

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自96年7月31日至民國97年7月30日止, 已依規定完成合約工作項目及工作量,執行進度為100%。本計畫執行有四大目標,包括修訂連續自動監測設施查核及品質保證作業標準程序、加強連續自動監測系統查核與評鑑工作、 妥善管理已連線公私場所並提昇監測數據品質與應用、執行固定空氣污染源污染防制費申報收件及資料建檔、審核作業。 目前台南縣列管第一、二、三批應設置連續自動監測設施並連線者,共計9家公私場所13根煙道。台南縣空污費列管應申報SOx/NOx者計518家,應申報VOCs者計386家。 在連續自動監測設施查核及品質保證標準程序修訂方面,已新增光電業設置規範,各項查核程序修訂為條例式,並修訂OP、CGA、防弊及法規符合度等表格。 在系統功能查核方面,完成10組次之相對準確度(RATA)查核,其中永康焚化爐(P001)之O2及Flow不符合標準,合格率為90%。標準氣體(CGA)之查核完成5組次,其中永康焚化爐(P002)之HCL(低濃度)不符合標準,合格率為80%。不透光率(OP)之查核完成3組次,合格率為100%。防弊查核完成 13根次,合格率為100%。 在現場系統評鑑方面,於97年6月邀請專家學者執行3廠(場)次現場系統評鑑,評鑑結果皆為B等,已於評鑑後將資料彙整以輔導公私場所改善缺失,並列入下年度追蹤輔導及複查之對象。 在提昇監測數據品質與應用方面,首先建立資料庫同步機制、每週進行系統暫存檔清除作業、每週利用微軟線上掃毒程式進行額外掃毒及每週主動進行系統線上更新作業。完成每月日、月報審查及每季有效監測時數百分比統計。本計畫進行RATA查核前後一週的操作參數與監測值結果趨勢比對,以確認工廠當日操作是否穩定。另比對單位污染量及排放流率,其變化較大者,檢視原因以追蹤改正。 在空污費申報收件及資料建檔、審核作業方面,96第2季至97年第1季之空污費申報到繳率為100%。共完成2,714件空污費申報案件之掃瞄、建檔,總申繳金額為85,179仟元。至97年第1季之結算結果補繳者17家,應補繳金額210,429元,溢繳者63家,溢繳金額256,092元。本計畫比對CEMS排放量與空污費排放量,追蹤排放量合理性、檢視控制效率以查核追繳空污費。由空污費排放量與許可核發排放量之比值,來查核空污費是否低報或應辦理許可異動/變更申請作業。 在宣導、諮詢及輔導作業方面於96年10月24日舉辦2場次空污費徵收審查作業說明會,第1場應到廠家286家,實際到達廠家202家,出席率為71%;第2場應到廠家293家,實際到達廠家209家,出席率為71%。 在其他配合工作事宜方面共計完成6則環保新聞刊登,新聞稿主要內容包含了(1)空污費申報審查,由環保局接手。(2)環保局辦說明會宣導,希望提昇申報正確性。(3)新設空污設備,可申請防制費。(4)補助裝設防污設備,可改善空污又降低成本。 本計畫共配合進行12次OP每季定期查核及10次 RATA每季定檢之監督檢測作業。共協助48份不透光率(OP)校正誤差查核、34份RATA定檢報告、1家措施說明書、2家確認報告書及45份粒狀物檢測之報告書審查。 本計畫於97年7月23日舉辦1場次技術轉移說明會,內容包含連續自動監測功能查核現場查核要點、固定空氣污染源空污費徵收及審查作業之說明。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核,空污費計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 5455.55 千元
專案開始日期 2007/08/05 專案結束日期 2008/08/04 專案主持人 李芮亞
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 汎美科技企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96年度臺南縣CEMS.zip 169MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The 2007plan of the continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) performance audit and air pollution fee levy of the stationary sources.

英文摘要 This plan was from July 31 2007 to July 30 2008 and have already finished being scheduled the working project and checking the quantity according to the procurement act. This plan carries out four major goals, included that revise the continuous emission monitoring system audit and quality assurance the standardization program, enhance the work of the CEMS audit and score, manage properly the factories for had connected and promote the application of monitoring data quality, carry out the air pollution fee levy and examines. There were 9 factories (13 stacks) of the first, second and third stationary sources list for statutory to install the CEMS and on-line in the Tainan county. There were 518 and 386 factories declare the SOx/NOx and VOCs the air pollution fee, respectively. The CEMS audit and quality assurance the standardization program revises was done, and the revised content to include (1) Add the norm of set up for Photo-electricity industry, (2) Revised the audit form to a treaty type that audit personnel can easy to understand to grasp the focal point of work and (3) Revised the table form of OP, CGA, defending the fraud and regulation conformity, etc. On the works of the CEM systematic performance audit, the result shows that during the 10 groups Relative Accuracy Test Audit, RATA, there was 1 group has not accorded with the standard, the qualification rate is 90%. During the 5 groups cylinder gas audit, CGA, there was 1 group has not accorded with the standard, the qualification rate is 80%. The qualification rate is 100% in 3 groups’ opacity, OP, audit. The 13 stacks CEMS signal comparison audit was done and the qualification rate is 100%. On the work of the CEMS on-spot guidance and score, we invited the experts and scholars to carry out 3 factories CEMS on-the-spot guidance and score in June of 2008. The result shows that the score is B level. These factories will be followed the trail of coached continuously and the suggestion materials file to manage. The factories carry out the comments and reexamines. On the work of the manage properly the factories for had connected and promote the application of monitoring data quality, we Set up the synchronous mechanism of the database at first, the procedure wipes out the temporality file and carries out the Microsoft online security system wipe out drugs and upgrades the system every week. Finishes the daily and monthly reports examine and the count of the seasonally effect monitoring hours percentage. It is the same for the result of the comparison for the air pollution fee to the CEM data (emission species, emission quantity, fuel, air pollution facilities and efficiency). The work group investigates the feasibility of the emission decrement of the factory by patrolling and coaching way. The result shows the reason why the Tainan county emission reduces, include the factory used original material reducing, such factors as the production line drop of the factory in production, stopping production and stopping work etc.. It shows that the reason why the emission of Tainan County reduces may be due to the composition that an economic factor cause is relatively big. The air pollution fee levy and examines was done. Up to July 30, 2008, the air pollution fee register rate is 100% from second season 2007 to first season 2008. Declared 675 factories in the 2nd season of 2007, SOx declared emission quantity 1,002.75 Tons, NOx declared emission quantity 1,015.33 Tons, VOC declared emission quantity 1,032.63 Tons, total declared money NT$20,855,810. Declared 680 factories in the 3rd season of 2007, SOx declared emission quantity 979.08 Tons, NOx declared emission quantity 966.33 Tons, VOC declared emission quantity 1,095.79 Tons, total declared money NT$21,059,990, declared 678 factories in the 4th season of 2007, SOx declared emission quantity 961.85 Tons, NOx declared emission quantity 968.58 Tons, VOC declared emission 1,173.12 Tons, total declared money NT$21,787,210. Declared 681 factories in the 1st season of 2008, SOx declared emission quantity 953.53 Tons, NOx declared emission quantity 1,006.78 Tons, VOC declared emission quantity 1,128.34 Tons, total declared money NT$21,456,050. Holding 2 session conference for air pollution fee levy and examined on October 24, 2007. The attendance for the 1st session conference was 286 and 84 factories absence from attendance, the attendance rate is 71%. The attendance for the 2nd session conference was 293 and 84 factories absence from attendance, the attendance rate is 71%. Finish 6 environmental protection news to publish altogether, the main content of the news release includes that the Tainan county Environmental Protection Bureau leading issue for the air pollution fee levy and examination. The Tainan county Environmental Protection Bureau held the conference to declare that hope to promote the exactness of declaring for air pollution fee. Increase the air pollution prevention device newly, can apply to air pollution prevention grant. Subsidize and install the pollution prevention device, can improve air pollution and lower costs. This plan cooperates to deal 12 times OP seasonally audits and 10 times RATA seasonally regularly audit. To help 48 altogether (OP) correction error check, 34 RATA report, 1 CEMS measure manual check, 2 CEMS confirm report check and 45 granular analysis report check. To hold a session conference for CEMS audit technological transformation on July 23, 2008. The issues described as follows, the essential of CEMS performance audit on spot, the explanation of the stationary sources levy and examination.
英文關鍵字 Emission monitoring system (CEMS)