

中文摘要 「海洋資源保育工作小組(MRC WG)」為「亞太經濟合作組織(APEC)」十大工作分組之一。APEC從1995年左右,即積極討論有關永續發展事宜,並認為推動永續發展應透過「推動公私部門夥伴關係」的方式來推動。2002年在韓國舉辦的APEC第一屆「海洋相關部長會議(AOMM-1)」時,所研擬「漢城宣言」中即宣示私人企業與私人部門應參與海洋永續管理的必要性;2005年印尼巴里島舉行的第二屆「海洋相關部長會議(AOMM-2)」再度重申此一課題之重要性。有鑑於私人部門參與海洋環境永續管理之重要性,我國爰由行政院環境保護署以委託計畫方式,自1998年起,陸續舉辦私人部門會議,並獲得APEC重視列為自籌性正式會議。我國編印之刊物APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries,咸認具有相當水準,目前被列為 APEC海洋資源保育工作組和漁業工作組(FWG)共同刊物。本年度計畫將承續過去之基礎,其工作內容下:(一)蒐集及彙整相關資訊,以編撰與發行英文APEC MRCWG及FWG聯合刊物與網頁建置;(二)協助環保署參加APEC MRCWG年度會議之相關幕僚工作,並派員出席於2006年4月上海舉辦之APEC MRCWG第19次會議;(三)辦理私人部門參與海洋資源保育之APEC國際會議,建立政府與企業、非政府組織之夥伴關係;(四)協助執行2006年APEC海洋環境品質評估計畫。
中文關鍵字 亞太經濟合作組織,海洋資源保育,漁業


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-E1U2-02-201 經費年度 095 計畫經費 1592 千元
專案開始日期 2006/02/20 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 邱文彥
主辦單位 國際事務組(停用) 承辦人 張宣武 執行單位


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2006 APEC MRC計畫結案報告.rar 21MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Project on the Involvement of APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group - 2006

英文摘要 The “Marine Resource Conservation Working Group” (MRC WG) is one of the major working groups of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Since 1995, APEC has been actively discussing the issue of sustainable development. The members of APEC also agree that the promotion of public-private partnership should be one of the central tools to achieve the goal of the regional sustainable development. This has been reconfirmed in the 2002 Seoul Declaration and 2005 Bali Plan of Action of APEC. In response to this fundamental policy of APEC, Chinese Taipei has held a conference and six roundtable meetings since 1998 on the involvement of the business/private sector in the sustainability of the marine environment. Its published “APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries” were recognized as the common bulletin of MRC WG and Fishery Working Group. In the year of 2006, the major tasks of this project includes: (1) to compile the related information and to publish “APEC Bulletin on Marine Resource Conservation and Fisheries” as well as to update the website information; (2) to participate in the annual meeting of APEC MRCWG held in Shanghai: (3) to organize an international conference on the involvement of the business/private sector; and (4) to assist the implementation of the APEC project “Assessment of Environmental Capacity and Development of Risk Assessment Methodologies and Guidelines for Use in Sustainable Marine Aquaculture in APEC Region”.
英文關鍵字 APEC,,Marine,Resource,Conservation,,Fisheries