

中文摘要 本計畫執行目標為(1)彙整解析國內外PM2.5空品監測結果與趨勢變化、(2)建立我國PM2.5污染圖譜、(3)研擬我國PM2.5可行之管制策略、(4)建置我國PM2.5本土化健康風險評估、(5)建置我國因應PM2.5管制之本土化評估工具及空氣品質指標(PM2.5與O3 八小時)調整規劃。 綜合整理國際間PM2.5策略推動歷程,美國是第一個將PM2.5納入國家空氣品質標準的國家(1997年),2006年修正PM2.524小時平均值為35µg/m3,空氣品質指標系統從PSI(Pollutant Standards Index)改為AQI(Air Quality Index),加拿大隨後跟進;世界健康組織(WHO)於2005年提出PM2.5空氣品質標準建議值,歐盟隨後在2008年空氣品質指令公布PM2.5空氣品質目標與期程;各國於規劃管制策略前,均先確切掌握PM2.5污染來源與特性,透過妥適輔助工具進行推估及效益評估,才能研擬合理可行的減量計畫。 美國環保署為協助發展中國家致力空品改善,特設計整合性環境策略手冊(The Integrated Environmental Strategies Handbook,IES),依序從組成專業團隊、污染物排放分析、空氣品質分析、健康效應分析和評估執行,透過公開會議討論溝通以凝聚共識,分析的結果由政府決策人員與其它人員分享。參考IES手冊,規劃我國未來PM2.5管理計畫,經過多次專家諮詢會議之建議,逐步修正並建立我國本土化PM2.5空氣品質管制策略之評估流程。初步評估研擬我國PM2.5空氣品質標準約需4~5年時間,本計畫已完成短中長期(2008~2010基本資料建立、2011~2012評估工具建置與運用、2013~2014空氣品質標準訂定、2012~管制策略研擬與執行)執行工作規劃,包含:污染來源與成分掌握、本土化係數與清冊建立、社經與健康風險評估、策略研擬等。 解析國內外研究文獻,固定源PM2.5成分以SO42-為主,移動源則EC>OC,逸散源以Al、Fe、Ca為主;亞洲主要都會區之PM2.5來源為車輛,其次為衍生性污染物(硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽)。本計畫依據環保署TEDS6.1排放資料庫初步完成細懸浮微粒一次污染物排放圖譜,惟從國內監測分析顯示,衍生性污染物於大氣比例偏高,且多位專家學者亦反應需優先建立本土化係數,特別是移動源排放係數。 本計畫參酌國內外使用之模擬評估工具,初步建議空品模式採用TAQM、GTx、CAMx4、TPAQM及CMAQ,其中又以CMAQ及TAQM最為專家推薦;社經評估工具可採用環境經濟評估法、美國政策工具REMI 、BenMAP;另外健康影響評估工具則以WHO的HIA為較佳工具。本計畫初步運用HIA推估可能衝擊,結果顯示假設PM2.5改善至15μg/m3, 10年內免於肺癌死亡率為20.4%、免於心肺疾病死亡率為14.2%,每年還可節省約4.1億於醫療支出。 有關空氣品質指標調整,歷經署裡多次跨科室會議後決議,在不改變現有PSI空品預報制度下,另針對敏感族群增訂PM2.5(>65μg/m3)及O3 八小時(>80ppb)二副指標,並提供敏感族群民眾不同空品時之健康警訊。新副指標已於2007年正式使用,空保處並與監資處合作將即時空品資訊提供於環保署網站供民眾參考。 綜合本計畫各項研究結果及國外管制經驗,依據我國各空品區污染特性規劃不同細懸浮微粒管制對策。主要管制污染物以硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽及VOC與有機碳為主;主要管制對策為移動源(加嚴柴油車排放標準、加速老舊車輛汰換、智慧交通管理、推廣大眾運輸工具)、固定源(強化電力業與石化業等重污染工業管制、研發控制技術、推廣低污染燃料)及面源(敏感區段管制、港區逸散問題管制)。 總結國內細懸浮微粒污染特性,歸納主要管制對象:都會區以機車為主、農業縣市以逸散源(露天燃燒、農業操作)為主、工業縣市應以VOC排放量大工業及使用高污染燃料之工廠為首要管制對象。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質指標,細懸浮微粒,健康風險評估,管制策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-FA11-03-A186 經費年度 096 計畫經費 750 千元
專案開始日期 2007/06/04 專案結束日期 2007/03/31 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黃偉鳴 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-FA11-03-A186(公開版).pdf 8MB [期末報告]公開完整版

The project of Air Quality Index conditioned establishment and PM2.5 control strategy build-up

英文摘要 Fine particulate matters (PM2.5) with a diameter < 2.5μm have been identified to be hazardous to the environment and human respiratory system. PM2.5 was first included in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards by the U.S. EPA in 1997, followed by Canada, World Health Organization (WHO) and European Union in recognizing its impact. To address the relevant issues of PM2.5 this project is carried out to provide further information for Taiwan’s EPA regarding to future policy-making, regulatory implementation and monitoring of PM2.5. This project aims to: (1) compare the ambient air quality and future trend of PM2.5 between Taiwan and other countries; (2) develop national PM2.5 source profiles; (3) establish applicable control measures nationwide; (4) conduct a health risk assessment regarding to PM2.5; (5) formulate related socio-economic assessment tools, air quality models as well as re-modifying PM2.5 and O3 8-hour from present Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) to Air Quality Index (AQI). In the project a range of assessment and evaluation tools were suggested: the project was proposed to adopt CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) and TAQM (Taiwan Air Quality Model) as the recommended assessment tools by most experts for ambient air quality along with GTx (Gaussian Trajectory transfer-coefficient model), CAMx4 (Comprehensive Air quality Model with extentions) and TPAQM (Trajectory Photochemical Air Quality Model); the environmental economic valuation methods, U.S. REMI and BenMAP models were suggested for socio-economic assessment; and WHO’s Health Impact Assessment (HIA) was involved in assessing the potential impacts and health risks. An emission profile was developed with a significant quantity of PM2.5 identified from on-road vehicles, road dust and heavy industries in Taiwan through the use of EPA’s TEDS 6.1 model and the national PM2.5 emission coefficient currently available. The findings suggested that major PM2.5 sources have been found as SO42- in stationary electricity energy emissions, elementary carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) from mobile sources, and Al, Fe and Ca from fugitive sources. 20.4% and 14.2% of mortality rates in lung cancer and cardiopulmonary diseases respectively could be avoided when mitigated the level of PM2.5 down to 15μg/m3, saving an estimate NT$ 410 million dollars of medical expenditures. Finally, a new PM2.5 level-65μg/m3 and O3 8-hour-80 ppb were determined to warn particular “sensitive” population group such as children, older adults and people with asthma with online information shown on EPA website with real-time ambient air quality monitoring. This project has produced both the short- and middle-term development stages, which involves necessary emissions inventory to be completed around 2008-2010, evaluation tools for 2011-2012, an ambient air quality standard in 2013-2014 and regulatory implementation by 2012.
英文關鍵字 Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5), AQI(Air Quality Index), Control Measures, IES