

中文摘要 在全球致力於環保議題的同時,台灣自然也不能落後,為了推動清淨家園,讓民眾由生活中的環保做起,並積極從政策及價值觀各方面大力宣導,故透過本專案規劃執行了包含電視、雜誌、網路等宣傳規劃進行溝通。 規劃執行了包含新聞專題製作及報導、電視新聞快訊、電視新聞或節目專題訪談、創意活動、簡介影片製作、電視特別節目等方式進行宣傳。 運用電視媒體為主軸,製造環保相關議題在電視頻道播送並邀請相關人士進行節目訪談,透過跨媒體資源的有效分配與操作,讓「清淨樂活‧環保永續宣導專案工作計畫」的媒體宣導工作跨出成功的第一步;外辦理創意活動邀請民眾參與製造話題,一步一腳印發現新台灣節目也為宣傳效果上大大的加分。 有關辦理「清淨樂活‧環保永續宣導專案工作計畫」相關工作方面,規劃專案進度都已執行完畢。然綜觀整體效果,觀念宣導及知識建立有待長期傳播的效果累積,唯有持續不斷地透過各項媒體資源將訊息宣導傳播出去,才能日見成效。
中文關鍵字 環保;清淨;媒體宣導


專案計畫編號 EPA-98-E103-02-211 經費年度 098 計畫經費 7000 千元
專案開始日期 2009/04/10 專案結束日期 2009/12/31 專案主持人 潘錫雄
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 徐國豐 執行單位 聯意製作股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 98年清淨樂活環保永續宣導專案成果報告書.pdf 30MB 98年清淨樂活環保永續宣導專案成果報告書

The cleanliness of 98 attracts , and the environmental protection permanently arranges it and is happy.

英文摘要 As the whole world is devoted to environmental protection, Taiwan cannot afford to lag behind. For a better environment, the project aims to positively demonstrate the value and policy of environmental protection, making people practice the concept in daily life. The execution of the project contains the promotion plans in different ways such as TV, magazines and network. Further information of the execution includes features, news snap shot,TV news, interviews, creative events, showcase, special programs and so on. For more direct communication, the EPA invited representatives of targeted businesses to appear on television talk shows. This effective allocation and use of media resources is a successful first step in the promotional campaign for the “The cleanliness of 98 attracts , and the environmental protection permanently arranges it and is happy “. Other promotional tools include creative event to attract attention and the program of discovering Taiwan—all of which make significant contributions to the project. The planning of“The cleanliness of 98 attracts , and the environmental protection permanently arranges it and is happy“campaign is now completed. A long-term media campaign that uses all avenues is now necessary to ensure that the program’s environmental values and knowledge are effectively.
英文關鍵字 environmental protection;cleanliness;media boardcasting