的入口網站,統合各系統的風格以及架構,新增資料搜尋機制,提供民眾更簡易方便的資料供應窗口。除了全新建置整合性環境資料庫系統外,另編製100幅精緻的主題圖,製作線上電子書,提供各界下載使用,並編製國家環境地理資訊主題圖輯,以推廣圖資建置成果。本計畫完成的成果如下: 一、建置整體系統的入口網站,整合文數字型資料以及地理圖資,建立環境資料搜尋機制,透過AJAX的技術以及相關詞彙的建立,系統使用者可在輸入關鍵字後,輕易地在同一頁面預覽七大類資料的搜尋結果,並可直接展示細部資料,例如:於搜尋機制中獲取的空間圖資訊息,系統直接開啟圖層,讓使用者直接進入地理資訊系統,成功地整合不同類型資料的介接,簡化了民眾對系統的使用步驟。 二、強化環境地理資料查詢系統,導入高程地形資料,提供點、線、面三種查詢方式查詢,豐富環境地理資料庫;建立資料共享機制及系統功能,以API服務方式將環境資料提供外部單位使用。 三、建立文數字資料以及地理圖資的管理系統,以利系統管理者透過本管理工具來掌控資料現況,包括資料傳輸及整合的現況查詢、最新訊息的發布平台、地理圖資的更新介面、圖資加盟資料的匯出等功能。 四、編印環保主題圖冊,製作線上電子書,發展讓各單位可再次利用的100幅精緻的主題圖,並從中挑選重點主題搭配說明文字以及美工,製作國家環境地理資訊主題圖輯,以推廣圖資建置成果。 五、完成加盟內政部國土資訊系統,利用Web Map Service技術,提供33種圖資瀏覽服務,促進資料流通共享。
中文關鍵字 環境資料庫,環境地理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-L103-03-002 經費年度 096 計畫經費 6960 千元
專案開始日期 2007/04/11 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 鄭婉儀
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 吳瑞品 執行單位 千一科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿完整版.pdf 12MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental quality Database Geographic data update and system function enhance

英文摘要 To provide the public a convenient way to access the environmental data, EPA has combined letter and numeral environmental data, as well as geographic map data to establish the portal website for integration environmental database system. It integrates styles and models of each system and add the searching mechanism to provide the public an easier and more convenient data supplying window. Except the new-constructed integration environmental database system, EPA has published 100 exquisite themes and manufactured online electronic book for downloading. National environmental geographic data themes edition is compiled to popularize the effort of map data construction. The results of the project are: 1. Integration system setting and being the portal that integers letter, numeral and map data. The environmental data searching mechanism is established by AJAX technique and correlated words and phrases. The users can easily view the searching result of 7 classes and display the detailed data by inputting keywords. 2. Enhancing the environmental geographic data inquiring system by importing elevation terrain data. The environmental geographic database is abundant since it provides 3 searching methods of points, lines, and areas. Data sharing mechanism and system function is established so that environmental data is provided by API service for outer organizations. 3. Establishing the management system for letter, numeral and map data. It makes system manager control the data immediately favorable through the management tool. The tool provides functions such as data transformation, instant integrated data acquiring, news platform, geographic map data updated interface, joint data exporting. 4. Editing and Publishing the illustrated environmental protection theme book and electronic book manufacture. 100 exquisite themes are developed reusable for any other organizations. Priority topics are chosen from the themes with description and art designing for national environmental geographic data themes edition which is to popularize the effort of map database construction. 5. By applying technique of Web Map Service and joining NGIS alliance of MOI, the data sharing is promoted and providing 33 kinds services of viewing map data.
英文關鍵字 Environmental database, Geographic Information System, GIS, Data Integration