

中文摘要 從「酒矸倘賣嘸」的時代到現在,資源回收在台灣人看來已經是理所當然,只要東西不是送到焚化爐或掩埋場製造環境問題,我們的良心就獲得稍稍的撫慰,從來沒有人關心回收物究竟到哪裡去了,知道廢棄物像人一樣也有生命週期的人更是少之又少。在「New Green Story 新格林童話」節目裡我們將會看到,生活中使用的大小東西,從被製造生產之後,如何歷經使用、廢棄、回收之後,又再生成不同的物質! 「New Green Story 新格林童話」節目,從「垃圾黃金夢」開啟序幕,一齣齣的煉金密技讓人大開眼界,不起眼的廢電腦等資訊物品,如何提煉出黃金?我們生活中接觸到的各式容器,不管是玻璃還是塑膠,不論是紙盒甚至是鐵鋁罐,有誰知道他們在回收之後到了什麼樣的世界,經歷過什麼樣的回收過程,「愛在資源回收時」說的就是容器的故事;「讓未來持續轉動」訴說著老爺車與一對父子的親情故事,當家中的老車壽終正寢之後,你該如何處置?在「運轉生命的雙手」裡,我們將透過修車師傅的雙手,看到廢輪胎、廢鉛蓄電池、廢潤滑油回收之後的樣貌,還有「生生不息的愛」、「亮不亮有關係」、「資源回收好厝邊」……,跟著我們的腳步,用不一樣角度來看回收,用一樣的熱情來做環保,相信台灣「明天會更好」!
中文關鍵字 生命週期,回收,再生


專案計畫編號 EPA-95-HA11-03-A223 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5360 千元
專案開始日期 2006/11/02 專案結束日期 2007/08/01 專案主持人 陳春山
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 張寶璽 執行單位 財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 應回收廢棄物生命週期宣導片攝製案結案報告pdf.rar 34MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Film Project Promoting Enhanced Appreciation of the Life Cycle of Recyclable Waste

英文摘要 A first in the history of Taiwan television programming, Taiwan Public Television Service (TPTS) lifts the veil of myth and mystery behind resource recycling with a groundbreaking new program, The New Green Story. Taiwanese hold a belief, reinforced in the popular media as far back as the early 1980s, that recycling is firmly ingrained in the fabric of Taiwan society. Our worries about society’s trash are largely assuaged by its diversion from the incinerator or landfill into other ends. Few bother to check where our wastes actually end up. Those who appreciate that wastes, like humans, have a life cycle are even fewer. The average citizen has little understanding of what happens to their waste after it is collected from the recycling bin. This program shows us the life cycle of many different kinds of manufactured products … from use and disposal, through to recycling and finally reprocessing into new material. The New Green Story’s opening segment, “Golden Dream of Garbage” introduces the amazing story of how gold is prized from computer wastes. Not only are computers and other IT hardware being successfully mined for their gold, the recycling systems already in place are operated as profit-making businesses. Are you aware that wastes have their own life cycle? Who can say for sure just where that glass or plastic bottle goes after it has been emptied, or just what “fate” has in store for your discarded cardboard box or metal can. The segment “Love through the Recycling Process” tells the story of spent containers, while “Helping Turn the Wheels of Tomorrow” tells the story of a sedan and the love between father and son, revealing the answer to what to do when your car finally “gives up the ghost”. How many of us are actually privy to the details of the “recycling” process? In the segment “The Hands Behind Life’s Processes” we follow the hands of an auto mechanic to see how recycled tires, lead acid batteries, and spent lubricants are reborn as new materials. Other segments, including “Eternal Love,” “It Matters Whether it is Bright or Not,” and “Good Neighbors Recycle” guide the viewer through modern-day recycling from a fresh, approachable perspective. Environmental protection, implemented with intelligence and enthusiasm, is an important step toward ensuring Taiwan’s future continues to shine ever brighter!
英文關鍵字 Recyclable waste, life cycle, recycle, reclaim, process, regeneration, responsible enterprise