

中文摘要 環保署自92年起陸續公告大突寮地區農地為污染控制場址,農地確實遭詹厝園圳及大突寮圳灌溉渠道水體之重金屬(鎳、鉻、銅等)污染。有鑑於此,環保局持續加強大突寮地區農田重金屬污染場址與灌溉水系之關聯性進行調查,並追查可能污染來源,以釐清實際污染原因,並了解大突寮地區農田受重金屬汙染情形。 本計畫於大里溪與頭汴坑溪水系(包含詹厝園圳及大寮圳),共選擇17處採樣點,採集水體檢測分析。水質污染較嚴重的區域分別為工業十四路及大衛路,主要重金屬污染為鎳與鉻、導電度、溶氧等項目,利用灌溉水系統,篩選出污染情況較為嚴重的流域進行24小時監測,發現造成工業十四路的污染出自大里工業區逕流廢水口;在番仔寮路堤1+091椿號監測點發現有廢水污染,是來自仁化路;大衛橋下監測點污染排放疑似由元堤路周圍的地下工廠排放。 針對大里溪與頭汴坑溪流域附近的電鍍及金屬表面處理業等事業單位進行現場書面查核及放流水檢測,共有29家業者出現缺失,其缺失情況以未通過放流水檢測項目為主,並將有缺失的業者可做為後續執行稽查的優先對象。 依據24小時監測的結果與配合工廠現核及放流水檢測結果判斷,共查獲漢德旺企業、迪勝工業及省泉有限公司等3處暗管或異常排放等現象。 為了更明確表現大突寮的污染農地及灌溉水系的相關性,本計畫利用空間之分佈,由下至上的方式呈現出受污染農地、灌溉水系及污染源三者相關連的位置分佈。由一連串調查分析結果得知,大突寮地區大突寮段及國中段農地由大突寮圳分支大突寮圳幹線第二給水路灌溉;而詹厝園段則由詹厝園圳分支詹厝園圳幹線第二、第三給水路灌溉。大突寮地區灌溉水污染來源,為其附近大衛路及國中路之電鍍及金屬表面處理業工廠。仁城仁美段非屬農田水利會灌溉區域,無灌溉設施,因此農民以抽取地下水或以鄰近工廠的排放渠道取水灌溉。
中文關鍵字 暗管,灌排分離,繞流排放


專案計畫編號 經費年度 097 計畫經費 1590 千元
專案開始日期 2008/04/16 專案結束日期 2008/12/31 專案主持人 張至上
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 峰將工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 97年大突寮.pdf 16MB

2008 TaiChuang Country Datuliau region’s control inspection program on the heavy metal contaminate of rice land

英文摘要 EPA has noticed agricultural land site of metals-contaminated in Datuliau sine 2003.Agricultural lands had been polluted in heavy metal with irrigation water of Chantuyuan and Datuliau canul.In view of heavy metal contaminate of rice land in the Datuliau area ,the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung County continuously had surveyed relation between pollution site of farmland and irrigation channel which understands pollution source. This project selected seventeen pieces of sampled point in Dali and Toubiankeng river, which were analyzed water quality . Dawei Rd and Gongye 14th Rd were more serious area in water pollution which include main heavy metal(Ni、Cr、EC及Do).It selected more serious drainage area with system of irrigation water to monitor pollution in twenty-four hours. The results have been found three wastwate sources. Gongye 14th Rd have been polluted in runoff of Dali Gongye area .Article 1+091 of dike of Fanziliao have been polluted from Renhua Rd. Under the bridge of Dawei Rd has been polluted by Private factory near Yuanti Rd.. Several electroplate and surface of metal factories had twenty-nine factories which been had unqualified by verifying written in live and detection of effluent.. According to monitor result in twenty-four hours, HAN-DE-WANG、DI-SHENG and CHUN-SI industries were inspected unlawful pipe or unusual water quality. In order to express relation both pollution site of farmland and irrigation channel,this project have been able to show relation of position between pollution site of farmland 、irrigation water and pollution source with Bottom-up.
英文關鍵字 Unlawful pipe,irrigation water