

中文摘要 本年度分析縣市共通性計畫執行經費、人力成本及工作成本上之差異,提供環保署未來補助計畫經費之參考。各縣市共通性計畫執行空窗期多在3個月內,對提高縣市執行品質具正面意義。評析排放量申報、機車定檢、柴油車檢測、農廢燃燒、餐飲業及加油站等管制工作,以檢測不合格改善等推估污染減量。其中機車定期檢驗減量成本為23元/公斤,路邊攔檢減量成本為1,244元/公斤。另由環保署其他專案查核結果顯示法規規範內容辦理情形、機車告發數、油品檢測樣品合格率、營建工地符合管理辦法規範比率等均較97年提升或持平。許可證核定正確率、排放量計算結果正確率較97年減少,需再加強。 在協助執行績效考評作業方面,完成98年陳情資料篩選,共篩選出19個縣市379家屢被陳情案件,進行縣市查處結果彙整分析。完成縣市道路181條之目視查核結果,各縣市道路均可維持在乾淨及普遍等級,優於97年。完成縣市道路街塵負荷分析120條,各縣市道路均可維持在乾淨及普遍等級,平均街塵負荷4.43g/m2,低於97年。「民眾空氣品質改善滿意度」問卷調查20,136份,民眾對縣市空氣品質較去年改善情形整體滿意比例由97年36.9%提升為40.4%。辦理相關考評會議及執行成果觀摩會,提供縣市交流與環保署溝通之橋樑,及空污技術諮詢委員提供政策建議之管道。 在考評要點修正方面,考評項目納入排放量管理相關指標,以結果論反映地方執行成果。另於「地方特色及區域管制」項目中明確訂定重點管制工作,以利縣市依循。 協助考評資訊系統整合與考評運作機制方面,提供縣市填報考評報表及考評相關查詢資料格式,協助SIP考評資訊系統將考評資訊電子化,做為未來管理縣市執行成果之工具。
中文關鍵字 查核,考評,指標


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-FA15-03-A185 經費年度 098 計畫經費 8700 千元
專案開始日期 2009/08/06 專案結束日期 2010/04/30 專案主持人 莊裕霖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 李宜娟 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 完整EPR.pdf 11MB

Project for Analyzing SIP Achievement of Local EPBs and Assistance on Performance Audit Works in2009

英文摘要 The differences of execution budget, manpower cost and working expenditure in common plans among counties were analyzed, and it provided subsidizing plans for reference. The suspend period of common projects is shorter than 3 months for most counties and cities. This is a positive signal for counties to improve the project quality. To assess about emission declaration, motorcycle’s regular inspection, diesel vehicle’s inspection, agriculture waste burning control, restaurant and gas station control, the emission reduction was estimated from the improvement that was unqualified originally. The emission reduction cost for motorcycle’s regular inspection is 23 NTD/kg, and 1,244 NTD/kg for roadside inspection. The inspection results of other EPA’s projects showed that the works including regulation consistency checking, motorcycle inspecting and disciplining, and the qualified ratio of sampled diesels and construction sites are all improved in this year. But the accuracy ratios of permit approval and emission calculation were lower than that of 2008 and needs further enhancement. Several works were done to assist EPA to audit the performance of local EPB’s State Implementation Plan. 379 petition cases from 19 counties or cities were screened and the inspection results were analyzed. 181 roads were inspected for their cleanness condition. These roads were classified as clean or moderate, and the result is better than that of year 2008. Dust loading of 120 county roads were sampled and analyzed. Most of the roads may be maintained in a clean or moderate level. The average street dust load is 4.43g/m2 which is less than that of 2008. 20,136 copies of “Questionnaire for the satisfaction of air quality improvement” were accomplished. The ratio of satisfaction increased from 36.9% for year 2008 to 40.4% for year 2009. The auditing conferences and demonstration party/meeting were hold for opinion exchange between local EPBs and EPA, and to receive recommendations from air pollution control consultant committee. About the reviewing and revising of “Auditing Rules for Effects of Local EPBs’ State Implementation Plan in 2010”, setting island counties in separate competitions, and additional levels of scores corresponding to the allocation proportion of air pollution fee for island counties should be made available to increase the evaluation flexibility and weights adjustment. Auditing indicators were modified referring to EPA major policies for year 2010 and 4 indicators were added following the Eco-Life set by Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution. To assist the content maintenance of “SIP Audit Information System”, a subsystem of EPA "Integrated Management Information System for Stationary Source Control", comments and suggestions from the Auditing Committees and local EPBs about the operation and data transfer are discussed, summarized and proposed through this project.
英文關鍵字 Inspect, Audit, index