

中文摘要 本計畫目標包括建置適合我國醫院及圖書館室內音量品質之建議值及分級制度。分析及調查醫院及圖書館室內易發生噪音源分布情形,以要求其管理單位自主改善。研擬「醫院及圖書館自主性噪音改善計畫」範本,供醫院及圖書館管理單位進行噪音改善之依循。 完成醫院及圖書館室內音量測定並參考國外有關公共場所室內音量測定指標及方法,研擬適合我國公共場所室內音量建議值包括:1.進行圖書館室內音量測定10處、醫院公共場所室內音量測定30處,醫院LAeq(hr)符合60dB(A)達46%,L日符合60dB(A)達42%,圖書館LAeq(hr)符合50dB(A)佔54%,L日符合50dB(A)佔52%,全國北、中、南、東各區醫院之L日音量比較,以中部地區最吵。2.於音量測定同時進行764人次問卷調查分析。3.建議圖書館的室內音量LAeq(1hr)為50dB(A),醫院的室內音量LAeq(1hr)為60dB(A),圖書館分級:特級(安靜):音量<45 dB(A)、一級(普):45 dB(A) ≦音量<50 dB(A)、二級(需改善):音量≧50 dB(A),醫院分級:特級(安靜):音量<50 dB(A)、一級(普):50 dB(A) ≦音量<60 dB(A)、二級(需改善):音量≧60 dB(A)。 完成資料蒐集、實地現勘調查及諮詢會議,瞭解醫院及圖書館室內易發生噪音源分布情形:1.醫院移動音源-輪椅、病床、病歷推車、喧嘩聲,交談聲、手機鈴聲、小孩喧鬧、護士小姐奔跑聲、醫護人員叫喊病患聲;固定音源-飲水機、室內空調(機)設備、掛號處印表機、叫號聲、廣播及電視、電梯到樓提示聲、醫護人員會議室和護理站。2.圖書館移動音源-交談聲、手機震動(鈴)聲、書報上架推車、走路聲;固定音源-搬動桌椅、開關門聲、冷氣空調、廁所、飲水機、翻報聲。3.舉辦諮詢會議,廣徵各界意見。4.八家署立醫院Leq,LF(20 Hz至200 Hz)低頻噪音值30.738.8 dB(A),符合管制標準。5.醫院科別來分,以檢驗科、中醫科和藥劑科音量較大。 完成「醫院及圖書館自主性噪音改善計畫」包括:1. 有關國外室內音量標準及相關法令已於「2.7國內外有關室內噪音的建議標準及相關法令」及「2.8國內外有關室內噪音防制措施及規範」詳細說明,我國目前並無相關標準及法令、在標準方面,根據「表2.7-3室內噪音限值標準」知,國外僅WHO、ISO、英國、紐西蘭有室內噪音建議標準、相關法令方面很有限,列於「表2.7-4國內外相關室內噪音的法令」,我國目前並無相關標準及相關法令,期透過本計畫能建議室內音量標準。2.防制及改善措施:防制室內噪音需按其來源(音源)分別採取措施,主要可分為室外噪音控制、室外振動控制、建築隔音和室內噪音控制四大方面。3.「表5.2-3噪音自主改善計畫書」。
中文關鍵字 室內噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-U1F1-02-101 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1780 千元
專案開始日期 2008/03/28 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 郭宏亮
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 台灣永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 醫院及圖書館音量品質量測規範及評估指標之建立.pdf 17MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Establishment of Measurement Standards and Evaluation Indicators for Noise Quality at Hospitals and Libraries

英文摘要 The objectives of this project include to develop recommended values and the grading system for indoor noise quality at hospitals and libraries suitable for the situation of our country, to analyze and investigate the distribution of noise sources easily occurred inside hospitals and libraries and demand self-improvement by the management of respective hospitals and libraries, and to formulate a model of the “Self-regulated Noise Improvement Program for Hospitals and Libraries”, for the management of hospitals and libraries to follow in their efforts to improve their noise situation. The achievements of this project are as follows:Completing indoor noise measurement for hospitals and libraries and developing recommended values of indoor noises for public places suitable for the situation of our country, making reference of the measurement indicators and methods on indoor noises for public places adopted by foreign countries, during which the work conducted include: 1) measurement of indoor noises for libraries on 10 locations and for hospitals on 30 locations, of which the results showed that for hospitals, 46% comply withLAeq(hr)=60dB(A) and 42% comply with L日=60dB(A) while for libraries, 54% comply withLAeq(hr)=50dB(A) and 52% comply with L日=50dB(A). As far as L日 is concerned, in comparison among hospitals in northern, central, southern and eastern areas, those in the central area are noisiest; 2) analysis of questionnaire survey on 764 respondents in conjunction with noise measurement; 3) recommendation of indoor noise limits for libraries atLAeq(hr)=50 dB(A) and for hospitals atLAeq(hr)=60dB(A). The grades on noise quality recommended for libraries are: premium grade (quiet) – noise level < 45 dB(A), first grade (moderate) – 45 dB(A) ≦ noise level < 50 dB(A), and second grade (improvement needed) – noise level ≧ 50 dB(A); for hospitals: premium grade (quiet) – noise level < 50 dB(A), first grade (moderate) – 50 dB(A) ≦ noise level < 60 dB(A), and second grade (improvement needed) – noise level ≧ 60 dB(A). Completing data collection and field investigations, as well as holding consulting meetings, to determine the distribution of noise sources easily occurred inside hospitals and libraries, during which the work conducted include: 1) identifying moving noise sources at hospitals as being wheelchairs, hospital beds, medical record trolleys, uproarious noises, talking noises, cellphone rings, kids playing, nurses running, medical professionals calling for patients, and fixed noise sources as being drinking machines, interior air conditioners, printers at registration offices, number calling, paging and television, elevator arrival reminders, medical professionals meeting rooms and nursing stations; 2) identifying moving noise sources at libraries as being talking noises, cellphone vibrations (rings), book trolleys and walking noises, and fixed noise sources as being moving of desks/chairs, opening/closing of doors, air conditioners, restrooms, drinking machines and turning pages of newspapers; 3) holding consulting meetings to collect opinions from all walks of life; 4) measuring the low frequency noise levels (20 ~ 200 Hz, Leq,LF) at the 8 DOH hospitals as between 30.7 and 38.8 dB(A), which comply with the noise control standards; 5) identifying the most noisy departments at hospitals as being the Department of Laboratory Medicine, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Department of Pharmacy. Completing formulation of the “Self-regulated Noise Improvement Program for Hospitals and Libraries”, of which the highlights include: 1) situations regarding the indoor noise standards and related regulations adopted in foreign countries are explained in “2.7 Recommended standards and related regulations on indoor noises home and abroad” and “2.8 Control measures and related regulations on indoor noises home and abroad”. In terms of standards, according to “Table 2.7-3 Standards on indoor noise limits”, standards and related regulations on indoor noises are limited overseas, only WHO, ISO, the UK and New Zealand have established recommended standards for indoor noises, which are listed in “Table 2.7-4 Related laws and regulations on indoor noises home and abroad”. Currently, we have no standards and regulations on indoor noises in our country and it is hoped that recommended standards for indoor noises can be established through the implementation of this project; 2) noise control and improvement measures: for indoor noise control, necessary measures need to be taken based on various noise sources, which can be divided into four areas as outdoor noise control, outdoor vibration control, sound insulation in buildings and indoor noise control; 3) “Table 5.2-3 Self-regulated Noise Improvement Program”.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Noise