

中文摘要 目的:本計畫旨在探討非屬原子能游離輻射對環境的衝擊。主要工作項目包括:(1) 蒐集非游離輻射管制及科學研究資訊,進行分析摘譯;(2) 進行民眾關心議題之問卷調查與分析;(3) 研擬敏感地區非游離輻射預警措施方案。 方法:(1) 文獻回顧:本計畫搜尋國內外網站、新聞媒體、科學研究期刊等資料庫,分析摘譯六篇非屬原子能游離輻射健康風險之重要研究報告。(2) 民眾關心議題調查:本計畫進行超過兩千例的台灣民眾電磁場風險感知電話抽樣調查,並協助舉辦大型電磁場健康風險國際研討會,共有超過180名來自不同利益團體(政府單位、產業界、學術界、民間團體等)的與會者。(3) 研擬預警措施:本計畫整合國內外電磁場相關資料,參考國內外學者專家與台灣民眾的意見,擬定敏感地區非游離輻射預警措施草案,供環保署施政參考。 結果:本研究回顧重要文獻與舉辦國際研討會發現,電磁場健康風險議題仍存在高度科學不確定性。台灣民眾對電磁場的風險感知調查(N=2,035),完訪率為16.3%,拒訪率為38.2%,結果顯示,台灣民眾有近九成(89.4%)擁有手機,而且有35.1%的手機使用者,每天使用超過五次以上。有21.9%的民眾住家附近有基地台,其中有將近一半的民眾(46.8%)從住家看得到基地台;另外有16.1%的民眾住家與基地台的距離在50公尺內。有超過一半的民眾認為手機(55.9%)與無線網路(50.6%)對整體社會有很大的好處;有近一半(47.2%)的民眾認為高壓電線有很大的風險,其次則是手機(42.2%)與變電箱(33.0%)。民眾最不信任政府對基地台的管制(23.3%),其次則是微波爐(19.5%)與手機(17.5%)。此外,相較於其他國家,台灣有較高比例的民眾(13.5%)自陳對電磁場過敏。 結論:雖然磁場的健康風險具有高度不確定性,但是近年來有許多新的研究報告發表,健康效應除了癌症,也開始留意其他非特異性症狀,以及電磁場敏感等議題。除了歐美國家之外,中、日、韓等國都長期支持電磁場健康效應相關研究,值得台灣參考借鏡。台灣民眾對不同來源的電磁場的感知,是高利益、高風險、低信賴的,建議政府部門設法加強民眾對各項管制措施的信賴程度。台灣民眾對設置電磁場預警措施的接受程度很高,但是從政府部門得到的電磁場相關訊息不足。為了保障大眾健康,本計畫根據預警原則,並且參考各界意見,協助擬定電磁場預警措施,希望環保署未來能透過公聽會,收集更多來自不同利益相關者的意見,訂定電磁場預警措施。
中文關鍵字 電磁場、風險感知、利益、信賴、預警措施


專案計畫編號 EPA-97-U1F1-02-105 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1230 千元
專案開始日期 2008/05/12 專案結束日期 2008/12/15 專案主持人 鄭尊仁
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝仁碩 執行單位 國立台灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年度非屬原子能游離輻射對環境衝擊之研究.pdf 1MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The impact of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) on the environment Project

英文摘要 Objectives: This project is intended to explore the impact of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) on the environment. The contents of this project include:(1) collect and translate the EMF-related research articles;(2) conduct a survey on the public reception of EMF;(3) draft a precautionary EMF management plan. Methods: A comprehensive literature research was performed to identify all relevant peer-reviewed papers or articles. Articles were searched for in the online scientific database, such as the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and the ISI Web of Knowledge. We also conducted a telephone interview survey about the public perception of EMF in Taiwan, which was conducted over two weeks during October 2008. Participants assessed both risks and benefits associated with six different sources of EMF. Trust in the authorities regulating these hazards was assessed as well. In addition, participants answered a set of questions related to attitudes toward EMF and toward mobile phone base stations. Besides, we held an international workshop in discussing the EMF health issues. We collected EMF reseach and management information, and drafted a precautionary EMF management plans for the Taiwan’s EPA. Results: The response rate of the telephone survey (N=2,035) was about 16.3%. There were nearly 90% of Taiwanese adults who own a mobile phone, and there were 23% of the participants who live near base stations. According to respondents’ assessments, high-voltage transmission lines (47.2%) were the most risky source of EMF, followed by mobile phone (42.2%). Mobile phones (55.9%) and wireless internet (50.6%) received relatively higher benefit ratings. Results showed that public trust in authority regulations was generally low, and participants claimed that the relevant information offered by the government was limited. Conclusions: The public perceptions of EMF in Taiwan are characterized by high benefit, high risk, and low trust in authorities. The government should take the public opinions into account during the initiation of the precautionary EMF management plan.
英文關鍵字 Electromagnetic Field, Risk Perception, Benefit, Trust, Precautionray Framework