

中文摘要 「97、98年應回收廢棄物稽核認證自主電子化申報、審查、勾稽管理實務導入暨作業制度改善計畫」,沿續96年「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業制度檢討及最適稽核認證作業方式規劃計畫」檢討規劃最適稽核認證作業外,亦針對強化稽核認證管理方案、減少執行人力與成本支出,以提升作業效率等目標。 一、規劃分析稽核認證(自主)電子化申報系統各項精進功能,研擬合理性因子、工作底稿與稽核表單間勾稽比對機制,提供稽核認證量與補貼費核撥支援性審核系統運用,更提供自動化異常預警機制,確保作業品質與服務效能。 二、稽核認證(自主)電子化申報系統實務導入作業,運用各類輔導作為,協助3家稽核認證團體與74家受補貼機構進行實務導入作業,藉此提高稽核認證作業效率與資料正確性。 三、稽核認證作業自動即時系統輔助功能部分,規劃與評估自動計量設備自動連線系統與CCTV即時監控系統,提高稽核認證作業品質與查核效能。 四、研擬最適稽核認證查驗模式及標案整併工作乙節,針對各稽核認證材質進行通盤性檢討與分析,於維持稽核認證量核發正確性與品質之前提,刪減無效/低效工作促使稽核人力彈性運用,預估減少採購預算。 五、各項查核作業改善作為工作項目,乃針對會計稽核作業制定標準化規範,另檢討CCTV判讀作業流程,將有效縮短作業時程達50%。 六、提升稽核認證制度管理效能作業部份,針對各稽核認證作業手冊與稽核認證團體定期提交之報告格式,予以檢討並完成標準化作業,藉此提高相關文件易閱讀性,另結合稽核認證(自主)電子化申報系統之勾稽比對服務,納入各認證團體之內部稽核作業標準程序,提高整體作業品質與管理作業能量。
中文關鍵字 應回收廢棄物;稽核認證作業檢討;最適稽核認證作業方式


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-HA14-03-A153 經費年度 097 計畫經費 6900 千元
專案開始日期 2008/06/03 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 黃義芳
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 顏素真 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-97-HA14-03-A153.pdf 0MB

Electronic Reporting and Auditing of Certified Recyclable Waste Management and Improvement in '08-09

英文摘要 “Electronic Reporting and Auditing of Certified Recyclable Waste Management and Improvement plan” in Year 2008 and 2009 was followed by the “Review of Recyclable Waste Certification Mechanism and Planning of Most Adequate Certification Operation” plan in 2007; it established the most adequate auditing and certification operation process, reduced resources for strength auditing and certification mechanism plan, and increased the entire performance. 1.For auditing and certification application analysis system improvement, this plan came up with rule for key points, raw data to match with auditing and certification report, which support to calculate number of certificates and to audit subsidized, it also provide automate warnings sign when system goes wrong as to ensure the service quality. 2.The use of electronic reporting and auditing of certified system has helped 3 auditing and certification organization and 74 subsidized organization increase the efficiency of auditing and certification mechanism and increase data quality. 3.Auditing and certification mechanism automation has provided automatic connection and CCTV monitoring system, which increased quality of auditing and certification mechanism and bid contract, 4.Stimulus the most adequate auditing and certification process and consolidation bid contracts, analyzed different types of auditing and certification, cut costs while kept the same quality works, estimate of 76 million dollars were saved in procurement. 5.For system improvement, this plan has created a standard procedure for auditing; CCTV process has also been revised with estimate 50% process time to be cut. 6.For system efficiency, after different auditing and certification process and reports had been revised, new standardized operation process been set for all auditing and certification organization has established. Using the electronic auditing and certification system with standardized operation process, the quality of the entire process and management mechanism have been increased.
英文關鍵字 Recyclable Waste;Review of Auditing and Certification Mechanism;Most Adequate Auditing and Certification Operation