

中文摘要 為實現「污染者付費」之社會正義原則以及「空氣污染防制法」的立法精神,並且以經濟誘因方式,促使公私場所主動減少污染排放量,進而達到改善空氣品質之目標,行政院環境保護署自84年7月1日起開始徵收空氣污染防制費。環保署十餘年來配合固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收作業所執行之空污費申報、建檔、審查與監督查核計畫,至96年度起在角色與功能上有明顯的轉變,改以扮演監督考核與教育輔導之角色,以協助縣市環保局順利承接與執行空污費徵收作業之相關業務,而本計畫內容亦朝此方向為主軸進行規劃,茲就本計畫之工作執行數量與進度及重要成果摘要條列如下: 一、空污費徵收、資料處理、審查作業 (一)自96年第2季起空污費徵收審查作業移轉至環保局,會計帳目劃解至環保署空污基金計761,760,430元,劃解至縣市環保局空污基金專戶計1,132,286,340元。SOx、NOx到繳率為96.3%,VOCs到繳率為87.4%。網路申報家數佔總申繳家數之36.3%~44.0%,申繳金額佔總申繳金額比例達79.8%~93.7%。各縣市辦理催補繳作業後補申報件數達5,514件,實收金額為116,789千元。 (二)空污費案件書面審查及現場查核作業 1.案件書面審查及現場查核作業標準作業程序已建立完成。在空污費案件完成書面審查部分,本計畫已核定之1,097家季空污費,應補繳金額為38,143仟元。 2.空污費案件現場查核部分完成102家,共有44家查核發現有缺失;連續自動監測設施查核41家,共有9家查核發現有缺失,合計共完成143家工廠之空污費現場查核作業。 3.監督檢測成果在一般煙道監督檢測共完成20家協同環保局監督檢測作業,大部分檢測數據皆呈現A級之水準;相對準確度監督檢測成果在執行40家RATA定檢之協同環保局監督檢測作業中,其中共有18家其監測數據需乘以偏移校正因子。 二、協助縣市環保局執行空污費相關作業及查驗 (一)於96年6月12日辦理空污費相關作業說明會,順利推動空污費相關作業轉移地方環保局,並於97年2月22日在辦理空污費檢討說明會,告知相關執行空污費作業缺失與改善方式,以確保審查作業的品質。 (二)進行2次縣市實地輔導徵收作業與監督評析,在收文建檔方面,建議應要求相關執行人員,儘速進行建檔工作,並加強比對工廠申報資料與建檔資料,並進行稽核作業;在審查與查核方面,建議應確實針對審查所應檢附相關資料進行確認、對執行人員之專業知識與教育訓練以及執行進行內部稽查作業;在發文方面,建議應儘速審查結果進行發文作業。 (三)針對縣市環保局空污費申報案件建檔與審查結果之資料庫品質進行稽核,整體結果以台北市最佳。 三、針對業者對於固定污染源空污費徵收方式變革之意見彙整,協助環保署進行「固定污染源空氣污染防制費收費辦法」草案內容及條文修正公告。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費,硫氧化物及氮氧化物


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA12-03-A157 經費年度 096 計畫經費 19174 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/16 專案結束日期 2008/05/15 專案主持人 宋國安
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 郭愛華 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA96FA1203A157.pdf 9MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The project of audit and verification in Sulfur Oxides and Nitrogen Oxides of Air Pollution Control Fee for Stationary Pollutant Sources.

英文摘要 In order to realize "the pollution to pay fee" the social just principle, and by the economical inducement, urges the public and private place initiative reduction pollution emission, then achieved objective of the improvement air quality. The environmental protection administration starts to levy the air pollution fee on July 1 1995. The EPA and EPB had worked together on July 2007. The plan of important achievement abstract lists item by item as follows. In the expense levies, the data processing , the reexamination work, the EPA had received 761,760,430 dollars and the EPB had received 1,132,286,340 dollars. The declared rate of SOx and NOx is up to 96.3% and VOCs’s is 87.4%. Besides, the network declared rate is about 36.3%~44.0% and rate of money had achieved 79.8%~93.7%. The plan had completed 1,097 examinations and factories had paid more than 38 million ; In the scene checks part, had completed 153 scenes to check the work, there were 53 factories should be corrected. In the pipe detection part, had completed 20 detection; The exhaust gas data quality had become A degree. Samples in the relative accuracy (RATA) flue with the surveillance to examine the aspect, altogether completes 40 RATA flues to sample. Moreover there are 18 factories must be multiplied by the bias adjustment factor. The plan had conducted explanation about air fee on June 12 ,2007 and self-criticism explanation on February 22 ,2008. The engineers went to EPB twice, in order to enhancing professional knowledge and process of air fee. The Taipei city is the best for executing air fee work up till now. This project had trained the scene checks and a review conference for the county environment protection bureau. Furthermore, convened conferences to explain the air fee laws changed, and one conference to critique the national stationary sources control works. Finally, the plan had collected opinions about air fee’s work and helped EPA to declare the law of stationary pollutant’s air fee.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Fee,SOx,NOx