

中文摘要 為增進環保及相關司法等人員公害糾紛處理實務經驗之交流,及加強公害糾紛處理等相關法令及循合法處理管道解決紛爭之宣導工作、防杜公害糾紛發生,本研究計畫主要工作內容如下: 一、探討環保先進國家最新環境責任相關機制及內容: (一)環保先進國家最新無過失責任環境損害賠償機制度之探討及分析。 (二)環保先進國家最新強制環境污染責任保險制度探討及分析。 (三)國內外有關環境特別補償基金之組織、架構及經費來源與實施成效探討。 (四)探討訂定環境責任機制之相關內容,配合協助相關立法草案作業。 (五)檢討公害糾紛處理法等相關法規與制度及建議。 二、增進環保及相關司法等人員公害糾紛處理實務經驗之交流,與探討相關公害糾紛處理機制議題,以提升公害糾紛處理效能。 (一)辦理1場環保人員公害陳情及糾紛處理工作檢討會。 (二)辦理2場司法人員環保糾紛司法偵審實務研究班及座談會。 三、加強公害糾紛處理等相關法令及循合法處理管道解決紛爭之宣導工作,提昇公害糾紛處理效能。 四、邀集學者專家組成環境保護協定簽訂輔導服務團,輔導事業與當地居民或地方政府簽訂環境保護協定,並配合委託單位需求,協助宣導協定推廣活動。
中文關鍵字 公害糾紛處理、環境損害、環境責任機制


專案計畫編號 EPA-96-K105-02-207 經費年度 096 計畫經費 2430 千元
專案開始日期 2007/03/01 專案結束日期 2007/12/31 專案主持人 郭麗珍
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 鍾敏慧 執行單位 社團法人台灣法學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-96-K105-02-207.pdf 2MB [期末報告]公開完整版

investigation of case studies on public nuisance dispute handling and environmental liability mechanisms

英文摘要 In order to increase the exchanges of practical experience of handling the public nuisance disputes of officers among environmental agencies and related law enforcement agencies, to enhance the advocacy of relevant laws and regulations and their applications of legal public nuisance dispute resolution mechanisms, and to try to prevent the public nuisance disputes from happening, the main tasks and contents of this research project are as follow: I. This Project tries to explore and discuss the latest relevant mechanisms and contents of environmental liabilities in environmentally advanced countries. A. This Project tries to explore, discuss and analyze the latest development of applying strict liability principle to the compensation of environmental damages in environmentally advanced countries. B. This Project tries to explore, discuss and analyze the latest development of compulsory environmental liability insurance in environmentally advanced countries. C. This Project tries to explore and discuss the organizations, structures, sources and their effectiveness of relevant special environmental compensatory funds, both domestic and abroad. D. This Project tries to explore and discuss and draft the relevant environmental liability mechanisms and cooperating and assisting the relevant preparations of the draft statute. E. This Project tries to examine and provide recommendations on the public nuisance dispute mediation law and its relevant regulation and system. II. This Project tries to increase the exchanges of practical experience of handling the public nuisance disputes of officers among environmental agencies and related law enforcement agencies and to explore and discuss the relevant public nuisance dispute resolution mechanisms to enhance the effectiveness of public nuisance dispute mediation. A. This Project held a seminar on the review of environmental officials handling public nuisance disputes and petitions. B. This project held two symposiums on trial and prosecution practices of environmental disputes for judges and prosecutors. III. This Project tries to strengthen the advocacy of relevant laws and regulations and their applications of legal public nuisance dispute resolution mechanisms and to enhance the effectiveness of public nuisance mediation. IV. This Project invited scholars and experts to form a consulting team for environmental protection agreements to provide consultations for enterprises, local residents and local governments to facilitate their entering into environmental protection agreements and to cooperate with the environmental protection administration to assist the promotional activities of environmental protection agreements.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance Dispute Resolution、Environmental Damage、Environmental Accountability Mechanisms