

中文摘要 本計畫各項工作業已順利完成,參與國際能源會議(IEW),UNFCCC第26、27屆附屬機構會議,並協助環保署以工研院(ITRI)非政府組織方式,邀請國內各界菁英組團參與公約第13次締約國大會暨京都議定書第3次締約國會議,順利與邦交國、主要非邦交國、研究機構與企業團體雙邊會談,在氣候變遷與溫室氣體減量倡議上尋求合作機會,並參與國際排放交易協會(IETA)舉辦Carbon Finance Business Event之一場周邊會議及展覽攤位,彙整各部會機構組織文宣說帖,發表我國在應對氣候變遷之努力成效及溫室氣體減量方案。 本計畫已持續更新2006年我國溫室氣體排放清冊,加強與國際能源總署(IEA)在統計經驗交流及不確定性分析能力建構。2006年我國總淨排放量為285,918.6千公噸CO2當量(含LULUCF吸收量),總排量305,656.3千公噸CO2當量(不含LULUCF吸收量)。從溫室氣體種類來看,其中二氧化碳排放量最多總計為277,780.9 千公噸CO2當量,約佔總排放量90.9%。就部門來看,其中能源部門總溫室氣體排放量為269,016.0千公噸CO2當量,約佔總排放量88.0%。同時,本計畫亦強化MARKAL模型資料庫以探討溫室氣體減量法各部會所提措施與各層面政策模擬情景研究,持續參考Stern Review Report 情景分析、IEA技術發展評估報告與IPCC第四次報告未來排放情景的模擬進展,由技術面探討我國溫室氣體減量各部門技術方案之溫室氣體排放減量與減量成本效果。針對鋼鐵業進行減量計畫評估作業,討論國內高爐排基線情景推估作業及估計未來高爐鋼胚產量與耗能量。另外,持續協助行政院國家永續發展委員會氣候變遷暨京都議定書因應小組運作及研擬具體減量行動方案,研擬溫室氣體減量計畫審查及推動機制和規劃氣候變遷衝擊脆弱性評估與調適對策。 並業已持續更新溫室氣體排放清冊、英文文宣,3期資訊報導及8期電子報及網站內容,協助環保署邀請國內專家學者舉辦學術專題討論課程(包括:環境經濟學、因式分解、一般均衡總體經濟、數學規劃及計量分析等),提供環保署決策參考工具。同時,加強氣候變遷議題之國際合作,展現我國積極參與防制全球暖化的積極態度,協助環保署辦理國際媒體駐台記者參與「宣導我國溫室氣體減量及環保設施-福德坑環保生態公園」活動,並配合推動「台灣與太平洋友邦環境部長會議」。此外,持續與國際氣候變遷專家保持良好互動及議題討論超過20次。
中文關鍵字 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約,京都議定書,溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-D037 經費年度 096 計畫經費 7950 千元
專案開始日期 2007/02/14 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 胡文正
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黃偉鳴 執行單位 工業技術研究院


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期末報告 期末報告.rar 12MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The Study on the strategies to UNFCCC

英文摘要 The work tasks of this project have been completed smoothly, for examples: participating IEW, the 26th and 27th subsidiary body meetings (SBI and SBSTA), on behalf of ITRI, assisting Taiwan EPA to invite relevant experts and organizations to participate COP13/MOP3, organizing bilateral meetings with diplomatic relation countries, main economic countries and international stakeholders, seeking related greenhouse gas reduction cooperating opportunities with important international organizations. In the meantime, Taiwan’s delegation owns an exhibition and hosts a side event in order to report implementation of national greenhouse gas reduction and inventory experiences in IETA Carbon Finance Business Event, which help the world to understand the works that Taiwan have done for the greenhouse gas reduction. This project also update the 2006 National GHGs inventory, improving the statistic information exchange with IEA Statistics Division and inventory uncertainly analysis. Taiwan emitted 285,918.6 thousand tonne carbon dioxide equivalent (including LULUCF absorption amount) and 305,656.3 thousand tonne carbon dioxide equivalent (excluding LULUCF absorption amount) of greenhouse gases for 2006. The carbon dioxide emissions totaled 277,780.9 thousand tonne carbon dioxide equivalent (90.9% of total emissions).The emissions (included carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) by the energy sector totaled 269,016.0 thousand tonne carbon dioxide equivalent (88.0% of total emissions).At the same time, we keep improving the database of MARKAL Model , also including the discussion on greenhouse gas reduction laws, the proposed measures from each sector during the national energy conference and mitigation scenarios form IEA, IPCC AR4 and Stern Review Report. In addition ,the project also evaluate the CO2 emission baseline and reduction potential of the CSC company. Furthermore, we study in the scheme relating to the review and promotion of voluntary reduction projects, planning the work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change for the Climate Change/Kyoto Protocol Task Force. This project also revise English version brochure, three issues of theme reports and eight issues of electric news, as well as relevant web sites. ITRI assisted EPA to organize training classes, including Environmental Economics, Index Decomposition Method, CGE, Numerical Program, Regression and Simulation analysis. Moreover, ITRI supporting the 2007 Taiwan-Pacific Allies Environmental Ministerial Meeting and international newsman campaign on GHG reduction activities and landfill park. In addition, We discuss with more than 20 international climatic change experts.
英文關鍵字 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,Kyoto Protocol, Greenhouse Gas