

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的在於檢討增修噪音振動評估模式技術規範內容,擬就現行之各項評估模式技術規範加以探討,就各項預測評估模式、噪音振動源、適用對象、限制條件及模式參數等加以檢討,以提出更合理、適用之評估模式技術規範,依本計畫執行成果,可獲得國內外現行各相關噪音振動模式之分析資料,並據以建立使用指南,可提高相關專業人員於環境影響評估作業之方便性與正確性,並改善環評書件品質,以提昇環保主管機關審查作業之效率及公平性。 計畫完成內容包括擬針對現行之道路交通噪音、營建工程噪音、鐵路交通噪音及環境振動等評估模式內容加以增修,並增加工廠噪音等評估模式之研擬。完成內容包括:(1)蒐集國內外各項噪音振動預測模式資料。(2)進行現行、新增模式之校估與驗証。(3)檢討各項噪音、振動評估模式之適宜性。 道路交通噪音評估模式技術規範修訂SoundPLAN 、CadnaA、張富南模式及施鴻志模式,其他模式僅做部份文字修正,新增郭宏亮模式技術規範。營建工程噪音評估模式技術規範修訂SoundPLAN及黃榮村模式,新增郭宏亮、張富南及施鴻志模式技術規範中施工車輛行進中傾卸卡車音源類型,其他模式僅做部份文字修正。鐵路交通噪音評估模式技術規範無新增,僅做部份文字修正。工廠噪音評估模式技術規範為新增部份。環境振動評估模式技術規範中新增美國運輸部軌道系統地傳振動預測模式使用指南及營建工程機具振動位,其他模式僅做部份文字修正。
中文關鍵字 評估模式


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-E101-02-127 經費年度 096 計畫經費 610 千元
專案開始日期 2007/05/09 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 黃乾全
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 張同婉 執行單位 中華民國音響學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 KM-99977240-9.pdf 3MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Project Planning for Addition or Revision to Technical Specifications for Noise and Vibration Assessment Models

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to review and make necessary addition or revision to the content of the Technical Specifications for Noise and Vibration Assessment Models. This project plans to probe into the existing technical specifications for various assessment models in terms of prediction and assessment models, noise and vibration sources, applicable objects, restrain conditions, and model parameters, so as to propose a series of more reasonable and applicable technical specifications for assessment models. Based on the results of the implementation of this project, it is hoped that analytic data relating to various existing noise and vibration models home and abroad will be collected and a User’s Guide be formulated in accordance with these analytic data in order to enhance the convenience and correctness of the environmental impact assessment process performed by related professionals and improve the quality of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report, so as to enhance the efficiency and impartiality of the review process conducted by environmental protection authorities. The tasks planned for this Project include the addition or revision to the content of the existing assessment models for the road traffic noise, construction noise, railway traffic noise and environmental vibration and study on the addition of assessment models for the industrial noise. The results obtained include: 1) having collected data on various noise and vibration prediction models home and abroad; 2) having conducted calibration and validation to both existing and additional models; 3) having reviewed the appropriateness of various noise and vibration assessment models. In terms of the technical specifications for road traffic noise assessment models, SoundPLAN, CadnaA, Zhang Fu-nan model and Shi Hong-zhi model have been revised, other models only slightly modified in wording, and Guo Hong-liang model added. In terms of the technical specifications for construction noise assessment models, SoundPLAN and Huang Rong-cun model have been revised, other models only slightly modified in wording, and source type of dump truck moving in working added to the technical specifications for Guo Hong-liang model, Zhang Fu-nan model and Shi Hong-zhi model. In terms of the technical specifications for railway traffic noise assessment models, there have been no models added except for some modification in wording. The technical specifications for industrial noise assessment models form a newly added part. In terms of the technical specifications for environmental vibration assessment models, User’s Guide of the Prediction Model for Ground Propagating Vibration of the Rail System (prepared by the US Department of Transportation) and the vibration level of construction machinery have been added and other models only slightly modified in wording.
英文關鍵字 Assessment Models