

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作包含 (1)新車型噪音審驗、品管與抽驗等行政工作;(2)使用中車輛噪音管制制度推動及(3)車輛噪音管制法規國際調和趨勢研究(4)審驗制度之成本效益分析等四項。例行性審驗作業至10月底計完成報告審查4673份,核發627張合格證,品管統計754輛次及95年新車型噪音管制彙編。另外,於11月2日辦理機動車輛噪音審驗作業流程說明會,以提升審驗作業效率和正確性;其次,舉辦使用中機動車輛噪音檢測業務座談會及輔導各縣市環保局執行使用中檢測業務共計13次,114輛,74輛不合格;並與歐怡進行實驗室交流會議,討論異常車統一處理程序與重型機車加速性之合理值。有關各國車輛噪音管制制度資料收集並檢討我國現行制度問題點,仍持續進行並擬針對新車抽驗之管制標準提出修改草案,以使與現行使用中車輛噪音管制標準不致產生衝突。針對歐盟研議修訂之ECE R51 及ECE R41 新版測試方法草案,本計畫預計執行10輛次之D類大貨車底盤研究,已全部完成選定之車型10輛次。在今年為審驗計畫之最後一年,於期末報告針對94~96年執行審驗計畫之成本效益評估,每年成本約4億,以業者付出成本佔比較高,在效益上96年新車平均聲音能量較95年降低22%。
中文關鍵字 新車型噪音審驗,使用中車輛噪音管制,法規調和


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-F105-02-152 經費年度 096 計畫經費 3150 千元
專案開始日期 2007/01/01 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 潘國良
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林慧華 執行單位 財團法人車輛研究測試中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 執行機動車輛噪音新車型審驗、新車抽驗及車輛噪音管制計畫.pdf 30MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Performing the vehicle noise type approval, conformity of product and vehicle noise control

英文摘要 This project includes 4 major parts: (1) Granting certification, conformity of product and statistic of vehicle noise test result, (2) Boost the policy of in use vehicle noise control (3) Study the vehicle noise control regulations of the harmonization development (4)The cost-benefit analysis for vehicle noise control policy. During 2007, we granted 627 vehicle type approval certifications, performed 249 vehicle noise tests for conformity of product. Also publish the vehicle certification database during 2006 and continue to update the certification database in the website of ARTC. We help some local EPB members to perform the in-use vehicle test for 12 times, and finish 104 test case. Total 423 test cases been finished during this year, include 184 NG case. Some EPB have enough instruments but didn’t perform well, the issue need to be push in next project. About the cost-benefit of vehicle noise control regulation. Analysis shows the cost is about 340 million NTD per year. The benefit can help to reduce the environment noise and assure the health of citizen. Furthermore, stricten regulation will push the vehicle maker to improve their technical and become more competitive in their business field. Other achievements and suggestion include: (1)To convene a technical interaction meeting between the two appointed vehicle noise test Labs. and define notify process can help to improve the conformity in test process. (2)To hold the in-use vehicle noise test conference in May can help to train the EPB members to perform noise test. The conversazione in November help to gather statistics all test result and provide to EPA as reference. (3)For the COP control, we keep to check the variation between the COP test result and the type approval test result. This will help to improve the quality control of the manufacture. (4)The comparison of various country’s noise regulation can give the EPA more convenient reference resource. And suggest to keep watch the development of GRB harmonization meeting in order to catch the newest message in noise regulation.
英文關鍵字 Typeapproval of vehicle noise,In-use Vehicle Noise Control ,Harmonization of Regulation