

中文摘要 本計畫蒐集環保署、水源特定區管理局、翡翠水庫管理局於新店溪上游集水區中的南、北勢溪各水質監測資料加以彙整分析,所用分析的方法有:和去年同時期比較、四項水質達成率、上下游河川水質變化分析、歷年河川水質盒形圖統計分析、機率式水質分析方法、並針對南勢溪集水區污水下水道設置前後進行水質分析。 分析結果發現是以大腸桿菌,超過甲類標準為最多,ㄧ般而言水質受水文氣象條件與季節性影響異差甚大,尤其地處最上游地區;其他受極端事件,如颱風及暴雨之影響亦甚為巨烈。 本計畫也規劃於各排水與南北勢溪匯流口現場檢測初期暴雨逕流污染量至少30處次,包括翡翠水庫集水區5處(漁光橋、坪林加油站、坪林拱橋、大林橋、金溪一號橋),南勢溪上游5處(烏來老街、溫泉街、烏來堰、阿貴廚房、下龜山橋),各3次,進行暴雨採樣及水質分析,分析結果發現多處區域性污染熱點,可做為後續防治重點地區,以及針對集水區內農民辦理非點源污染控制技術指導工作。 另外並研析美、日兩國之非點源污染法規制度,分析後建議國內水污法增修有關條文。因此本計畫針對非點源污染法規提出建議修正之條文,分別定義「點源」及「非點源」污染及控制管理方式。並仿照美國NPDES排放許可證的方式,建議「暴雨逕流排放許可制度」將雨天之雨水收集系統亦視為固定之點源排放口,必須申請排放許可。 完成「農業污染削減執行手冊-農民版」及「遊憩行為污染削減手冊」,針對農業污染控制技術,召開一場技術討論會,根據會中意見修改手冊內容,並於農民版手冊完成後,在坪林鄉兩場、石碇鄉一場共舉辦三場針對茶農的農業污染削減宣導說明會,共150人參加。
中文關鍵字 集水區管理,暴雨污染調查,污染削減


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-G103-02-211 經費年度 096 計畫經費 4280 千元
專案開始日期 2007/01/25 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 張尊國教授
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 范國政 執行單位 國立台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-G103-02-211.pdf 25MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Hsin-Tien River Resource Area Water Quality Management Project

英文摘要 All the water quality monitoring data about the upper Shintan Creek, including pei-chih creek and nan-chih creek, which performed by governmental agency, have bee collected and analyzed in this project. Beside, we also performed the investigation of nonpoint pollution from stormwater and guidance the farmer to eliminate nonpoint pollution by BMP’S. The measures we used to analyze data including, temporal and spatial comparison of upstream and downstream monitoring sites, water quality achievement rate, box plot of monitoring results, etc., among all the parameters the E coli. is the most frequently parameter which cannot meet the A class water quality standard. In general, weather condition is the major factor affects the monitoring results most. We also make a suggestion about the regulations to control nonpoint pollution discharge, the stormwater management program adopted by NPDES US EPA seems to be one of the best methods we can introduce and implement here. An “Implemental manual for reduction of agriculture pollution-farmers’ edition” and a “Manual for reduction of pollution caused by recreational activities” have been written. Aside from these, a workshop was held to discuss about the control techniques of agricultural pollution. Based upon the suggestions in the workshop, the manual of farmers’ edition was revised. Then three classes of educational promotion and promulgation were held to instruct the tea farmers about the reduction of agricultural pollution. Among the three classes, two were at Pinglin and one at Shihding.
英文關鍵字 Watershed management, Storm water Pollution investigation, Pollution elimination