

中文摘要 一、截至12月底止共巡查334家次,依據巡查後資料統計顯示(如表4.1-6),台東縣境內目前實際列管數為砂石場24家、預拌混凝土廠21家、瀝青拌合廠4家及堆置場5家,共計列管家數為54家。由整個分佈情形分析,此四行業大部分集中於台東市共有20家,依序為太麻里鄉7家、大武鄉6家分居第二及第三。若以流域而言,卑南溪分佈之家數最多共計有11家。由以上分佈情形分析,亦可做為巡查比例分配及路線規畫的參考依據。 二、在污染防制措施的設置比例方面(如表4.1-7~10),整體而言,惟有砂石場在卸料坡道及堆置區防制措施設置比率上有較其他行業偏低的情形產生,約為48%及69%,顯示在這部分需再加強輔導管制作業,但若與去年度(94年)的42%及54%相比較則有提昇。 三、在輔導改善方面:至95年12月止已完成輔導廠商5家,砂石場有4家,分別為鹿原砂石場、久明企業有限公司、灝業採石場、俊發砂石場等,預拌混凝土廠共有1家,分別是東宏行,其輔導改善項目為堆置區原物料堆置覆蓋防塵網(布)、廠區內外道路或裸露地面設置噴灑設施及出入口設置洗車設施等,各家改善情形如表4.2-1及圖4.2-1所示。在輔導改善的部分推估其削減量共削減了67.59(公噸/年)之粒狀污染物。 四、推動道路認養作業,本年度預計參與認養家數為30家,總認養長度為13.64公里,現階段3至11月實際認養洗、掃總長度為2222.82公里(洗街1835.01公里、掃街為387.81公里),TSP削減量推估為30.67(噸/年),PM10削減量推估為5.78(噸/年)。 五、稽查檢測作業已全數檢測完成共計26家次,其中包含砂石場(含土方堆置廠)16家次、預拌混凝土廠8家次及瀝青拌合廠2家次。檢測結果顯示各場(廠)測值均低於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中TSP周界標準值500µg/Nm3。檢測結果彙整情形如表4.6-1所示。 六、今年度綠美化工作持續與台東縣政府農業局合作,截止12月底止,共計有17家業者參與本項工作,樹苗共申請4120株,種植面積為15183平方公尺,TSP削減量為0.446(噸/年),其彙整情形如表4.7-2所示。本執行小組並在今年度選出綠美化較優良之工廠(如圖4.7-1所示),拍成相片提供尚未申請之業者參考,以提昇工廠環境品質。 七、於95年4月28日針對砂石場、預拌混凝土廠、瀝青拌合廠及堆置場等業者舉辦一場次宣導說明會,透過完整的法規宣導及污染防制措施輔導,使業者正確且迅速了解應配合之事項,以利各項管制作業之推行,另於11月21日辦理一場空氣污染防制檢討會,檢討會內容主要是與廠商共同檢討本年度現場巡查之各項優缺點,並提供可行之改善方法於業者,以提昇本縣空氣污染防制之成效。 八、在農廢露天燃燒輔導改善作業,台東縣為農業立縣,依據農委會農業改良場統計每期種稻面積約6500公頃,全年約有13000公頃,每年5、6月及11、12月為收割期農民為了處理稻草大部分都採用焚燒方式,致產生大量煙塵常為人所詬病,本計畫為改善此現象,於是在第一期及第二期稻作收割前規劃了4場次的宣導說明會,深入鄉村與農民溝通,而且製作宣導車到各村落做6天次廣播宣導,並95年11月4日配合池上鄉農會95年度休閒農業優質旅遊體驗活動中,辦理一場稻草現地再利用相關技術示範及研討,使農民更加了解稻草現地再利用的好處及方法,因而降低農廢露天然燒情形。但為了防止部份農民及一般民眾之露天燃燒行為,本專案小組人員加強巡查作業共查獲103件之燃燒行為,皆採勸導後撲滅方式處理。推估其各污染物減量為TSP4.90公噸、PM10為4.58公噸、硫氧化物0.04公噸、氮氧化物1.08公噸、一氧化碳33.88公噸、揮發性有機物5.04公噸。另為讓農民能處理有病蟲害之稻草及整地不易清運之植物,本年度共受理23件消防局會辦之山林田野引火燃燒申請案件。 九、在紙錢焚燒宣導業務方面,採道德勸說的方式先要求減量,並中元普渡前製作宣導海報、傳單及利用傳播媒體加強對公務機關、民間廠商及民眾宣導響應「心誠則靈、不燒金紙」之政策。 十、本計畫執行進度皆已完成合約量。
中文關鍵字 砂石場,露天燃燒,祭祀用品,污染管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 2470 千元
專案開始日期 2006/03/01 專案結束日期 2006/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 95年砂石計畫期末報告.rar 137MB [期末報告]公開版

Strengthens the sandstone plants, ready-mixed-concrete plants, domestic asphalt concrete plants, dumping sites, open burning, and worship goods burning’s air pollution control project

英文摘要 1. We did 334 times of patrols before Dec, 2006. The statistics of our inspection data demonstrated that there are 24 sandstone plants, 21 ready-mixed-concrete plants, 4 domestic asphalt concrete plants and 5 dumping sites, the total is 54. By entire distributed situation analysis, the four professions most concentrated in Taitung City ( 20 plants ), in order is 7 in Taimali Shiang and 6 in Dawu Shiang. If says by the basin, the maximum is Benan river, 11 plants. Above the distribution situation analysis result may take does an inspection reference which the propotional distribution and the route plans. 2. In pollution control measures installation proportion ( as table 4.1-7~10 ), only sandstone plants have lower proportion at unloaded slope way and dumping area in whole, about 48% and 69%, demonstrated this part needs again to strengthen the counseling control work. But compared with 42% and 54% last year, it has some promotion. 3. In counseling improvement aspect, we completed 5 counsels, that is 4 sandstone plants ( Lu-Yuan, Jiou-Ming, Hao-Ye and Jyun-Fa ) and 1 ready-mixed-concrete plant ( Dong-Hong-Hang ) before the end of Dec, 2006, their improvements is material piles cover the dust screen, paths inside and outside the factory or exposed ground established devices sprinkling water, and established the vehicle washing facility at the entrance. The improvement situation of each plants is showed in table 4.2-1 and figure 4.2-1. We estimated this part’s emission reduces about 67.59 ton/year of particulate matter. 4. This year we have 30 participants on road care, the total length is 13.64 km, actual wash and sweep length is 2222.82 km ( 1835.01 km for wash, 387.81 km for sweep ). The TSP emission reduced about 30.67 ton/year, PM10 emission reduced about 5.78 ton/year. 5. We completed 26 plants’ inspection examination, which including 16 sandstone plants, 8 ready-mixed-concrete plants and 2 domestic asphalt concrete plants. The result showed each factory’s measured value is lower than TSP emission standard of peripheral boundary testing, 500 mg/Nm3, like figure 4.6-1. 6. We carried on cooperating forestation and beautification with Taitung government agriculture bureau, before the end of Dec, 2006. We total have 17 participants, they applied for 4120 sapling and sown area is 15183 m2, TSP emission reduced 0.446 ton/year, like table 4.7-2. The work team selected some finer factories this year, and taken some pictures which will offer to other factories have not applied. 7. We held a promulgation conference for dealers of sandstone plants, ready-mixed-concrete plants, domestic asphalt concrete plants and dumping site. We hoped they can correctly and rapidly understand the coordinate item through the integrity regulation guidance and pollution control system counseling. We also conducted an air pollution control self-criticism meeting, discussed each good and bad points together with dealers, and provided the feasible improvement methods for enhancement of Taitung County’s control effecs. 8. Taitung is a agriculture county, rice sown area is about 6500 ha/period, 13000 ha/year. In harvest season, May to June and November to December every year, the farmers burning straw which produce the massive mist and dust. In order to improve this situation, we held 4 conferences before first and second harvest, and broadcasted six days by the propaganda car to various villages. We held a straw on-site usage technology conference at Chisang Shiang leisure agriculture and high quality traveling experience at Nov 4, 2006. In order to prevent open burning of some farmers and populace, we strengthened the patrol and ferreted out 103 burnings, advised them extinguish the fire. We estimated each pollutant’s emission reduction is TSP 4.90 ton, PM10 4.58 ton, SOX 0.04 ton, NOX 1.08 ton, CO 33.88 ton, VOC 5.04 ton. Moreover, we accepted the fire department to examine the wooded mountain field ignition burning application case, for the farmers’ needs to handle sick straw or plant not easy to transport. 9. In promulgation of worship goods burning, we requested their reduction on moral grounds, and we used placard, flyer, and mass media for promulgation before universal salvation.+ 10. This plan carried out progress to complete the contract quality.
英文關鍵字 sandstone plant, open burning, worship goods, pollution control