

中文摘要 本年度計畫執行成果,在城西里自動測站部分,各項分析儀之資料獲取率皆在91%以上,氣象設備為98%以上。彙整城西里測站與環保署臺南及安南站懸浮微粒(PM10)監測結果,顯示季節對PM10影響十分明顯,在夏季時明顯較冬季為低。同時,城西里站、安南及臺南站,3測站之趨勢趨於一致;計畫執行期間(自95年2月至96年1月)PM10事件日,計22日,其中安南站計8站日數最高,臺南站及城西里站各7站日數,各事件日中最高濃度值達207μg/m3。彙整城西里測站與環保署臺南及安南站臭氧(O3)監測結果,顯示各測站之測值相近且趨勢趨於一致;計畫執行期間臭氧事件日,計40日,其中臺南站計22站日數最高,安南站計10站日數次之,城西里站計8站日數為最低,各事件日中最高濃度值81.6ppb,發生時期以夏季為相對較多,分析生成原因,研判與日照強烈有明顯關係,形成臭氧(O3)主要前驅物為NOX與NMHC,而此兩者主要來自於汽、機車排放,因此以位於市區的臺南站出現事件日最高。 人工監測站總懸浮微粒(TSP)監測結果,皆符合空氣品質標準;彙整歷年(87年~96年) TSP監測結果,顯示各年度之趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低之趨勢。TSP成分分析部分,正己烷抽出物含量介於0.36~6.85μg/m3,歷年測值以88年測值7.91μg/m3相對較高,而95年測值3.26μg/m3相對較低;氯鹽含量介於2.04~21.38μg/m3,歷年趨勢大抵一致,呈現冬季略高的現象,以93年測值14.56μg/m3相對較高,87年測值4.3μg/m3相對較低;硝酸鹽含量介於為3.01~14.60μg/m3,歷年測值呈現冬季高、夏季低的趨勢,年度測值以90年15.42μg/m3相對較高,87年4.73μg/m3相對較低;硫酸鹽含量介於4.82~23.73μg/m3,歷年測值以88年測值20.39μg/m3相對較高,94年測值11.23μg/m3相對較低;鉛含量介於0.016~0.056μg/m3,歷年測值以87年0.526μg/m3相對較高,94年0.030μg/m3相對較低,各站測值均遠低於空氣品質標準之月均值(1.0μg/m3)。 人工監測站落塵量監測結果,各站測值趨勢大抵一致,歷年測值以93年測值11.69(噸/平方公里/月)為最高,90年測值4.23(噸/平方公里/月)為最低。 環保署測站查核部分,本年度城西里自動測站查核,滿意度為89%,共計2點缺失,均於查核當天完成改善;人工測站之查核,選定地點為南區區公所站及民德國中站,查核結果為全數滿意。 資訊看板部分,彙整本計畫執行以來製作之相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容計達197筆,其中環保局計148筆,比例高達75.13%,其次為稅捐稽徵處37筆,另外尚有臺南市政府、國稅局等,為環保政策宣導提供另一有效途徑。
中文關鍵字 "95年度臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫"


專案計畫編號 經費年度 095 計畫經費 249 千元
專案開始日期 2006/02/06 專案結束日期 2007/02/05 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 執行單位 空氣噪音防制課


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 95年臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫1.pdf 5MB [期末報告]公開版

Management of Air Qual

英文摘要 The achievements of this annual project are stated as below: For Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station, the data obtaining rates of the analyzers were all above 91%, whereas those of the meteorological equipments were above 98%. For the PM10 monitoring reports, Chencily, EPA Tainan and EPA Annan stations showed the significant season influences on PM10. The readings in summer were obviously lower than those in winter and the trends of the three Stations were identical. During the project period, from February 2006 to January 2007, PM10 counted for 22 episode days in total: 8 days at Annan station, 7 days at both Tainan station and Chencily station. The highest value reached 207μg/m3. For the ozone (O3) monitoring reports, Chencily, EPA Tainan and EPA Annan stations had similar readings and the trends were also identical. During the project period, O3 counted for 40 episode days. Among them, Tainan station had the most of 22 days, Annan station stood at the second with 10 days, and Chencily station had the least of 8 days. The highest value reached 81.6ppb and mostly happened in summer, which showed the impact of sunshine. NOX and NMHC are the two major factors that form ozone (O3). Since they are mainly from the discharge of motor vehicle and motorcycle, it explains why Tainan station, which locates in urban area, had the most episode days. The TSP results at the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations were complied with the air quality standard. From year 1998 to 2007, TSP values have been showing an identical trend, high in winter and low in summer. As for the analysis of TSP constituents, the concentration of n-Hexane extract was between 0.36~6.85μg/m3. During those years, the highest of 7.91μg/m3 occurred in 1999 and the lowest of 3.26μg/m3 did in 2006. The concentration of Cl- was between 2.04~21.38μg/m3. The trends were identical, slightly higher in winter. The highest of 14.56μg/m3 occurred in 2004 and the lowest of 4.3μg/m3 did in 1998. The concentration of NO3- in TSP constituents was between 3.01~14.60μg/m3. The measurements over the past years showed a trend of high in winder and low in summer. The highest of 15.42μg/m3 occurred in 2001 and the lowest one of 4.73μg/m3 did in 1998. The concentration of SO42- in TSP constituents was between 4.82~23.73μg/m3. The highest of 20.39μg/m3 occurred in 1999 and the lowest of 11.23μg/m3 did in 2005. The concentration of Pb in TSP constituents was between 0.016~0.056μg/m3. The highest of 0.526μg/m3 occurred in 1998 and the lowest of 0.030μg/m3 did in 2005. The measurements of all stations were below the monthly mean (1.0 μg/m3) in accordance with the air quality standard. The trends of dust fall at the Manual Operation Monitoring Stations were all similar. In the past years, the highest value was 11.69 tons/square km/month in 2004 and the lowest value was 4.23 tons/square km/month in 2001. EPA inspection report showed that Chencily Auto-Monitoring Station achieved 89% in the satisfaction survey. Two flaws were pointed out and improved on the day of inspection. The stations at South District Office and Tainan Municipal Min-De Junior High School were selected for the inspection of Manual Operation Monitoring Station. The outcome was 100% satisfactory. For the electronic billboard, a total of 197 advertisements were broadcasting. Among them, 148 were for Tainan EPB, which counts for 75.13%; 37 were for the Revenue Service Office; the rest was for Tainan City Government, National Tax Administration, etc. It certainly has provided an effective way to publicize the environmental protection policies.