

中文摘要 行政院於91年9月9日核定「環保科技園區推動計畫」後,環保署已分次甄選高雄縣、花蓮縣、桃園縣及台南縣,目前全國共有4座園區正積極推動中。 截至96年2月止,總計經核准入區之廠商計有43家,分別位於高雄園區24家、花蓮園區5家、桃園園區6家及台南園區8家,分析其達成之績效為:土地面積30.53公頃(達成率36%)、投資金額88億8,700萬元(達成率66%)、提供就業人數1,494人(達成率66%)、年產值249億7,772萬元(達成率161%)、循環再利用資源物及水再利用量分別為102萬公噸/年(達成率34%)及36.8萬公噸/年,參考目前引進產業現況,推估園區土地全部出售後,各項目應可達成甚至超過推動計畫所定目標。 本計畫於執行過程中,已協助環保署召開指導委員會及推動小組會議,共計7次,積極督導主辦縣府推動設置園區,另為順利進行招商作業,本計畫亦積極協助主辦縣府辦理招商說明會,並寄送海報、DM及宣導手冊約36,000份予相關單位,此外辦理園區研討暨訓練會議,以及拜訪國內外廠商超過百家。 由於各園區已有廠商陸續進駐營運,因此本計畫亦著手進行查核輔導作業,除至現場勘查各園區主辦單位及入區廠商設置進度外,也藉此機會了解上述單位於設置過程所遭遇困難及提供因應解決方案。 此外,環保署已於94年度公告研究補助計畫申請,本計畫業協助修訂「環保科技園區研究計畫補助審查原則」及對入區廠商所提研究計畫進行初審作業,並協助環保署完成95年度研究計畫評選,計有12家廠商獲選,其中試量產案5案、先期研發案7案。
中文關鍵字 生態化工業區,環保科技園區,永續發展


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-H103-02-244 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2860 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/16 專案結束日期 2007/03/15 專案主持人 施信民
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 陳峻明 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


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期末報告 KM-99977180-1.pdf 14MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Environmental Science and Technology Parks Project

英文摘要 Owing to the global trend towards sustainable development and the aim of becoming a recycling society, many countries have recently chosen appropriate areas for establishing ecological or environmental science and technology parks. The concept involves allowing industry make a connection between input and output, thus expanding to connect the living circles of cities. The ultimate aim is to infuse industrial development into ecologically recycled systems. Countries such as Denmark, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, and Japan have all implemented ecological projects. To comply with global trends towards sustainable development and the objective of becoming a recycling society, the Taiwanese EPA is establishing four environmental science and technology parks (ESTPs). For quickly establishing these ESTPs, the ESTP Guidance Committee have held two committees, and the EPA have held 57 workshops on ESTPs design, construction and invitation of investors during 2005. The project team has completed the necessary documents for seeking prospective investors. A seminar and exhibition on the ESTPs were also held in Taiwan this year. Currently 43 companies have been approved for admittance to the ESTPs in Kaohsiung and Tainan. To let members of various sectors know about the ESTPs, this investigation has gathered information on environmental science and technology parks to serve as a reference. Through this approach, we hope that people involved in all sectors learn about the ESTP and contribute their valuable input to improving environmental technology in Taiwan and enhancing the quality of the environment.
英文關鍵字 eco-industrial park, Environmental Science and Technology Park, sustainable development