

中文摘要 本(96)年度本計畫主要工作項目包括台東縣轄內加油站VOCs污染源查核管制作業、加油站以外揮發性有機物(VOCs)污染排放源查核管制作業、餐飲業油煙污染查核管制與露天燃燒管制作業。以下分別彙整說明各工作項目的執行現況成果。 一、執行本縣轄內加油站油氣回收及固定揮發性有機物(VOCs)排放污染源查核管制作業: (一)加油站管制及查核作業: 1.受理5件新設加油站油氣回收設施設置申請文件審查及建檔。 2.共執行加油站基本資料、營運狀況、油槍狀況、油氣回收設備運作狀況及揮發性有機物排放狀況等查核81站次、並更新維護管制資料庫。 (二)執行加油站功能檢測作業: 1.本計畫檢測已完成檢測20站,複測8站。 2.氣漏測試方面20站全數合格,氣油比測試方面亦均符合法規要求(油槍合格率達70%以上),然其中有8站油槍合格率未達100%,此8站經責成改善後,執行複檢結果,皆屬合格。 (三)執行加油站及加油站以外排放VOCs行業之巡查作業: 1.本計畫主動進行128件次之VOCs污染源公私場所(含加油站51站計89件次、乾洗業28家計28件次、汽車保養修理業7家計9件次、發電業1家-2座發電廠計2件次)巡查工作。 2.針對乾洗業1家及汽車保養修理業3家之操作狀況、VOCs排放狀況不良、防制措施不足者,提供業者改善建議書及追蹤後續改善事宜。 (四)固定污染源揮發性有機物稽查檢測作業: 1.本計畫依行政院環保署95年度對「台灣光化學污染之形成、傳輸機制及其影響」之研究結果,整理VOCs成份中造成MIR(臭氧增量反應)物種之生命周期及臭氧生成影響,清查台東縣轄內主要排放VOCs之固定污染源分別為發電業、加油站業、表面塗裝業及乾洗業,其所排放之VOCs主要且共同之VOCs排放物種為苯、甲苯、二甲苯。 2.針對高MIR(最大臭氧增量反應)者進行採樣檢測分析,於96年11月1日執行花東汽車(股)有限公司台東分公司及連誠汽車(股)有限公司周界苯、甲苯、二甲苯等VOCs污染物之稽查檢測,相關採樣分析工作均依規定,委由經環保署認證通過之上準環境科技股份有限公司(環署環檢字第018號)執行,檢測結果均符合固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準。 (五)完成確認35件空氣污染物排放量申報管制對象之VOCs排放量申報內容之正確性,並將審查結果回饋排放量申報系統。 (六)台東縣轄內加油站因設置油氣回收系統之VOCs削減量為108.5噸/年,乾洗業因減少使用環保乾洗油及4家改用生化洗劑之VOCs削減量為0.234噸/年,汽車保養業因設置有防制設備之VOCs削減量為2.458噸/年。 二、執行餐飲業油煙污染查核管制作業 (一)餐飲業管制及清查作業: 1.完成清查本縣52家大型餐飲業(含設於政府機關、學校、旅社/飯店業及醫療院所內餐廳)油煙排放處理情形及其相關清查資料建檔。 2.執行大型或遭陳情餐飲業油煙排放狀況之稽巡查,並提供業者改善建議書,並輔導12家餐飲業改善污染防制措施。 3.印製餐飲業污染防制手冊100冊並發放給予各餐廳及學校等單位。 (二)配合作業: 本計畫並配合環保署完成調查台東縣境內124所各級學校餐廳廚房烹飪廢氣防制設備設置情形,除作為污染管制參考外,並供環保署轉請教育部加強輔導改善之參考。 三、露天燃燒管制作業 (一)相關管制作業: 1.山林田野引火燃燒申請會辦及管制54件。 2.稽巡查作業時,查獲露天燃燒案件共計54件。推估其各污染物減量成效為TSP削減8.02公噸,PM10削減4.1公噸,硫氧化物削減0.068公噸,氮氧化物削減2.82公噸,一氧化碳削減71.642公噸,揮發性有機物削減3.746公噸,合計減少燃燒面積為4,746,636公尺。 (二)紙錢焚燒宣導作業: 1.採道德勸說減量方式,在中元普渡前發送環保署提供的相關海報給各台東縣政府機關及銀行等單位張貼,加強宣導。 2.利用傳撥媒體走馬燈及發函等方式加強對政府機關、民間機關及民眾宣導「心誠則靈、不燒金紙」之政策。 四、相關宣導活動作業 (一)加油站油氣回收管制宣導作業: 1.於96年4月16日完成針對加油站業者舉辦管制法規及操作維護宣導說明會。 2.加油至油槍跳停之油氣回收宣導: (1)在96年6月1日起至6月30日止,藉台東火車站電視撥放系統不定時撥放不強迫加油油氣回收宣導短片。 (2)藉台東縣農業改良場及國立台東社會教育教育館前電子公佈欄播放加油站油氣回收宣導標語。 (3)加油站油氣回收宣導於環保局之網站固定刊登1則。 (4)新聞紙刊登宣導2則。 (5)委託有線電視走馬燈方式播放油氣回收宣導3日(3線×1日/線),藉此宣導「加油不加滿、油槍跳停就好」政策。 (6)委由中國廣播公司台東廣播電台、正聲廣播公司台東廣播電台及台東知本電台飛碟聯播網3電台,於6月1日起至6月30日止計1個月,每日4時段播放宣導。 (7)印製「加油不加滿、油槍跳停就好」宣導海報100張,並發送政府機關及各加油站等單位,加強宣導。 3.96年11月22日舉辦加油站油氣回收管制成果檢討說明會,並再加強對加油站業者及所屬員工進行法規重點宣導說明。 (二)餐飲業宣導作業: 1.於環保局之網站刊登餐飲業油煙等污染防制相關宣導內容。 2.新聞紙刊登宣導2則。 (三)避免露天燃燒宣導作業: 1.避免露天燃燒宣導作業: (1)印製避免露天燃燒廢棄物之宣導海報100張,並發送台東縣政府機關、銀行及郵局等單位張貼,加強宣導。 (2)委請有線電視走馬燈托撥避免露天燃燒廢棄物之宣導3日。 (3)避免露天燃燒廢棄物、稻草等宣導新聞紙刊登6則。 (4)96年5月7日起,藉台東縣農業改良場及國立台東社會教育教育館前電子公佈欄走馬燈方式播放避免露天燃燒廢棄物之宣導。 (5)於第一期及第二期稻米收割前,計配合地區農會辦理有3場宣導說明會,並委由宣導車深入稻作密集鄉鎮市計有宣導6日。 2.中元普渡時節相關宣導活動: (1)環保局網站刊登中元普渡減燒金紙相關宣導。 (2)中元普渡減燒金紙新聞紙刊登宣導1則。 (3)中元普渡期間以走馬燈之宣導方式「減燒金紙,心誠則靈」有線電視托撥3日。 (四)提出創新作法: 為強化宣導效果及落實「加油不加滿、油槍跳停就好」等妥善回收油氣,不強迫加油政策,擬訂台東縣優良加油站油氣回收評鑑辦法,於8月份起開始針對各加油站進行評鑑工作,並於10月23日及10月24日進行複評工作,藉此方式達成對加油站從業人員強化宣導成效,另一方面亦會因獎勵方式,讓從業人員時時自我約束之效果。
中文關鍵字 加油站油氣回收,餐飲業,露天燃燒


專案計畫編號 經費年度 096 計畫經費 1620 千元
專案開始日期 2007/02/27 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 96加油站期末定稿.zip 81MB [期末報告]公開完整版

Taitung County oil gas recovery at the gasoline station, volatile organic compounds and restaurant industry’s oil fumes control plan

英文摘要 This (96) year of the program major items of work including County jurisdiction VOCs gas station to check pollution control operations, gas stations outside the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) pollution emission sources to check the control operations, the restaurant industry to check fume pollution control and open burning control operation. Meeting separately throughout the following description of the job status of implementation of project results. First, the implementation of the County jurisdiction of oil and gas recovery and fixed stations volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions from pollution sources to check the control operation: (1) gas stations to control and checking operations: 1. The admissibility of five new filling stations set up oil and gas recovery facilities to apply for document review and archiving. 2. Have carried out basic information on gas stations, operating conditions and status of oil gun, oil and gas recovery equipment operating conditions and emissions of volatile organic compounds, such as checking status of 81 sub-stations and to update the maintenance of the control database. (B) the implementation of gas stations operating function: 1. This project has been completed Detected Detected 20 stations, 8 stations retest. 2. Air leak testing station 20 fully qualified, gas-oil ratio test literature in line with the regulatory requirements (oil gun pass rate of 70% or more), but there is one of 8 points below the passing rate of gun oil 100 percent, the 8 points by the instructed to improve, the Executive review the results, are qualified. (C) the implementation of gas stations and gas stations outside the VOCs emission inspection industry operations: 1. Take the initiative to conduct this program 128 times VOCs pollution sources of public and private places (including gas stations 51 stations of 89 times, the dry cleaning industry 28 FPAHK 28 times, vehicle maintenance repair industry 7 FPAHK nine times, power generation industry, a -2 power plants of 2 times) inspections. 2. For a dry cleaning industry and automotive repair and maintenance of the three operating conditions, VOCs emissions in poor condition, lack of control measures, providing the industry to improve the proposal and follow-up to improve matters. (Iv) a fixed sources of Volatile Organic Compounds Detected inspection operations: 1. The plan in accordance with Environmental Protection 95 year of "the formation of photochemical pollution in Taiwan, transmission mechanisms and their impact" of research findings, organize VOCs components caused MIR (ozone incremental reaction) species life cycle and ozone generation the impact of inventory County jurisdiction of the major stationary source emissions of VOCs, respectively, for power generation industry, gas station industry, the surface coating industry and the dry cleaning industry, emissions of VOCs their main and common species for VOCs emissions of benzene, toluene, dimethyl benzene. 2. For high-MIR (maximum incremental ozone reaction) to carry out sample analysis, in 96 years November 1 implementation of the Hualien-Taitung Motors (shares) Ltd. Taitung branch and even Honest Motors (shares) Ltd. perimeter benzene, toluene, xylene and other pollutants VOCs Detected inspection, sampling and analysis of work-related purposes the provisions of the Environmental Protection Department commissioned by the environmental certification through the above quasi-Technology Co., Ltd. (Central, Central Inspection Department No. 018 word article), and Detect The results are in line with the stationary source of air pollutants discharge standards. (Friday) confirmed the completion of 35 air pollutants emissions to declare control of VOCs emissions target to declare the correctness of the content and results of the review feedback emissions reporting system. (F) County jurisdiction stations set up by oil and gas recovery systems reduce the amount of VOCs of 108.5 tons / year, the dry cleaning industry due to environmental protection to reduce the use of four dry-cleaning oil and lotion to use chemical and biological reduction of VOCs to 0.234 tons / year , vehicle maintenance industry, due to have control equipment installed to reduce the volume of VOCs to 2.458 tons / year. Two, the implementation of the catering industry to check fume pollution control operations (1) restaurant industry inventory control and operations: 1. Completed inventory of the County, 52 large-scale food and beverage industry (including in government agencies, schools, hotel / restaurant industry and the medical institutions within the restaurant) fume emission inventory deal with the situation and its associated data file. 2. The implementation of large-scale petition or fume emission situation of the restaurant industry's protracted inspections and provide recommendations for improvement book industry, and 12 food and beverage industry, counseling to improve the pollution control measures. 3. Printed catering industry Pollution Control Handbook 100 and issue to various restaurants and schools and other units. (B) with the operation: This plan and in line with the EPA to complete its investigation, Taitung County 124 schools at all levels inside restaurant kitchens cooking settings where emissions control equipment, in addition to pollution control as a reference, and for EPA to strengthen the Ministry of Education, please refer to guidance for improvement. Third, open burning control operation (A) related to control operations: 1. Shanlin field fire burning applications will run and control 54. 2. Protracted inspection operations, open burning and seized a total of 54 cases. Estimate of its results for the TSP pollution reductions to reduce 8.02 tonnes, PM10 reduction of 4.1 tonnes, 0.068 tonnes of sulfur oxides reduction, reduction of 2.82 tonnes of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide reduction of 71.642 tonnes, 3.746 tonnes of volatile organic compounds reduction total reduction in the combustion area of 4,746,636 meters. (B) the burning of paper money propaganda operations: 1. Adopt the moral way to persuade the reduction in the Mesoproterozoic Purdue before sending the EPD provided posters to the Taitung County government agencies and banking and other units posted to strengthen advocacy. 2. The use of mass media allocation, such as lantern and sent a letter to strengthen the institutions of government, civil authorities and the public advocacy "not burn gold paper" policy. Fourth, activity-related advocacy work (1) gas stations to control oil and gas recovery advocacy work: 1. In 96 years to complete April 16 against the gas station operators and operation of organized control laws and regulations that will safeguard advocacy. 2. Come on to the oil of the oil and gas to stop jumping the gun advocacy Recycling: (1) at 96 years June 1 until June 30 only, borrow Taitung train station television system does not play regularly play does not force oil and gas come on short Recycling advocacy. (2) borrow Taitung District Agricultural Improvement and the National Taitung Social Education Hall bulletin board before the Electronics Recycling oil and gas filling stations broadcast propaganda slogans. (3) Oil Recycling stations advocacy EPA's website on a fixed published. (4) newsprint published two propaganda. (5) commissioned cable television broadcast of oil and gas lantern advocacy Recycling Day 3 (3 lines × 1 day / line), so as to promote "come on do not add full stops like jumping the gun oil" policy. (6) appointed by the Chinese Broadcasting Corporation radio station in Taitung, Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation radio and Taitung Taitung Chihpen UFO radio network Radio 3, on June 1 until June 30 only a month of daily 4 the broadcasting of propaganda. (7) published the "come on do not add full, oil jump the gun just stopped," 100 propaganda posters, and sent government agencies and gas stations and other units, to strengthen advocacy. 3.96 In November 22 organized by the recovery of oil and gas filling stations that will control the outcome of the review and further strengthen the gas station operators and their staff regulations that focus on advocacy. (B) promoting the restaurant industry operations: 1. In the EPA's website published the catering industry, such as soot pollution control advocacy related content. 2. Newsprint published two propaganda. (C) advocacy to avoid open burning operations: 1. To avoid open burning propaganda operation: (1) to avoid open burning of waste produced propaganda posters of 100, and send the Taitung County government offices, banks and post offices and other units posted to strengthen advocacy. (2) Cable TV Committee, please dial lantern care of to avoid open burning of waste on the 3rd advocacy. (3) to avoid open burning of waste, straw, etc. published in newsprint advocacy 6. (4) 96 years from May 7, by County Agricultural Improvement and the National Taitung Social Education Center for Education Electronics announced before the broadcast of column lantern to avoid open burning waste advocacy. (5) in Phase I and Phase II before the rice harvest, including with regional farmers have 3 games for advocacy seminars, and commissioned by the advocacy depth car-intensive cities, towns and villages of the rice there is propaganda on the 6th. 2. Mesoproterozoic Purdue season-related advocacy activities: (1) Environmental Protection Agency website, published by Purdue Mesoproterozoic burn gold paper-related advocacy. (2) Mesoproterozoic Purdue burn minus gold paper newsprint published a propaganda. (3) during the Proterozoic Purdue lantern means of propaganda "by burning gold paper" Cable occasional day set aside 3. (Iv) innovative practices: Advocacy to strengthen the effectiveness and implementation of the "come on do not add full, oil jump the gun just stopped" and the proper recovery of oil and gas, are not forced to come on policies, development of oil and gas filling stations County Recycling excellent evaluation approach, in August started to come on for each job evaluation points, and October 23 and October 24 carry out restoration work assessment, so as to reach to the gas station employees to strengthen the effectiveness of propaganda, on the other hand will also be a result of incentives to enable the employees from time to time the effect of self-restraint.
英文關鍵字 gasoline station, pollution control, volatile organic compounds, restaurant industry’s oil fumes control, regulations